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Recent content by TreinhartDG

  1. T

    Form Feedback

    Thank you! I will work on this. Almost seems like this style of throw would 1. Cause you to throw on a lot of hyzer and 2. Always throw high. Would I want to revert back to the flatter shot on like low ceiling tunnel shots for example? Or are you still able to throw low line drive shots while...
  2. T

    Form Feedback

    Thank you for the response! I watched the Ezra video, so you think to fix this I need to lower my reach back to fix nose angle and that will also help me stay behind the brace rather than tipping over the top? Keeping my body behind that yellow line is something I haven't been able to figure out...
  3. T

    Form Feedback

    Thank you! Right now probably around 500ft. I'm not the best at max distance lines, they dont really go much farther than my normal golf line throws. Not sure if it's a nose angle issue or what lol.
  4. T

    Form Feedback

    Looking for some feedback on my form. Currently throwing 480ft golf lines. Been working on trying to get my head farther back/in a more neutral position. Trying to reach 500ft + golf lines. I'm not sure about my nose angle on release either. There are some more videos on my tiktok if more are...