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Recent content by kumerow

  1. K

    2024 PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships

    Don't hate on the magazine... I eagerly anticipated reading it when it arrived each quarter when I was a pdga member last year. I still get my monthly paper SI too. And flex tests need a set temperature to be performed at. I agree 100% that a disc leaning against a basket being counted as in...
  2. K

    Dumb question, does a putter has to be round?

    The Elevation Discs could have helped too.
  3. K

    Prodigy Disc What does this stamp say?

    I wanna say the top is 'Deuce' and the bottom is 'Squad'
  4. K

    2024 ledgestone

    Very true. I agree and would not think all OB should be spectator areas. The areas that allow spectators should be known to the players ahead of time even now, so that they know that the shot they play could be risky for either spectator health or getting back in bounds.
  5. K

    2024 ledgestone

    As food for thought, this is the definition of spectator interference in baseball: In every case of spectator interference with a batted or thrown ball, the ball shall be declared dead and the baserunners can be placed where the umpire determines they would have been without the interference...
  6. K

    I carry my discs in my hand

    Reviving an old social group as a thread here now. Anyone can post their adventures with a discs-in-hand round. My most recent discs-in-hand round was at my only sanctioned tournament to be played this year. I carried a Platinum Illusion, HD Demon, DX Roc, and BG P Model US (175 gram) in my...
  7. K

    You can only carry 3 discs a driver,mid,and a putter. What do you choose?

    My current favourites are below. -Mermaid -DX Roc Basegrip P Model US
  8. K

    The Drive of the Tiger

    This, one round event will be played at the newly update Delano Schools Disc Golf Course that has been a work in progress for the last 4 years and we are very excited to host our very first Sanctioned C-Tier Event. As a part of the official Delano 4th July celebration event schedule, there will...
  9. K

    Future of Disc Golf Molds/Discs/Hybrids

    All the technologies above can work, but they will notably be pricier, especially at high volumes. I am not sure exactly how much more cost each will be, but $20 discs may look real affordable in comparison. It was very cool to see the precision of the discs. Pros may be able to justify the...
  10. K

    [Drivers] Are Speed 7 Discs Necessary?

    I definitely am one of the people who plays for executing that one good shot or hitting the line just right. Unless it is a league round where scores are kept, I never know what I finished with either. There's a lot of enjoyment in either finding out how many discs can manage to execute...
  11. K

    Stop asking if you are outside the circle!

    I carry a cheap carabiner with a basic string attached, knotted at the 5 foot marks after 10 feet. I don't usually jump putt, but it can help with any disputes, and is helpful with practice too.
  12. K

    [Innova] The mythical Innova ROC

    I have only had 1 KC and 3 DX, but my KC developed turn before most of the fade beat out while the DX all lost fade first and then the got the slow drift to the right. It is a small sample size (I do not wear out discs quickly at all), but I prefer the DX flight and plastic feel enough that I...
  13. K

    [PDGA Major] Champions Cup 2024

    Out of curiosity: I had my drive land in a puddle when playing league yesterday. The line of casual relief followed the puddle perfectly until the OB path. Is there any option for casual relief in this case? I just marked it and played from the shallow part of the puddle, but was curious if...
  14. K

    [Putters] Reptilian Disc Golf Tortuga: A Comfy PnA

    Just noticed that Tortuga is available again, as that company renamed that original submission to "Biome" instead.
  15. K

    Water discs question

    Throwing into a lake actually sounds like it would be a lot of fun. I heard someone who did something similar used sort of a floating buoy as the target and would swim to where their disc landed and play it from there until finishing the 'hole'. I think Hydras were their choice. Regarding the...