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Recent content by MulliganStew

  1. MulliganStew

    Review by MulliganStew in course Golden Gate Park DGC

    4.00 star(s) Great place to rip. This coarse is one of the finest, and cleanest I have played. Every tee pad is concrete with a medalion stating who sponsored it. The paths to the next tee are all very well marked except for one. The paths are lined with wood chips. The holes themselves are well designed...
  2. MulliganStew


    Helps me, to know what I have been doing is a good way. I have been using understabs Avenger SS and Sidewinder for some time. Now I can control them pretty well. Not getting huge distance but that is due to another habit. What I am getting is pretty good control. This fall and winter I started...
  3. MulliganStew

    Review by MulliganStew in course Lake Mingo DGC

    2.50 star(s) Mingo Lingo/Ice Bowl Style This course is a small open 9er that wraps nicely around a multiuse park with a lake. There is a shelter house, plenty of trash cans and a bathroom. Most of the holes are open, a few have spares big trees. There are some OB and a small drainage ditch come into play...
  4. MulliganStew

    Review by MulliganStew in course Riney B DGC

    3.50 star(s) Ice Bowling... This course is a lot of fun. There were very challenging wooded holes were you better have a nice hyzer, and a long anhyzer in your arsenal. The wooded holes have narrow well maintained fairways. If you can toss a nice controlled midrange drive you will be set for a par. If you go...
  5. MulliganStew

    Howzabout We Get A FaceBook...

    Not a fan of facebook, I work in IT on the side, and have had to remove the new facebook virus from 36 computers in the last few months. While some of us are smart enough to not click on that crap, your average Joe and Joeann get fooled very easily by popups that look like a windows message...
  6. MulliganStew

    Review by MulliganStew in course Lincoln Ridge Park

    4.50 star(s) Rip and run.... Phenomenal course, long holes weaving in and out of woods. Really nice elevation changes throughout. Several tees go off near cliff size chasms of dispare. One going so far down my ears popped on my way down to the creek bed to retrieve my disc. Wonderful balance between wooded...
  7. MulliganStew

    Review by MulliganStew in course Idlewild

    5.00 star(s) Stunning course... This course is stunningly beautiful, even this time of year (winter). The course is huge and has very nice wide defined fairways that are very well maintained. Fantastic use of obstacles and out of bounds areas (signage). Many holes have drop points if you go out of bounds. A...
  8. MulliganStew

    Ski resort/Disc golf course?

    Pretty sure I found it. Giants Ridge, MN http://www.dgcoursereview.com/course.php?id=1308 On the Laurentian Divide in the Superior National Forest; championship alpine course with extremely challenging terrain (1600' vertical drop) that covers over 80 acres. Holes traverse, climb, and descend...
  9. MulliganStew

    Ski resort/Disc golf course?

    Hey, I found a course surfing google last year. I went directly to their website. But I can not for the life of me remember the name of it. They had a map of it on their web site. All I can remember is there were some water hazards a couple chair lifts, and it was in one of the northern states...
  10. MulliganStew

    Flip City Rating

    You know the fact that there is a lively debate on which couse is better pretty much negates the purpose of reviewing. People will give artificially high or low scores so their home course will be number one. Oh sure we can all be REALLY unbiased....right? So how many folks reregisted from work...
  11. MulliganStew

    Death of Otter Creek Park

    WHAT, I thought they would be in until Jan???
  12. MulliganStew

    It Finally Happened!!!

    I feel you, I just cracked one of my first ever discs good ole DX Cobra last Sunday.
  13. MulliganStew

    What do you do?

    So one day my supervisor tells us to get lost at 2:30. So a coworker and I took off to play Iroquois. We get get back to pick up my car around 3:30 and the boss is there absolutely blistering pissed. Chewing us out up one side and down the other. I was just about to leave but I could not leave...
  14. MulliganStew

    Review by MulliganStew in course East Frankfort Park DGC

    3.00 star(s) Woodpecker. T Pads have distance stamped in cement. Well manicured, tough technical course, good elevation changes, lots of benches and trash cans. Lots of anhyzers, some hyzers, and just a few open field shots. The woods really make you work on your midrange turns and acuracy. It is a short...
  15. MulliganStew

    Death of Otter Creek Park

    I would not freak out too much, the city has a 20 million dollar short fall for it's budget. My money is on it will be opened agian in the spring.