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  • love to disc and the summer time

    disc, games, camping, chillin
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    grand rapids MI... 616 bitches
    Aug 25, 1987 (Age: 37)
    Years Playing
    16.5 Years
    DGCR Player Rating
    Voting Record
    0 0
    Updated Course Conditions
    engineering manager


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    Just ordered another surge and another tracker. both in Z plastic. also got a sweet Discraft sweatshirt. BOMB DIGGITY
    Mav G, I am up to 59 courses now. this is huge. By the end of next weekend i will hit 60. i am pretty excited about it and pretty much life in general. Oh yeah and just to let you know i played two courses today and the people i played on both of them kicked my ass. FML. lol.**** them i was on their home courses. they should win. lol
    Mav G, WTF. you still play disc golf now and days or what. anyways figured i would let you know i am going on a camping trip over to San Antonio this weekend to play up some top notch courses. so i guess next spring after i play all winter down here in the beautiful sun i will be tearing you up. lol. Get at me. oh by the way i still don't have any friends that play disc golf down here with me. pretty much blows. thinking about joining a league so i can meet people.
    mav i still think it is retarded that you say you have only been playing disc golf for 1.4 years now. i mean you had a disc before i ever even seen a course. I have been playing for 2 years now. "SANDBAGGER". LOL
    Mav G just wanted to let you know that i will be playing disc in mississippi next week and the week after that i will be up in denver colorado. this is huge. My job just seems to be hooking me up with sweet spots now. well get at me bud.
    just saw your post on the Michigan throwers forum, I am always looking for people to play with in GR, I'm not a pro or anything though, but I have been playing for a long time.
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