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  • Used to play a bunch in HS and college, life just brought me back after 8 or so years away from DG.

    Disc golf, beer, playing music, making beer, disc golf, drinking beer, sweet ass choppers.
    DGCR Number
    The cut north of the confluence, MD
    Years Playing
    9.4 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    10 / 3.70 star(s)
    Voting Record
    0 0
    Updated Course Conditions
    Brewery personnel


    Classic Aviar, Roc, Eagle, Leopard, Firebird


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    Hole 3 at ditto is a PITA Longs to longs. Had a 10ft look at a bird long to shorts that I messed up last week at doubles. Hopefully I can get that back tonight.
    Not to be a weirdo or anything, but you are the first person since the I started using thirtydirtybirds as a username that has gotten the reference. I just think that's great! I'm a big chili peppers fan since the early 90s and it's always great when someone gets an obscure reference like that. So congrats on that, and happy discing!
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