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  • Overall Stats

    Most Played Course: Ballou Park DGC - Course #2
    DGCR Player Rating: 921
    Total Rounds Played: 75
    Total Holes Played: 1230
    Total Distance Covered: 64.29 Miles
    Average Score per Round: 56
    Average Putts per Hole: 1.30
    Total Shots: 4207
    Total Aces: 3
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: 2
    Total Birdies: 175
    Total Pars: 618
    Total Bogies: 347
    Total Double Bogies: 70
    Total Triple Bogies: 12
    Average Round Rating: 847
    Total Rounds Played: 33
    Total Holes Played: 594
    Total Distance Covered: 30.25 Miles
    Average Score / Best Score: 59 / 47
    Average Putts per Hole: 1.23
    Total Shots: 1959
    Total Aces: --
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: --
    Total Birdies: 86
    Total Pars: 330
    Total Bogies: 152
    Total Double Bogies: 20
    Total Triple Bogies: 6

    Recent Rounds

    Score: 43 -12
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 27
    65°F Cloudy None n/a
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:Greatest round of my life. All on camera. https://youtu.be/LPKPYdETx4M. Looking back, I only used 6 discs.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 235 3 3 1 --
    Voodoo x3
    2 365 3 3 1 --
    Impact. Voodoo X2
    3 226 3 2 1 --
    Dagger. Voodoo
    4 173 3 2 1 --
    Voodoo x2
    5 289 3 2 1 --
    Dagger. Voodoo
    6 287 3 1 0 --
    7 185 3 2 1 --
    Voodoo x2
    8 228 3 2 1 --
    Impact. Voodoo
    9 360 4 3 1 --
    World. Voodoo x2
    10 235 3 3 1 --
    Voodoo X3
    11 388 3 4 2 1
    Dagger. Voodoo X2
    12 175 3 2 1 --
    Voodoo x2
    13 245 3 2 1 --
    Harp. Voodoo
    14 317 3 2 1 --
    Trespass. Voodoo
    15 242 3 2 1 --
    Impact. Voodoo
    16 340 3 3 2 --
    Harp. Voodoo X2
    17 227 3 2 1 --
    Impact. Voodoo
    18 222 3 3 2 --
    Dagger. Voodoo x2
    Totals: 4739 55 43 20 1

    Kraken DGC

    Semora, NC
    Score: 55 +1
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    90°F Sunny Calm 825
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:2
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 355 3 3 1 --
    2 210 3 2 1 --
    3 285 3 3 2 --
    4 290 3 2 1 --
    5 215 3 3 1 --
    6 300 3 3 1 --
    7 310 3 3 1 --
    8 250 3 3 2 --
    9 400 3 3 1 --
    10 235 3 3 2 --
    11 215 3 4 2 --
    12 240 3 2 1 --
    13 245 3 2 1 --
    14 210 3 5 2 1
    15 200 3 5 2 1
    16 205 3 3 1 --
    17 215 3 3 1 --
    18 180 3 3 1 --
    Totals: 4560 54 55 24 2
    Score: 47 -8
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    65°F Cloudy Calm 984
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 274 3 3 1 --
    2 194 3 2 1 --
    3 342 3 2 1 --
    4 350 3 3 1 --
    5 225 3 2 1 --
    6 272 3 4 1 --
    7 238 3 3 1 --
    8 184 3 2 1 --
    9 267 3 2 1 --
    10 170 3 3 1 --
    11 260 3 3 1 --
    12 216 3 2 1 --
    13 236 3 3 2 --
    14 166 3 2 1 --
    15 259 3 3 1 --
    16 315 3 3 1 --
    17 225 3 2 1 --
    18 420 4 3 1 --
    Totals: 4613 55 47 19 --
    Score: 57 -1
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    70°F Sunny Calm 947
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 392 3 3 1 --
    2 317 3 4 2 --
    3 342 3 3 1 --
    4 550 4 4 1 --
    5 250 3 3 1 --
    6 361 3 2 1 --
    7 260 3 3 2 --
    8 184 3 3 1 --
    9 402 3 3 2 --
    10 170 3 2 1 --
    11 361 3 3 2 --
    12 337 4 6 1 --
    13 236 3 3 1 --
    14 242 3 2 1 --
    15 259 3 2 1 --
    16 480 4 5 1 --
    17 337 3 3 2 --
    18 539 4 3 1 --
    Totals: 6019 58 57 23 --
    Score: 61 +3
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    70°F Sunny Moderate 908
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:2
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 392 3 3 1 --
    2 317 3 3 1 --
    3 342 3 3 1 --
    4 550 4 4 1 --
    5 250 3 3 1 --
    6 361 3 4 1 --
    7 260 3 3 1 --
    8 184 3 3 1 --
    9 402 3 5 2 --
    10 170 3 5 2 --
    11 361 3 3 1 --
    12 337 4 3 1 --
    13 236 3 4 1 --
    14 242 3 3 2 --
    15 259 3 3 1 --
    16 480 4 3 1 --
    17 337 3 3 1 --
    18 539 4 3 1 --
    Totals: 6019 58 61 21 --

    Edmunds Park DGC

    South Boston, VA
    Score: 57 -8
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    -- Sunny Calm 956
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 463 4 3 -- --
    2 525 4 3 -- --
    3 245 3 2 -- --
    4 312 3 3 -- --
    5 205 3 2 -- --
    6 525 5 6 -- --
    7 214 3 2 -- --
    8 342 4 4 -- --
    9 209 3 3 -- --
    10 345 4 3 -- --
    11 235 3 3 -- --
    12 220 3 2 -- --
    13 307 3 2 -- --
    14 380 4 4 -- --
    15 438 4 3 -- --
    16 706 5 4 -- --
    17 325 4 4 -- --
    18 220 3 4 -- --
    Totals: 6216 65 57 -- --
    Score: 47 -7
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 27
    70°F Sunny None n/a
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 235 3 2 -- --
    2 365 3 2 -- --
    3 226 3 3 -- --
    4 173 3 2 -- --
    5 289 3 3 -- --
    6 287 3 2 -- --
    7 185 3 2 -- --
    8 228 3 3 -- --
    9 360 3 3 -- --
    10 235 3 2 -- --
    11 388 3 3 -- --
    12 175 3 2 -- --
    13 245 3 2 -- --
    14 317 3 4 -- --
    15 242 3 3 -- --
    16 340 3 4 -- --
    17 227 3 3 -- --
    18 222 3 2 -- --
    Totals: 4739 54 47 -- --
    Score: 65 +7
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    90°F Sunny None 870
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 392 3 3 1 --
    2 317 3 3 1 --
    3 342 3 4 3 --
    4 550 4 5 2 --
    5 250 3 3 1 --
    6 361 3 4 1 --
    7 282 3 4 1 --
    8 184 3 3 1 --
    9 402 3 3 1 --
    10 170 3 4 1 --
    11 361 3 4 1 --
    12 337 4 4 1 --
    13 236 3 3 1 --
    14 242 3 3 1 --
    15 259 3 3 1 --
    16 480 4 5 2 --
    17 337 3 3 1 --
    18 539 4 4 1 --
    Totals: 6041 58 65 22 --
    Score: 74 +3
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    19 / 27
    50°F Cloudy Moderate 901
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:round 2 - trifunathon
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 365 4 4 1 --
    terrible drive.
    2 627 5 6 2 --
    bad drive. bushes. roller. bad approach. hit the basket from 25'
    3 386 4 3 1 --
    fairway. rock. chains.
    4 221 3 3 1 --
    dragons mouth mando. good times.
    5 389 4 4 2 --
    hit the basket again from about 30'
    6 543 4 6 1 --
    horrible everything.
    7 225 3 3 1 --
    8 256 4 4 1 --
    9 482 4 4 1 --
    great second after i hit a stump on the first.
    10 286 3 3 1 --
    11 385 4 4 1 --
    12 200 4 3 1 --
    13 305 3 4 2 --
    hit the basket again. doesn't count though.
    14 417 4 3 1 --
    great drive and approach.
    15 387 4 4 1 --
    good putt.
    16 420 3 4 2 --
    bad approach. basket again.
    17 255 4 3 1 --
    great putt from about 35'
    18 280 4 5 2 --
    tree. tree. tree. missed putt. in.
    19 352 3 4 2 --
    another basket hit. beautiful.
    Totals: 6781 71 74 25 --
    Score: 54 -1
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 27
    60°F Cloudy Calm n/a
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:horrific putting. but my first tourney ace so i'm good for the weekend. beautiful.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 235 3 3 2 --
    wussed out on the putt
    2 365 3 2 1 --
    about a foot low of the basket
    3 226 3 4 2 --
    tree. ding. tree. ding.
    4 173 3 2 1 --
    good putt
    5 289 3 3 1 --
    6 287 3 4 2 --
    another missed putt.
    7 185 3 1 0 --
    my first tourney ace.
    8 228 3 4 2 --
    tree. missed putt.
    9 360 4 3 1 --
    good putt
    10 235 3 3 2 --
    missed putt again. this continues
    11 388 3 4 2 --
    tree. missed putt
    12 175 3 2 1 --
    almost an ace. really.
    13 245 3 3 2 --
    missed putt
    14 317 3 2 1 --
    parked so i made the putt
    15 242 3 3 1 --
    16 340 3 4 1 --
    i hate this. stump a foot from the hole made my disc go on end. rolled 40' downhill.
    17 227 3 3 2 --
    missed putt
    18 222 3 4 2 --
    my last missed putt.
    Totals: 4739 55 54 26 --
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