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  • DGCR Number
    Voting Record
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    Updated Course Conditions


    • Stat Addict
    • Stat Addict
    • Stat Addict
    • Stat Addict
    • Workout
    • Workout
    • Workout
    • Workout
    • Course Explorer
    • Course Explorer
    • Course Explorer
    • Course Explorer
    • Shutterbug
    • Shutterbug
    • Shutterbug
    • Shutterbug
    • Uploader
    • Uploader
    • Uploader
    • Uploader
    • Linker
    • Linker
    • Linker
    • Linker
    • Disc Collector
    • Disc Collector
    • Disc Collector
    • Disc Collector
    • State Explorer
    • State Explorer
    • State Explorer
    • State Explorer
    • Country Explorer
    • Country Explorer
    • Country Explorer
    • Country Explorer
    • Road Warrior
    • Road Warrior
    • Road Warrior
    • Road Warrior
    • Discoverer
    • Discoverer
    • Discoverer
    • Discoverer
    • Correspondent
    • Correspondent
    • Correspondent
    • Correspondent
    • Videographer
    • Videographer
    • Videographer
    • Videographer
    • Wordsmith
    • Wordsmith
    • Wordsmith
    • Wordsmith
    • Competitor
    • Competitor
    • Competitor
    • Competitor
    • Tournament Director
    • Tournament Director
    • Tournament Director
    • Tournament Director
    • Informant
    • Informant
    • Informant
    • Informant
    • Premium
    • Aces
    • Aces
    • Aces
    • Aces
    hey - i literally just responded to you - never saw your reply until now. I have about 4 to 8 saying they are coming out on Sunday. I informed them it is a go - just wanted to know what you needed us to bring (saws, rakes, etc.). 9am works. Here is my cell (919-522-2815) in the event you need to get in touch with my directly - since I do not visit this page often.
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