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Recent content by kingk6

  1. K

    Review by kingk6 in course Victoria Park

    2.00 star(s) Best option around It's a good course for a first exposure to disc golf. The holes aren't very challenging and the 9-hole layout is enough to hold a younger player's shorter attention span. The tee signs are better than I've seen on most courses. The baskets aren't championship caliber but are...
  2. K

    Lee Creek DGC discussion

    Course Intro
  3. Lee Creek DGC media

    Lee Creek DGC media

    Lee Creek DGC media
  4. Barnwell DGC 1570 mi (from your location) Barnwell, AB
    00 reviews
    Holes / Baskets: 6 / 6
    Length: --
    Hole Type: Baskets
    Tee Type: Grass
    Course Type: Permanent course
    Landscape: Mostly Flat
    Terrain: Lightly Wooded
    Multiple Tees / Pins: Yes / No
  5. K

    Barnwell DGC discussion

    Course Intro
  6. Barnwell DGC media

    Barnwell DGC media

    Barnwell DGC media
  7. K

    The Inevitable 2016 Pros Switching Sponsors Thread

    I don't know the guy, but is it the same Eric Vandenberg that the PDGA lists as from North Carolina? http://www.pdga.com/player/3089
  8. K

    The Inevitable 2016 Pros Switching Sponsors Thread

    For what it's worth, Martin Hendel (the top Canadian player) announced that he's leaving Team Daredevil (the biggest Canadian company) to head over to Team Innova.
  9. K

    Future Disc Names?

    I've always maintained that some company should name a disc either "Tantrum" or "Fit". "Nice throw. What was that?" "Oh, I just threw a Tantrum." (For terrible putters, they can buy a "Game")
  10. K

    American Disc Golf Tour

    That's surprising to me. I'm a mid-level player sponsored by Daredevil Discs and they cover my entry fees. As a smaller company, I figured that was the industry standard. Colour me grateful.
  11. K

    American Disc Golf Tour

    I doubt that many touring pros would have to pay for their entry fee. Most sponsorships include entry fees. So you're right - outside of travel, there's not much risk. The biggest risk might be associating themselves with a potentially sub-par endeavor.
  12. K

    American Disc Golf Tour

    Saying that their broadcast will reach "millions" is grossly misleading and dishonest. Just because millions of people have access to ESPN and their network, that doesn't justify that claim. The USDGC was available online this year, but nobody says that the USDGC reached "billions" of people...
  13. K

    DGCR Aces 2015

    This one was from a few months back, but I hit my first tourney ace on June 27 in Fernie, BC on my way to winning my division. There were 4 aces that round which is crazy because they haven't had an ace at that tourney in a very long time. Big long skip shot over OB on the longer hole 7 with a...
  14. K

    Post a cool disc golf photo

    Here's a shot I took of my buddy during a long-drive comp. Aside from the scenery, I love that the disc has replaced/eclipsed his face.
  15. K


    I'm sponsored by Daredevil and they make a world-class Ultimate disc in the GameDisc which happens to be PDGA-approved as a Superclass disc. I have a buddy who bags one and busts it out every now and again for certain shots. Whenever he does, it's hard to take the guy seriously as a disc golfer...