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Recent content by MrHollywood

  1. M

    Review by MrHollywood in course Crestmont Park

    3.00 star(s) -Has a good variety of shots -Great course for intermediates -Concrete tee pads -Some real awesome holes such as the downhill on 15 -Really did great with the elevation changes -Located in a great park that seems to be there just for the course -Not very much signage -Some tee pads hard to find...
  2. M

    What's the best fundraising idea for a disc golf course?

    Oh I assume you are Tommy then. Yea I am Ande's little brother. I almost went out that day with you guys but I had to stay home and work.
  3. M

    What's the best fundraising idea for a disc golf course?

    I'm guessing you know Ande then? And that would be awesome to get something like that worked out.
  4. M

    What's the best fundraising idea for a disc golf course?

    One thing we really don't want to do is pay to play. We sold this idea to the park board on the fact it didn't cost anything and all of us that helped with it really want it to stay free.
  5. M

    What's the best fundraising idea for a disc golf course?

    Alright I realized the review was defiantly biased and have edited it down to some generalities about the course and gave it a lower rating (mainly because I couldn't figure out how to delete the review out right.) Thanks for the tips so far and any others would be appreciated. I'm going out to...
  6. M

    What's the best fundraising idea for a disc golf course?

    My brothers and I recently just built a new course in our hometown because we were sick of drving far away to play. The course is named after my father who passed away January of this year. We got a large chunk of money from the money donated at the funeral for the course. Now we have 9...
  7. M

    What is the one disc everyone MUST have in their bag?

    I just picked up dx roc and that disc is amazing. I also ordered an r-pro one but today when I got it I kind of felt stupid for buying it. The plastic just feels super cheap and is not as rubbery as I expected it to be. Note to everyone, go dx and not r-pro.
  8. M

    Rec Par vs. Pro Par

    My brothers and I always play pro par. The only exception is if a hole gets over 500' then we may decide to make it par 4 or 5 but we usually stick with par 3.
  9. M

    What is the one disc everyone MUST have in their bag?

    What is the one disc that everyone should have in their bags?
  10. M

    Review by MrHollywood in course Bixler Lake Park - East

    3.00 star(s) Great foundation for an excellent course Alot of aceable shots, mixed variety of shots, excellent use of terrain, overall pretty fun course, some pretty views Not completed yet, a tad short right now I am one of the people who help designed the course. Right now we have the back 9 in and are...
  11. M

    A question about a purchase I just made

    So I ended up just circumventing the whole problem by buying a brand new Dx Roc today. Haha. Was very glad I bought it. Threw some pretty great second shots, one being a a second shot from about 150 feet out that got chains. Would definitely recommend it. So now i have a R-Pro Roc, Star...
  12. M

    A question about a purchase I just made

    Thanks. I'll probably end up getting a Dx Roc too. Dang I'm going to need a new bag but don't want to drop the money.
  13. M

    A question about a purchase I just made

    Haha. Thanks. I was just wondering if other people have tried them out and just wonder what the general opinion was on them.
  14. M

    A question about a purchase I just made

    I recently was reading alot about the Roc and decided to get one for myself. My brother talked me into getting the R-Pro instead of the Dx. Was that a bad move?