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  • Overall Stats

    Most Played Course: Maytag Park
    DGCR Player Rating: 985
    Total Rounds Played: 144
    Total Holes Played: 2576
    Total Distance Covered: 155.91 Miles
    Average Score per Round: 53
    Average Putts per Hole: --
    Total Shots: 7619
    Total Aces: 2
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: 3
    Total Birdies: 682
    Total Pars: 1426
    Total Bogies: 401
    Total Double Bogies: 57
    Total Triple Bogies: 3
    Average Round Rating: 981
    Total Rounds Played: 76
    Total Holes Played: 1366
    Total Distance Covered: 86.02 Miles
    Average Score / Best Score: 53 / 45
    Average Putts per Hole: --
    Total Shots: 4033
    Total Aces: 1
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: --
    Total Birdies: 328
    Total Pars: 797
    Total Bogies: 215
    Total Double Bogies: 25
    Total Triple Bogies: --

    Recent Rounds

    Maytag Park

    Newton, IA
    Score: 58 +4
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    50°F Cloudy Strong 934
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:AB setup. Threw with Don, Suzanne, Aaron, and Clint. Played for $.25 a hole, no carry-overs. Really windy and not a very good round, but all that matters is that I walked away $3 richer than I came in.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 291 3 2 -- --
    2 264 3 4 -- --
    Missed a '25 death putt
    3 269 3 4 -- --
    Missed a 25' headwind putt
    4 291 3 2 -- --
    5 398 3 2 -- --
    Hit a beautiful 60' putt from the other side of the road
    6 285 3 3 -- --
    7 498 3 5 -- --
    Bad drive and two bad up shots
    8 309 3 3 -- --
    9 336 3 3 -- --
    Nailed a 30' uphill putt to save par
    10 281 3 3 -- --
    The wind really picked up from this point on
    11 742 3 4 -- --
    Hit from 35' to push the hole
    12 235 3 2 -- --
    Parked with a forehand
    13 303 3 3 -- --
    14 333 3 4 -- --
    Shanked drive, short up
    15 315 3 4 -- --
    Missed 20' par putt in high wind
    16 313 3 3 -- --
    17 250 3 3 -- --
    Missed from 25'
    18 225 3 4 -- --
    Into the low hanging branches off the tee
    Totals: 5938 54 58 -- --

    Maytag Park

    Newton, IA
    Score: 55 +1
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    55°F Sunny Calm 963
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:AB setup. League play. Ok round for me. I'm not used to the much slowed down pace of playing with 3 other golfers, so it looks like I'm going to need a while to adjust.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 291 3 3 -- --
    2 264 3 3 -- --
    3 269 3 3 -- --
    4 291 3 2 -- --
    Parked with my FLX Drone
    5 398 3 3 -- --
    6 285 3 3 -- --
    7 498 3 4 -- --
    Into the trees off the tee, and my up fell down the hill away from the basket.
    8 309 3 3 -- --
    9 336 3 3 -- --
    10 281 3 3 -- --
    11 742 3 4 -- --
    Missed from about 50'. I'm gonna 3 this one of these days...
    12 235 3 3 -- --
    Missed from 30' for bird
    13 303 3 3 -- --
    14 333 3 3 -- --
    15 315 3 3 -- --
    16 313 3 3 -- --
    17 250 3 3 -- --
    18 225 3 3 -- --
    Totals: 5938 54 55 -- --

    Maytag Park

    Newton, IA
    Score: 54 Even
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    50°F Sunny Calm 973
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:AB setup. Threw alone. Nice day for disc golf now that the wind has calmed down. Putting still pretty bad.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 291 3 3 -- --
    2 264 3 4 -- --
    Tried to get fancy and go over top of the trees. Didn't even make it up the hill.
    3 269 3 3 -- --
    4 291 3 3 -- --
    5 398 3 3 -- --
    6 285 3 3 -- --
    Just barely missed a 40' straddle putt from behind the pine
    7 498 3 3 -- --
    8 309 3 3 -- --
    9 336 3 3 -- --
    10 281 3 3 -- --
    11 742 3 5 -- --
    This was very preventable. My drive was bad, and my 3rd shot was short. Not pleased with myself
    12 235 3 2 -- --
    13 303 3 3 -- --
    14 333 3 3 -- --
    15 315 3 3 -- --
    16 313 3 3 -- --
    17 250 3 2 -- --
    18 225 3 2 -- --
    Hit from 25' downhill for bird
    Totals: 5938 54 54 -- --

    Maytag Park

    Newton, IA
    Score: 60 +6
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    40°F Sunny Strong 914
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:2
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:AB setup. Threw alone. Very windy and still a little chilly. I just flat out sucked today. I was going to play another round, but when I got done I was so pissed I just got in my car and went home.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 291 3 3 -- --
    2 264 3 4 -- --
    Missed a 15' putt that rolled all the way down the hill
    3 269 3 3 -- --
    4 291 3 4 -- --
    Missed from 20'
    5 398 3 5 -- 1
    Threw OB off the tee and threw my up short
    6 285 3 3 -- --
    7 498 3 4 -- --
    Drive came out early and I wound up way up the hill
    8 309 3 3 -- --
    Missed from 25'
    9 336 3 3 -- --
    10 281 3 2 -- --
    One of two birdies. Made a 30' putt in the wind
    11 742 3 5 -- --
    12 235 3 3 -- --
    13 303 3 4 -- --
    Missed from 25'
    14 333 3 3 -- --
    15 315 3 3 -- --
    16 313 3 3 -- --
    17 250 3 3 -- --
    18 225 3 2 -- --
    Made from 20'
    Totals: 5938 54 60 -- 1

    Maytag Park

    Newton, IA
    Score: 53 -1
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    55°F Sunny Moderate 983
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:Threw alone. Couldn't stay inside, it was just too nice. This was my third round of the day. Not bad.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 291 3 4 -- --
    shanked my drive and missed from 30'
    2 264 3 3 -- --
    3 269 3 3 -- --
    4 291 3 2 -- --
    made from 45'
    5 398 3 3 -- --
    6 285 3 2 -- --
    7 498 3 3 -- --
    8 309 3 3 -- --
    9 336 3 3 -- --
    10 281 3 3 -- --
    11 742 3 4 -- --
    was pin high after my second shot but missed from 45'
    12 235 3 3 -- --
    13 303 3 2 -- --
    parked with a buzz
    14 333 3 3 -- --
    15 315 3 4 -- --
    this was just dumb. bad up and missed from 30'
    16 313 3 3 -- --
    17 250 3 3 -- --
    18 225 3 2 -- --
    made from 30' to finish -1
    Totals: 5938 54 53 -- --
    Score: 58 -3
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    60°F Sunny Moderate 945
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:Threw with Brian. 2nd of two rounds. Another decent one for me. Birdied some different holes this round than the first time through. Putting was a little better, and I managed to stay in-bounds the whole round.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 310 3 3 -- --
    2 300 3 3 -- --
    3 377 3 3 -- --
    4 206 3 3 -- --
    Threw a nice easy drive and the wind just took and sent it long into the creek. I was lucky to get a 3
    5 400 4 4 -- --
    Good drive, up hit a tree and ruined my potential 3
    6 550 5 4 -- --
    Another great drive, but threw my up into the ground
    7 188 3 3 -- --
    8 226 3 5 -- --
    This was just stupid. Hit a 25-30' putt to save double bogey
    9 457 4 4 -- --
    10 234 3 3 -- --
    11 352 3 3 -- --
    12 481 4 3 -- --
    Threw my drive pin high off the tee, but missed my 30' bid for birdie
    13 264 3 2 -- --
    Parked it off the tee
    14 265 3 3 -- --
    15 272 3 3 -- --
    16 320 3 3 -- --
    17 470 4 3 -- --
    Threw into the creek off the tee, but threw a good out to save birdie
    18 505 4 3 -- --
    Nice turn-around drive put me in good position for the 3
    Totals: 6177 61 58 -- --
    Score: 58 -3
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    55°F Sunny Moderate 945
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:Threw with Brian. First of two rounds. Not a bad round. Putting is still off, but I'm getting more comfortable driving on some of these big downhill bombers.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 310 3 3 -- --
    2 300 3 4 -- 1
    Hit a branch off the tee and went over the fence
    3 377 3 3 -- --
    4 206 3 2 -- --
    5 400 4 4 -- --
    6 550 5 3 -- --
    Threw a money drive with my Stalker and parked my 2nd for an easy eagle.
    7 188 3 2 -- --
    8 226 3 3 -- --
    9 457 4 4 -- --
    Threw my up into a bush and missed the putt from about 25'
    10 234 3 3 -- --
    11 352 3 4 -- --
    12 481 4 4 -- --
    13 264 3 3 -- --
    14 265 3 3 -- --
    15 272 3 2 -- --
    Brian recorded my score as a 3, but I parked this off the tee for a drop in birdie
    16 320 3 3 -- --
    17 470 4 4 -- 1
    Landed my drive in the road off the tee
    18 505 4 4 -- --
    Totals: 6177 61 58 -- 2

    Maytag Park

    Newton, IA
    Score: 53 -1
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    32°F Cloudy Calm 987
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:AB setup. Threw alone. Weather still pretty good, and it's not nearly as wet as it has been. Used this round to work on forehands a little more. Not a bad round. Still pretty up and down right now.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 250 3 2 -- --
    Parked it with a forehand
    2 310 3 3 -- --
    3 269 3 4 -- --
    4 382 3 4 -- --
    Threw OB off the tee. On the road over by the lean-to.
    5 300 3 2 -- --
    Hit a nice 30' putt
    6 409 3 3 -- --
    Beautiful drive landed pin high, but missed downhill putt from 20'
    7 419 3 3 -- --
    Another great drive, another missed putt.
    8 388 3 4 -- --
    Bad drive, bad up, missed putt. What else is new?
    9 260 3 3 -- --
    10 350 3 2 -- --
    Hit from 35'
    11 604 3 4 -- --
    Slipped on my upshot, landed left behind the pine tree
    12 235 3 2 -- --
    Another good forehand, seems to be the cleanest shot for this hole.
    13 314 3 3 -- --
    This was one of those, "How on earth did I miss that putt?" kind of holes
    14 402 3 4 -- --
    Shanked my drive, short up, missed from 50'
    15 257 3 2 -- --
    Hit from 25'
    16 389 3 3 -- --
    17 250 3 3 -- --
    Forehand, but short. Missed the downhill 35' putt
    18 257 3 2 -- --
    Parked off the tee. And I mean handicap parked.
    Totals: 6045 54 53 -- --

    Maytag Park

    Newton, IA
    Score: 52 -2
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    30°F Sunny Calm 997
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:AB setup. Threw alone. Weather was beautiful. Even though it was fairly cold, the sun more than made up for it. This was an up and down round for me. Made some putts that I had formerly been missing.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 250 3 2 -- --
    Nailed a 25' downhill putt. Got my confidence going.
    2 310 3 3 -- --
    3 269 3 4 -- --
    Shanked my drive, threw my up into the pine tree on the right.
    4 382 3 4 -- --
    Shanked my drive, threw a short up and missed the 35' putt.
    5 300 3 2 -- --
    Canned a 30' putt
    6 409 3 3 -- --
    Was pin high off the tee, but 25' to the left and missed the putt coming downhill
    7 419 3 3 -- --
    8 388 3 2 -- --
    Good drive, made a 20'. This started me on a 3 hole birdie tear
    9 260 3 2 -- --
    Made from 25'
    10 350 3 2 -- --
    Good kick off the giant pine to the right left me 15' to the right
    11 604 3 5 -- --
    Shanked my drive, shanked my 2nd shot, shanked my up, missed a 40' putt
    12 235 3 3 -- --
    13 314 3 3 -- --
    Ran at the pin, but skipped long. Missed from 30'
    14 402 3 3 -- --
    15 257 3 2 -- --
    Drained from 25'
    16 389 3 2 -- --
    Dead center chains from 35'
    17 250 3 3 -- --
    18 257 3 4 -- --
    Hit a branch off the tee, bad up, missed from 30'
    Totals: 6045 54 52 -- --

    Maytag Park

    Newton, IA
    Score: 58 +4
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    45°F Cloudy Calm 939
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:AB Setup. Threw alone. Played two rounds today, but only recorded the first. I wish now that I hadn't.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 250 3 2 -- --
    Canned a 30' putt
    2 310 3 4 -- --
    Bad drive, chained out my 25' par putt
    3 269 3 3 -- --
    4 382 3 3 -- --
    5 300 3 3 -- --
    6 409 3 4 -- --
    Bad upshot
    7 419 3 3 -- --
    8 388 3 4 -- --
    A branch reached out and knocked my drive down
    9 260 3 3 -- --
    10 350 3 2 -- --
    Hit from 25'
    11 604 3 4 -- --
    Upshot wide left
    12 235 3 3 -- --
    13 314 3 3 -- --
    14 402 3 4 -- --
    Basket spit out my 35' par bid
    15 257 3 3 -- --
    Hit the first tree on the right
    16 389 3 4 -- --
    Wide right on a 30' par putt
    17 250 3 3 -- --
    Hit the top of the basket from 50'
    18 257 3 3 -- --
    Missed 20' birdie attempt
    Totals: 6045 54 58 -- --
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