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  • DGCR Number
    Real name
    Raleigh, NC
    January 12
    Years Playing
    14.4 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    DGCR Player Rating
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    10 / 3.10 star(s)
    Voting Record
    8 1
    Updated Course Conditions


    My Sale Thread--Disc Organizer--My Dyes
    Testing: Saint Pro/Crave/Hatchet


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    Hey, hope your doing well. Played fallasburg a few days ago and was thinking of ya...
    Hey again LoPan! Your PM box is full :)
    Any luck on picking out some discs for Okthrowberfest?
    Just trying to stay on top of this, I have some pledges but no discs in hand yet save the ones that were literally put into my hands :p
    Let me know what you can!
    Check out these courses, and also look at Windwood, another 21 hole course which is awesome, and let me know which one you want to play. If worse comes to worse, and I can't get off Monday, I could still meet you at 3pm at Windwood, or TC Jester and still play. Let me know what you want to do. Check you later
    My job owes me two days off, because I didn't get any time off for Christmas of New Years. I am putting in for Friday and Monday. My friends want to play Texas Army Trail Saturday morning, because they havn't played there yet. Then, you and I can play on Monday. I need to know how crazy of a course you want to play. I was thinking of two courses. Mac Gregor Park which is right behind the University of Houston main campus, near downtown Houston, and TC Jester, which is only 15 minutes from Downtown Houston. Mac Gregor is a easy course, with asphalt tees, and not to hard, but a fun play. TC Jester is a course that was just redone. It went from a 9-hole easy course, to 21 holes, and a lot more of a challenge, but not too hard, that its not any fun. Now, if you want to go for something harder, they just finished one, about 30 minutes from Downtown, called Texas Army Trail. Its only 18 holes, but its a real challenge.
    Did you want to play on that Saturday or Monday? I need to know, because I can try to set up to be off either that Friday or Monday, but I need to know. The Super Bowl is that Sunday, so I didn't know if you wanted to play then
    I can meet you somewhere on the 4th in the afternoon, or sometime on the 5th. TC Jester is a nice long course, and the holes are not two nuts. Its about 10 minutes from Downtown. 21 holes. Also, if you want to make the drive a little further north of town, Windwood Church is one of the best in the city. 21 holes, and everyone is different. Not to hard, but not that easy. a lot of fun to play. I han't played Texas Army Trail yet, because I didn't know it was opened , but I will try to get down there soon. I am off Monday, and I think I might take a trek down there to check it out. I can PM you my cell number if you like.
    Let me know when it gets closer to your trip to Houston, and I might be able to meet up with you and play a round or two with you
    Hey there, the Joker disc shown in your picasa web album I am really interested in. If you still have it, what are you asking for it? Thanks for your time.
    update....shoes were expected to be in today but havent arrived yet. as soon as they do i will ship them to ya. thanks for your patience!
    Thanks for posting that new map of UNC...I looked at the old map yesterday, was wondering who to contact for the not so new anymore layout. :thmbup:
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