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  • A disc golf newb who is highly addicted to the sport

    Disc golf. Music. Writing. Waterfowl hunting. Technology. Astronomy. Sports in general.
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    Da U.P.
    Years Playing
    12.5 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    2 / 3.50 star(s)
    Voting Record
    1 1
    Updated Course Conditions
    Keep the PC herd in line


    Magnet | Roc | Tangent | Meteor | Teebird | Shock | Avenger SS | Orc | Astra

    Other info

    I'm a noob rec player, but I have fallen deeply in love with the game this past year. I try my best to get all of my friends and family to give the game a try. I've built two private courses on property that I own and I have thoroughly enjoyed the entire design process. Nothing beats playing on a course you've poured lots off hours and sweat into with a bunch of buddies!


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