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Marv Vega
  • DGCR Number
    Clearwater, FL
    Oct 12, 1970 (Age: 53)
    Years Playing
    21.3 Years
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    9 / 3.94 star(s)
    Voting Record
    64 35
    Updated Course Conditions


    i hired a stripper to caddie for me. i paid her a $100 and made her wear a bikini. she pull my cart then she would hand me a disc and beer on command.~Cyberspace Wrangler


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    Thanks again for meeting me and showing me your area course, I had a good time. I didn't get my Destroyer back, he swam around for a long time came up with 8 discs none of them mine. I did buy a couple off of him, and man did they stink. I soaked them in rubbing alcohol then bleach and one of them still reaks. That is some nasty water.
    I'm out of Saint Augustine working on the road I was told by Thrembo you might be willing to show me one of the local Clearwater courses? I am interested in the Tocobago, Cliff Stevens, and Coachman parks, but would play other recomended courses as well. I will be back down here next week starting Sun night. I work the graveyard shift 10 pm - 6 am, so I have to play kind of early like 9-10 ish til about 1-2 pm then try to get some sleep and repeat the process. Thanks
    Hey dude. Coco and I are gonna meet at Cliff this Monday at noon. You prolly gotta work, but if you can play hooky then come on out!
    Hey Marv, me and Cocopop are playin Cliff tomorrow jus wanted to extend the invite cause I know you're in the area. i'll be there around 12pm or 1pm but coco will be there all day. my # is 813.270.9072 if you wanna join us. -dangit, boy!
    Hey marv, I'm going to Cliff Stevens tomorrow. I'll be there all day, wanna catch me for a round?
    Favre probably woundn't have been home anyway. From what I've heard he's been here in Tampa meeting with the Buc's owner at a high end Steak joint. How many Fantasy teams are signed up? We still have a month or so to the draft so hopefully we can recruit more teams.
    We need some more Football players. I drove by Brett Favre's house yesterday and I wanted to stop and ask him whet he was going to do, but I was afraid of being arrested.
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