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Recent content by Smcneil

  1. Smcneil

    The Amateur Championships at Bowling Green

    I have a question. What does "Cali" mean in reference to doubles. I saw this on sun kings registration page. Don't have a partner? No worries, show up and we will match you with another player or you can opt in to play "Cali"
  2. Smcneil

    The Amateur Championships at Bowling Green

    Will there be updates on the website about the daily events leading up to the weekend. I am coming from Canada and want to try and plan some site seeing as well as golf in some of daily minis. I'm just looking for better info as to what are involved in the minis. ie Wednesday and Thursday 9-6...
  3. Smcneil

    The Amateur Championships at Bowling Green

    I am excited to make the drive down from Canada for this. This will be my first event state side. Looking forward to meeting new people and having a good time.
  4. Smcneil

    [Question] How many backups of each mold do you carry?

    I don't carry any backups at all I have a bin in my car with back ups. I prefer throwing new plastic, I do not beat my discs in to something different. That way I can always grab a new disc and go. My favourite go to discs I have 2 back ups for each just in case I lose or damage one and I can...
  5. Smcneil

    [Question] What is this disc worth (Part IV)?

    Price please Innova Champion Glo 1st Run 172g Firebird, Mace Man Big Show, Limited Edition 10/10
  6. Smcneil

    [Legacy] Looking To Add Some Legacy To My Life

    I have been throwing Legacy for almost 2 years and the rival is my go to fairway driver. It is like a faster eagle with more glide. I also throw the rampage as my go to distance driver. The clutch is like a Discraft magnet it is slightly overstable. I do not throw the patriot I found it a little...
  7. Smcneil

    [Question] What is this disc worth (Part IV)?

    I forgot to mention 10/10 Anyone got an accurate price on these? I have heard everything from 20-55 on FB
  8. Smcneil

    [Question] What is this disc worth (Part IV)?

    Looking for a price pearly champion rhyno, Ontario mold with patent number 174g http://www.flickr.com/photos/83524990@N05/8989992991/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/83524990@N05/8989996727/
  9. Smcneil

    [Legacy] Legacy/Skulboy Premium Plastic GIVEAWAY

    Sweet discs. Legacy FTW
  10. Smcneil

    [Discraft] Ridiculously Early 2013 Ace Race Disc Speculation Thread!

    Legacy Discs Clutch is a clone of the magnet and it comes in a ESP style plastic that is very durable.
  11. Smcneil

    Win a free Patriot, just suggest a few discs names. Ends February 17th

    Mids Overstable: The Intruder Understable: The Spirit Drivers Overstable: Carnage Understable: Endeavour
  12. Legacy


    Legacy Discs