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Kris C
  • DGCR Number
    Real name
    Kris Cummings
    N. Idaho
    Sep 13, 1978 (Age: 46)
    Years Playing
    15.4 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    1 / 4.50 star(s)
    Voting Record
    0 0
    Updated Course Conditions


    Blizz Katana, River, Volt, Trident, King Cobra, Color Shift Buzzz, Breeze, Aviar, RFF Wizard

    Thank you CTRobuck for the amazing VIP SS package!!:clap:


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    You log in to check this why don't you reply? Are you that pathetic you can't admit your wrong and man up and fix this? It looks that way.
    You logged on for the first time in what, over 4 months, and your inbox is still full? Don't worry, I don't even want the PIF'd dye from you anymore. I just want the Anode back.
    It's hilarious that I called you out, and yet a few people decided to give you a second chance (not too bright) and you go ahead and rip a bunch of people off...This forum is better off without scum like yourself.
    dang man, didn't know i was part of a big scam
    i figured some life stuff happened or something.
    anyways i'm out $12 for some soft magnets :/ alls cool if you mail 'em out man, but sad at this point to get took.
    Sad you use to be a legit dude on here and I've sent you some nice plastic to get some dyes and you steal them? Wow dude I hope you get all this stuff straighten out as well but ignoring several people's text messages and getting on local forums and ignoring mutual friends. Karma's a b**** remember that!
    Get online and get this **** straightened out. I understand life happens, but you've got a lot of people you owe discs and it's approaching a month next Saturday since I've personally heard from you. Man up, get on, and communicate.
    I hate to ask, but when did you ship that wizard and did it have a tracking number? I still haven't recieved it.
    Dude what's going on with my discs? I've been waiting over a month and you say they shipped but I haven't got them.
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