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  • Newest Disc Innova Halo Mako3
    Favorite Manufacturer MVP
    Lost 46
    Wanted --
    Retired 177
    Total 352
    Bags 2
    Bagged 208
    Loose 110
    Market --
    Owner Manufacturer Model Plastic Weight Type Condition Location Status Trade
    Discmania PD Freak S-Line 176 g Driver (F) New Virginia Beach, VA Loose
    Discmania DD! S-Line 175 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Loose
    Discmania FD2 S-Line 173 g Driver (F) New Virginia Beach, VA Loose
    Notes:Kline Horizon Vanguard
    Discmania MD1 S-Line 179 g Midrange New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:Horizon SE. Too much turn. No good with the wind.
    Discmania CD1 C-Line 173 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Loose
    Notes:Cloud Breaker Horizon surprisingly almost flat.
    Discmania DD3 S-Line 168 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:Swirl. Not consistent. More consistent with the heavier 175g.
    Discmania S-Line 173 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:Cloud Breaker a four month struggle
    Discmania MD5 C-Line 175 g Midrange New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:Metal Flake European Open 2023 Prototype. Inconsistent.
    Discmania PD Freak S-Line 170 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Loose
    Notes:Horizon PD Antilla. Same color scheme as the Skywalker.
    Discmania DD! S-Line 173 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Loose
    Discmania FD1 S-Line 174 g Driver (F) New Virginia Beach, VA Loose
    Notes:Casey White Horizon Plastic.
    Discmania DD! S-Line 168 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Loose
    Notes:DD. See if this one will fly better at a lower weight.
    Discraft Heat Z Line 173 g Driver (D) Excellent Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Discraft Hades ESP 171 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:Bringing it back for the 3-step. Grip felt awkward, Beaten out by Zenith, Wave\'s etc.
    Discraft Buzzz ESP 174 g Midrange Excellent Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:American Eagle Stamp
    Discraft Hades ESP 172 g Driver (D) Excellent Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Discraft Luna ESP 174 g Putter New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Innova Thunderbird GStar 169 g Driver (F) New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:struggled in strong wind
    Innova Tern Glow Champion 168 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:Nice blue print. Outperformed by destroyers, shryke, charger.
    Innova Mamba Star 147 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:Not going to be used, used for trade in.
    Innova Mamba Halo 174 g Driver (D) New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:white in the middle. traded for Grey Time Lapse
    Innova Teebird L3 (TL3) DX 170 g Driver (F) Poor Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Notes:Beat in
    Innova Leopard3 Champion 168 g Driver (F) New Virginia Beach, VA Retired
    Innova Pig R-Pro 175 g Putter Excellent Virginia Beach, VA Retired
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