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  • disc golf and GO
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    Wayne Down
    Clevland, Ga.
    Nov 2, 1962 (Age: 61)
    Years Playing
    15.3 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    DGCR Player Rating
    Voting Record
    14 0
    Updated Course Conditions
    truck driver


    Bagged: Trident/Saint/Stag/Underworld/Diamond

    Other info

    Played very rarely first two years, then took a break for a year. Just now getting serious about my game.


    • Stat Addict
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    • Stat Addict
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    • Workout
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    • Course Explorer
    • Course Explorer
    • Course Explorer
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    • Shutterbug
    • Shutterbug
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    • Disc Collector
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    • State Explorer
    • State Explorer
    • State Explorer
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    • Country Explorer
    • Country Explorer
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    • Road Warrior
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    • Wordsmith
    • Wordsmith
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    • Tournament Director
    • Informant
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    • Aces



    Totally, sorry I missed Nevin. It is a violent mugging, for sure. I play it all the time, and only a couple weeks ago shot my personal best there....a +11 81!

    Next time fo' sho'. Have my travel tag by then.
    Dang, sorry I missed you! I was already out, and it was TOO cold. I should've waited later. I wound up playing at Eastway, then Renny. Hope Smith worked out good for you. Maybe we can link up next time!

    Hey whiplash,

    I work Monday, but I'll be out for sure on Sunday, any of the 3 are awesome, so I'm game, though I'm no MJ! Also, no travel tag yet. : (

    Let me know your when and where, and I should be able to make it happen.
    Does disc stalker have grips in stock regularly?

    If so, do you mind me asking how much it cost in store?
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