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Recent content by sgamerp

  1. sgamerp

    Old Farts Only 40+ (no kids allowed)

    I'm pumped to be back here in 2 years.
  2. sgamerp

    How many of these are still out there?

    I've been rocking my dry fit a lot and have been using my green trusted reviewer mini lately too.
  3. sgamerp

    How many of these are still out there?

    Yes it is!
  4. sgamerp

    What are your favorite 2 discs in your bag to throw?

    I'd say the Tursas and the Warship. If I could add a third it'd be the Sockibomb Slammer.
  5. sgamerp

    How many of these are still out there?

    I have the Roc. I aced hole #8 at Flip City with it.
  6. sgamerp

    Mystery Boxes

    I considered doing this after hearing him talk about it.
  7. sgamerp

    Mystery Boxes

    I currently am getting the Prodigy Club One which gives you 5 discs and some random extras (last quarter it was a Dry Fit, Over Sized Mini and a Performance Wear Hat) for 95.00. One of the discs was a "test" run and most are in cool stamps or plastic. I know Prodigy gets a lot of flack I think...
  8. sgamerp

    Mystery Boxes

    How does everyone feel about Mystery Boxes on here? I know they aren't for everyone, but I do enjoy getting some different discs and was wondering if anyone had some good experiences with any?
  9. sgamerp

    How often do you make 50 footers?

    Hardly ever.
  10. sgamerp

    What are your favorite 2 discs in your bag to throw?

    The Warship is probably my most thrown disc and my go to mid range for sure. For the second one a bit harder. I like the Tursas because I've been throwing a ton of turnovers lately. But as I've added the Sockibomb Slammer to the bag it seems to be a more reliable Harp for me. It's a bit...
  11. sgamerp

    Course Conditions

    For me I normally just put the condition of the course itself. If it's wet, if there is over grown stuff, if they mowed recently. Not sure that's the best way to do it but I normally play fairly early and no one is on the course.
  12. sgamerp

    The Dye A Day Thread! (Part III)

    This thing has a lot of random issues but for the first attempt at a spin dye I think I did okay. I did a masked glue dye and some of it leaked in. The middle part I got off track, but over all don't hate this.