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Stan McDaniel
  • Disc golfer since 1977. Course designer and builder, somwhere around 15 courses.

    Ball golf and disc golf.
    DGCR Number
    Indian Trail N.C.
    Oct 30, 1954 (Age: 69)
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    13 / 2.77 star(s)
    Voting Record
    0 0
    Updated Course Conditions
    Power company distribution engineer.


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    Assuming you are the designer of the Crooked Creek Crossing course ... Are you aware that the town of Matthews, NC is designing a new park off of NC 51 between Phillips and Idlewild Roads? The park bordeers my neighborhood, Windrow Estates.

    One proposal shows a 9-hole DC while the latest draft (2014-11-04) does not. It would be nice to try and influence the council to have a course and not miss this opportunity. Maybe you can contact me and we can put our heads together and present some information? Maybe even assist with the design? The only other Matthews course is frustrating according to several reviews. Looks like there's going to be plenty of room in this new park. The land is already purchased. David Lorenz ([email protected])
    STON STON - did a bee sting you in the lip? There are easier ways to get honey you know ;)
    I love that picture I took of you ^ after getting stung in the left eye lid 1 day and your bottom lip the next. Lol.
    Morningstar was the first 18 hole basket course that I ever played. It was an incredible honor for me to do the re-design of that course. YAY. I discovered disc golf and ultimate in Knoxville in 1977.

    My feel is that most of the posters in that thread are against a tougher-putting basket (which I think makes sense, IF there's a need for greater score seperation in general,) and are saying that courses need to start being designed the way you've been designing them for at least a decade. The unimaginative haters will always scorn those ahead of their time. Like Michaelangelo. Plus you're one of the few in the DG community who can't really pass through here anonymously. The rest of them (us) are just internet smart/strong/talented, hiding behind an avatar.

    Put another way: "(You've) got vision, the rest of the world wears bi-focals." Paul Newman as Butch Cassidy.

    Geez, I'm gonna keep hassling you:

    Somebody mentioned that you designed Morningstar in Knoxville. Did you do the orig layout, and/or the new layout that's in the last year or so? Haha, you need your own "sticky" thread like MJ, with a banner and everything!
    Hey, Stan

    I've met you maybe once or twice on the course, talked devious design with you. Name's Chad.

    Anywho, there's a thread on here right now titled "Top Pro vs. Ave. Joe Skill level" or such. The thread has morphed into a debate about how to create better seperation among the top pros. McBeth is on there some, talking about tightening up the baskets. A bunch of guys are saying "we need to have courses designed better," and go on to describe what that would look like....and it sounds basically like every one of your designs. If you're into nerding out on here, you might want to hop on there. You're philosophy on design, and the example of your courses, would add a lot to the disc-ussion there. (See what I did there?)

    So, just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work of you and your proteges in CDGC. Reading that thread makes me realize how blessed I am to be learning this great game here in Crowntown.

    hey stan, it was nice to finally have a chance to shake your hand although i was very suprised it happened at the course behind my house last wednesday, appreciate all the work you and the other cdgcers did on those courses for worlds...
    Birthday was full of my disc family shenanigans. A round at Nevin (which is getting longer) followed by dinner and a round of glo golf at the Eager Beaver with a throng and Patron and Crown. Yee Haw and Hee Haw.
    Hapy Birthday to the guy who helped give the Charlotte area it's own discing feel: pin placements not to be forgotten!
    Hey brother, Wild Pine now has concrete tees, they look nice and provide good grip, they are installing a gravel parking lot and soon will have signs as soon as I get the distances to them.
    You out of the loop Ox. I found my lost one. However, I will be glad to see what you have and trade you something for it.
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