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Whitesburg, GA

Flyboy Aviation

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3 0
Experience: 24.6 years 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Flying off into the DGCR sunset 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 16, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


It's right in my back yard...it kinda is my back yard.


Life is way too short!

Other Thoughts:

Flyboy's my baby. I brought it into existence, so I'll admit up front, this review is biased, maybe even self-serving. I don't claim to be a course designer. Chuck, Dave, and the other course design Gurus out there...respect...I realize Flyboy has some mathematical design flaws. But I've been lucky to play more than my fair share of courses around the world, and can honestly say that Flyboy rewards excellence and punishes mediocrity like no other disc golf course I know. It's challenging but fair, and demands focus and execution the entire 3 to 5 hour round to score well. Slack off and the course will spank you pretty hard on the score card, and confiscate your plastic if you don't learn how to use it. The best compliment I get out here is when golfers tell me that my course made them learn something and helped improve their game. I've done my job.

The thing I like most about the place is how it makes me feel, plain and simple. Flyboy has soul, and there's no math in that. After hundreds of rounds on Flyboy, my fun-meter still gets pegged every time I go up against that Bia! My heart still literally pounds when I step up to the 3,4,5,6,9,14,15,25 tee pads, hoping that I'm worthy of those holes that day, because if I'm not, one of my troopers may not make it home. I still tear up a little when I turn the corner from 2's basket and step into the scenic splendor of hole 3. Can't wait for the grins to appear when my first-time Flyboy guests spy the giant ants on 7, the freaky faces in 13's wise old tree of dg, the little Screech Owl by 17's basket, Mom's excellent ham sandwich lunch after 21, the Flyboy country store on 23.....alright already! I love the place, OK? It makes me feel good. I'm spoiled and biased, I admit it.

So yep, I gave my own course a 5 disc rating. Tacky right? Eh, who cares, it's Flyboy's last DGCR review.

This has been a hell of a run for me! My little back yard course sprouting up from a single putting basket, to the highest rated disc golf course on DGCR. Getting to know and throw with the biggest names in the sport, hosting players from all walks of life from all over the world at my little corner of the universe....I really can't call it a dream come true, because I never could have dreamed it!

Creating Flyboy Aviation has been the most fun and rewarding thing I've ever done in my life, (well, aside from flying around with my hair on fire in a fighter jet) and I have to say, hanging with you guys has been the best part of it all....some of the finest people I've ever met, and you'll always be welcome at Flyboy. Thank you Tim and DGCR for sending these folks my way. Lillian, Wayne, Brad, and I have tried our best to live up to the course reviews, and treat our guests to the disc golf experience of a lifetime they came here for. It's been an honor for us.

I originally listed Flyboy on DGCR because I enjoy the camaraderie and social aspect of our sport, and hoped a few folks might occasionally drop in and shoot a round with me. I never anticipated the awesome power of this incredible website, and the resulting stampede of players headed my way once Flyboy rose through the DGCR ranks! I had no idea what I was in for, but I've loved every minute of the ride. Unfortunately, the ole demand has outstripped the ole supply of this back yard hobby operation. Great news if your aim is to expand operations and grow. I need to shrink to survive.

So reluctantly, I've asked Tim to remove Flyboy Aviation from the DGCR course list. There are several reasons for this, but mostly, I'm just tired. No one ever told me building, maintaining, and operating your own private disc golf venue was a full-time job, but trust me, here at least, it is. I think I've spent more time in the saddle of my Kabota the last few years, grooming the course, than I did in my Boeing 777, and believe me the 777 pays better. Don't get me wrong, this has all been a labor of love, and I'm very proud of what I've been able to accomplish with my little Flyboy Aviation science project. As I grow older though, I find that time becomes the precious commodity in life. Family time is most precious, and shouldn't be sacrificed. Unfortunately, I can't quit my day job flying jets to find the extra time required to run Flyboy Aviation the way I feel the top disc golf venue in the world should be run. So there you have it.

Being off the course list will take some pressure off, and buy me some time. Family time, and time to try going down a different ski slope or two before I get too darn old. Think little flying robots with gyro stabilized HD video cameras, bringing disc golf to the world in a way it's never been seen before. Think I'm kidding? We're already on it. I have a few more tricks up my sleeve for the last third of my life, and I don't intend to spend that precious time sitting on a tractor (although I'll admit, that's when I do some of my best thinking, and I do love the smell of diesel fuel in the morning).

I'll be passing the #1 baton back to Flip City from whence it came. I guess I've held it long enough, and if anyone deserves it, Bill does. There are new sensational pay-for-play courses coming on line at a rapid pace, and I'm heartened by my experience with Flyboy Aviation, that these private venues will be the successful and profitable future of our sport. My humble suggestion is that we embrace and nurture them.

Finally, the 64,000 dollar question: what will become of Flyboy Aviation? Well, it's not going anywhere. My fellow disc golf road warriors are always welcome here as my personal guests, when my schedule allows me to join them. Hey, I still love the game as much as ever, and look forward to throwing Flyboy with my local Buds and our occasional out-of-town guests....until I'm just too decrepit to throw anymore. "Disc golf or die!"

Flyboy Aviation
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7 5
Experience: 15.1 years 79 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A course and a museum 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2011 Played the course:once


- The neighborhood the course winds through is beautiful and the surrounding woods and elevation changes give the course plenty of challenges.
- The water holes are picturesque and very challenging. You are left with the decision to go for it or lay up more than a couple of times.
- I didn't get to meet Kelly but his parents and Brad, the course pro, were all very friendly and accommodating.
- Good mix of open holes, wooded holes, and water holes.
- Rewards big arms and accurate arms alike. You've gotta have EVERY SHOT to play this course well.
- The inside of the hanger is amazing. You have to see it in person to understand how cool it is.


- A couple of the walks from basket to teepad could be shorter.

Other Thoughts:

I really can't think of anything negative about this course. The only reason I didn't give it a perfect score of 5 is because I have played a few other courses that were more fun. I can't really describe it but the course is missing a certain kind of solemnity due to all of the houses around the course.
I prefer courses that are in more remote locations because I find it peaceful that way. That's just a personal preference though.
There is nothing wrong with this course, definitely one of the top 5 courses I"ve played.
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3 9
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Couldn't ask for better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 28, 2011 Played the course:once


I've played a ton of disc golf courses in my life but this is the first time I've enjoyed myself so much I had to write a review. There is a good mix distance and accuracy required to play some of the holes on this course, but there are also a few holes where a pretty decent shot off the tee gets you an easy birdie. There are a couple "Glory Holes" as I call them where there is high risk and high reward. My personal opinion is that you don't come play a course like Flyboy without going for the Glory whenever the opportunity presents itself.


The only thing I was not absolutely thrilled about when I left was that Kelly beat me. Whenever I return, and I most certainly will, I'll have to right that wrong.

Other Thoughts:

The hospitality we received was unparalleled. Kelly was a phenomenal guide and ready and willing to be of service any way possible.
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17 7
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.4 years 394 played 276 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A- = Amazing aviation experience! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 30, 2011 Played the course:once


Here is what I personally like and how this course stacks up in my list of 18 (and more) hole courses (over 215 played so far):

1) Holes with good risk/reward. Fair, but harsh punishment for bad decisions or execution. == B
(There are several outstanding holes in this category. My favorite is #25. A downhill throw of 385' is a good challenge and wildly rewarding to card a deuce on, but a lost disc and a lost stroke lurk (plays over a pond). The hole offers a bail-out option if one is feeling weak or timid for whatever reason. Best par-3 thinker hole I have ever seen! Unfortunately, much of the course is quite open and any danger on many/most holes is late in the fairway where the punishment for errors is not really much worse than if it were not there. Flyboy is good but not great in this regard.)

2) Holes that have rewarding birdie opportunities for me. I'm a Blue level player (950ish skill) who throws 300' accurately, 360' max. == B
(About 1/3 of the holes are outstanding for me. But, about 1/4 are too short to get excited about and about another 1/3 are too long to be anything but a routine par.....or a bummer of a bogey if I manage to screw up the conservative play that would yield that routine par. In talking to Kelly, this is not surprising as this is by design - his intention is to "appeal to a broad range of disc golfers, even though I call it a championship calibre course." Flyboy is good but not great in this regard.)

3) More wooded than open - lots of variety of shots required caused by hole shape and topography. == B+
(With 27 holes over some pretty cool terrain, there are a lot of different shots needed. However, with the early part of the majority of fairways being quite open, the course does not really impose that much from the tee pad. While different shaped shots are required, there is usually plenty of room to work the airspace. Where creativity will show up often is on the second throw a few of the par-4's....if you do not hit the generous landing zones (on the holes that have defined landing zones). Hole 10 is probably the coolest with a drive off a teepad on a bridge. Driving up hill, you can pick which fairway you want to navigate on your 2nd throw - the left one is a straight and narrowish fairway and the right one is a left turning narrower fairway. Too bad that there are not more holes like this one. Flyboy is good but not great in this regard.)

4) Natural beauty (Appalachian beauty preferred) and seclusion. == B+
(The kind of beauty that does my soul good is found on holes 10-14. That happens to also be the only extended area where you get out of a developed feel. Other than patches of red Georgia clay peeking though eroded patches of grass on quite a few holes, there is nothing scruffy about the rest of the course as the upscale development is well manicured and pretty. But for me, it just is not an environment where I feel the toxins of daily stress being sucked out of me by the glory of nature. Flyboy is good but not great in this regard.)

5) Bonus points for multi-throw holes with defined landing zones, good risk/reward and multiple options to play them. == 4 bonus points for this
(With 5 bonus points max for this, a 4 is generously appropriate. There are a lot of multi-throw holes (which is great and I wish there were more such courses) but only holes 9 and 10 have landing zones that you really need to hit accurately to put yourself in a position to get a good line to the basket in hopes of a birdie 3. Both 9 & 10 are fun designs but are diminished in that the first throw is totally open. I can see where hole 7 dishes out some good reward for those big arms who want to risk going for a birdie-4 on hole 7 (three 360' throws rather than four 270' tosses). To a lesser degree I see the same on hole 27 with big arms going for an eagle-3. But, I am not a big arm and so those designs end up bumping the "addiction factor" down for me as they present no real upside, and only downside for screwing up.)

PS: I grade courses on a school grading system...60-100 with no F's and the average/center point being a B-....been doing that for a long time and started transferring my ratings list to the similar 11 level rating system here when this cool/amazing site came online.

Other Thoughts:

For its experience in total, Flyboy is rated 6.0 out of 5.0! My family and I stayed at the B&B and were totally blown away by that experience! The amenities and hospitality put out by Kelly and his parents was simply amazing. Thank you for providing that experience!! I am excited to hear what comes out of my kids' mouths over the next few years....and my wife is already recommending people go and visit - and not for the DG.

What Kelly has in place for DG'ers as far as amenities go is simply amazing. From the pro shop, to the brooms and signage at every tee (and copious next tee signs), to good will with neighbors, to the blow-away aircraft themed hangar complete with DG video games, to GPS enabled aircraft drones to photograph DG'ers in far reaches of the course, to a friendly honor system throughout, to web cams, to stocked ponds, to fun signs and creatures and other decorations around the course, to cool hand-made benches all over the course, to pool cleaning poles to fish out discs, to world class tee pads (on their way), and to even more I probably missed out on.....over the top! Unfortunately, my rating here only reflects the course and not the entire experience......because if it did, the scale topping out at 5.0 would not be high enough!
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6 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Awesome Flyboy Experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 28, 2011 Played the course:once


The staff and treatment I received from Kelly and his parents was outstanding! While the course is amazing and by far the best I have ever played, the hospitality makes the difference for me. The round was about 4.5 hours, but that included lunch and the time flew by! If you have not played this course yet, contact Kelly and get a round scheduled as soon as possible.

Other Thoughts:

The course was difficult (especially for a short-arm thrower like myself), but it was very playable and forced my game to become better. It is a course that makes you think about the round from the firs tee to the last putt. There are so many times in the round when you are presented with options and risk-reward scenarios. If you choose to play safe, that's okay and you can still score a birdie here and there. Take advantage of the short holes and go for the DUECE! You will need it!! I shot 110 (+15) and thought I played pretty well....last 10 holes in +1 helped! Pictures and reviews are nice, but you HAVE TO PLAY THIS ONE TO BELIEVE IT!! I will be back!!
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6 4
Experience: 6 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

southern paradise 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 15, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Fly-Boy is the cream of the crop!! I have played well over fifty courses and traveled the country playing disc golf in the open division. I have yet to see anything that can compare to what Fly-Boy has to offer. No other course has so many "signature" holes that leave you in awe not only from the difficulty and fun but also from the magnificent views that seem to be neverending throughout your "stroll" through this aviation community. The one hole that sticks out in my mind has to be the par 5 hole #3 which me and my buddy dylan who played it yesterday both eagled!! The combination of LONG holes, water, tight shots, elevation changes, and sheer amount of time it takes to play this make this course a true test of not only your dg skills but conditioning as well!! After only one ropund i feel like i have played three rounds at my local wooded course!! This place is what i imagine paradise to be like!!
Great layout
Great property
Great baskets
Great rubber tees(which i was told by kelly are coming up soon to put permanent ones in)
Great people!!!!


The one and only con is the fact that this course is not within 5 mins of my house!!

Other Thoughts:

The hospitality here is second to none and really makes you feel comfortable and almost like royalty like mentioned by so many of the other reviewers!! We show up to see kellys parents kickin back in their recliners in the hangar eating fruit and watching the dogs play just relaxin in the morning sunshine.... we throw a couple shots to warm up and i spot a hammock between two trees by number 23s basket.... i proceed to go lay in it and look out over the property and thinking to myself "theres nowhere id rather be!!"
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5 6
Experience: 34.5 years 156 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best of the Best, no comparison 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


By far the greatest course that should be on everyone's list. Special thanks to Kelly's family for all the hospitality and a great time. This is the ultimate disc golf challenge, experience, that will test every aspect of your golf game. Thanks again Brad for the two round tour, hope to see you all again sometime next year.


Not enough time to play a 3rd round, or 4th or many many more. I had no problem with rubber tee pads as apposed to concrete, considering the situation.

Other Thoughts:

Course must stay as an exclusive stop for the serious Disc Golfer to maintain all its greatness. Bed and Breakfast is a definite must as well as giving a great donation for all they have done. Closest course to perfection we have.
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1 11
bob brent
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

surpassed my expectations 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 23, 2011 Played the course:once


Before I had the opportunity to play this awesome course, I had read some reviews and heard comments like a slice of heaven best course ever if there was disc golf in heaven this would be the only one you would want to play. Well I have been playing disc golf a very long time and everything I heard was true thats why it was unbelievable that it actually surpassed all of my expectations. Not only is the course beautiful in landscape and design but the atmosphere and especially the hospitality of Kelly and his family made it an experience I will always remember.



Other Thoughts:

next time I play Ill make a weekend of it!
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2 17
The Animal
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

A slice of heaven 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 23, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The other reviews tell it like it is!


The distance I have to drive to get there, but well worth it!

Other Thoughts:

Make arrangements for the Bed and Breakfast or camp next to Kelly's hanger for the ultimate disc golf weekend! Please make a generous donation.
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27 7
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best course you'll ever play! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 13, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


If you haven't made the trip out to Whitesburg, GA. to play this course you're truly missing out.
This 14,000 foot 27 hole par 95 course is simply amazing. It truly tests every shot in your bag. It's probably the first course I've ever played that is completely FAIR! If you throw good shots you're rewarded with birdies and even eagle opportunities. If you throw bad shots and get off the fairways you can still save you par, the way disc golf was meant to be played in my option.
The course:
Just about every hole is a signature hole on the course, great elevation, taxi-ways as fairways, and 3 lakes make for some great obstacles.
Hole number 3 is possibly my favorite hole in DG. This 750 foot par 5 plays slightly downhill using a Taxi-way for the fairway, it's about 445 feet to the waters edge and another close to 300 feet across the water, very tempting eagle chance here.
Hole 25 is another one of my favorites. This par 3 385 footer that 90% of the hole is over water, if you chose to go for the deuce. there is also a fairly easy lay up area off to the left if wish to play for par.
All in all Flyboy is a great course, not easy in any way, but throw good shots and every hole can be birdied..


The course is in Georgia and I live in Kansas

Other Thoughts:

Special thanks to Kelly Leggette and his family for being great hosts at their Bed and Breakfast that is also located right on the course! That's right, B&B within 200 feet of hole 1. This course should be a must on the bucket list of every discer!

Eric McCabe
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6 9
Experience: 18.5 years 169 played 8 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Needs more stars 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 11, 2011 Played the course:once


I can't contribute more than what Bennett and the others have said, although I would stress the hospitality is better than most 5-star hotels I've stayed at. If you can only play the course, do so, but if there is any way you can stay the night, DO SO!


Had to add ONE MINOR THING, but not a con...be alert for chiggers if you get off the fairway, I've counted over 20 bites on just one ankle after a bad bounce off the fairway.

Other Thoughts:

There really needs to be a whole new rating for Flyboy, or just none at all because there is no comparison. This is the 68th different course I've played, and all the others are now just land with disc golf baskets on it.
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26 4
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.7 years 134 played 24 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Incomparable 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 7, 2011 Played the course:once


This review isn't going to re-hash everything you already know about Flyboy, nor will it reveal all its treasures. Just want to add another 5* to a course that really goes up to 11.

The 5.0 rating on this site is only listed as "Best of the Best." The only qualifier for that is Flyboy. For any enthusiast of this sport, this is your pinnacle destination.

Everyone has told you how great the course is, and everyone is correct.
This could have been an average 18-hole course of medium length and would still be highly rated. When you see how much land this course uses, and how well that land and the challenges around it are used, and wrap your head around how much more drive it took to design to 27 holes of such incredible caliber....yeah, this course will make you rant, too....

Everyone also mentions how clean the course is. Immaculate. Pristine.

The little things are what you can't get from reviews of how epic the course is.
Throwing Flyboy feels like you're playing disc golf on a private disc golf country club, and essentially, you are. This is not a city park; this is not just another great private course; and this is not a disc golf course on a ball golf course -- this is a private, quiet, premium track of land dedicated to only the disc golf course, a few houses, hangars, and taxiways for the airplanes.

The little things add more than just background flavor -- the names of the holes; the sign pointing to DeLaVeaga, Idlewild, etc; the beautiful benches; the pads and brooms; the flags on the baskets; the directional signs; the flow and variety; what could possibly be done to make this place any better has been done already.

Plain and simple -- if you listed your criteria for what disc golf in heaven will be like, Flyboy can meet all those marks. Challenge? Variety? Hospitality to the 100th power?

Some might knock the course for not having cement teepads, but when you're there, you realize that the rubber pads are the best way to go -- moveable if need be, and the cleanest rubber pads I've ever seen -- Kelly works harder than anyone sees to keep the pads level, and sweeps them with the provided brooms at every tee. I think most people don't like rubber pads because they get soft spots, or the "dents" underneath the pad. I was careful to watch on all pads, and never was there an issue, and it's clear watching Kelly sweep the pads that he babies them as much or more than any part of the course.

Kelly is an ambassador like no other for the sport of disc golf. His attention to detail is inspiring. We've all dreamed of hitting it big, and then building our own personal disc golf mecca -- but to actually do it, to have the dedication, know-how, drive, and passion to bring this vision to fruition, I don't know that many would actually deliver, and if they did, it would STILL be an uphill battle to compete with the experience of Flyboy.

Another, completely seperate 18-hole course was designed for Flygirls. That's 27 plus 18. Granted it's not there year-round, but just shows you that this place truly goes beyond everything you could ever ask for in the top disc golf course.

And don't forget the dogs. Even they realize how great this place is!


You're joking, right? Cons? I've given this an honest effort, but I can't think of anything here.

Some may say "there's a couple filler holes." Hogwash. Do you want the whole course to be over 500' every hole? Every course NEEDS a few holes that give you a mental break from the long drives and bigger challenges. The par 3s are not gimmies, any duece here will warrant an ear-to-ear grin. They are strategically placed for variety and to take advantage of the land. When you DO get a duece chance, DON'T BLOW IT!

Other Thoughts:

I want to elaborate on ALL the details -- but some things at Flyboy you have to experience for yourself, and I'm not going to expose all of her secrets.

I could rant all day about this place, and THAT'S why it should be the ONLY 5-star course on this site. Flyboy leaves you speechless and wanting to tell the world at the same time. You won't leave saying "I'm glad I survived that" like some of the other highest-ranked courses. You WILL leave saying "Do I really have to go back to my pedestrian disc golf life?"

If there is disc golf in heaven, Flyboy is the only course you'll play.

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24 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.6 years 160 played 74 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Augusta National of Disc Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 16, 2011 Played the course:once


There's not much more I can say compared to what's already been said. This is simply the best disc golf course in the world....by a wide margin. I have played a lot of the top courses in the world (Flip City, Blueberry, Highbridge Gold, Deer Lakes, Idlewild, Tyler State Park, etc) and Flyboy Aviation is well beyond anything I have ever witnessed. The course had 7 legitimate signature holes and has the two greatest holes in all of disc golf (#3 and #15). I can't even begin to describe the experience Kelly has created at Flyboy. From the moment you email Kelly...to the moment you arrive and are greeted with lunch from Kelly's Mom....to the AMAZING hangar....to the planes sitting around the practice area.....to the actual course....its unbelievable. Kelly has created the ultimate disc golf experience. I rate courses based on the following items: fairness, beauty, challenge, fun factor, variety, and "other." I will touch on them briefly starting with "other":

1) Other - Directions between holes were great; baskets were great; course was in immaculate condition; tee pads were fine in my opinion. I know some complained about the tee pads, but I was okay with them. It sounds like Kelly is going to be getting some more rubber pads and I think it would be beneficial to place those behind one another instead of side by side. All in all, the "other" factor was great.

2) Fairness - None of the holes at Flyboy are considered unfair or ridiculous. Challenging....yes. Hole 10 had a tight gap and looked like a poke and hope hole from the tee but there was a defined fairway to the right once you got up there. The course was very fair.

3) Beauty - On a scale of 100, Flyboy would rate over 1000. This course is the most beautiful piece of disc golf land....period. From the water to the elevation to the green grass and mowed fairways to the woods.....simply breathtaking.

4) Challenge - The course is a par 96 and includes four legitimate par 5's and six par 4's. It stretches over 13,000 feet and has eleven shots with water coming into play. Its a challenge!!!!!

5) Fun Factor - This is where Flyboy really hammers the experience home. When I played Idlewild and Highbridge Gold I felt like I "survived" the round. After playing Flyboy I felt overjoyed and amazed. I have never had more fun on the disc golf course. Period.

6) Variety - The variety on the course was extreme. You went from playing a monster par 5 carved through the woods (hole #7) to a short 250 foot par 3 (#8) to a breathtaking, downhill par 4 with a lake in the background (#9). The variety was awesome....wooded shots, open shots, water shots, uphill shots, downhill bombs....forced two shot par 4's, driveable par 4's, etc etc etc. This course had everything!


Every course has room for improvement - the only thing I can add to what is already the greatest course in the world is this: hole 4 seemed to be a tweener hole. It was an awesome hole, but it didn't really appear to be a dueceable par 3. Making it a par 4 wouldn't be right either, as its not really a par 4. Par is an arbitrary number anyways, but it may be beneficial to simply move the basket closer to the tee and making it a true par 3 or extending the basket further up the hill (or moving the tee back) to make it a true par 4. Still a cool hole!

Other Thoughts:

It does not get any better than Flyboy. Period. Kelly has created the ultimate disc golf course. Treat it with respect and make a nice donation. I cannot stress enough.....this course is the greatest course in the world. Treat it that way. If you want to play the Augusta National of Disc Golf....this is it.
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12 5
Experience: 16 years 17 played 11 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Much more than just a disc golf course... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 12, 2011 Played the course:once


- Love the rubber mats on teeing areas
- Well manicured property
- One of the most scenic courses I've ever played
- Fair lanes; no chuck and luck holes
- Great mix of hyzer, anny, and straight shots
- Great mix of long/open, long/tight, and short/technical holes; really tests every shot in your bag


- I really can't think of any at the moment. If you want me to really nitpick, I'd say add more holes so I can play longer ;).

Other Thoughts:

There's really not much I can add to the previous reviews, as they seem to represent the course and experience very well. Therefore, I will give a brief review of the course, and then describe my experience playing Flyboy.

In short, the course is simply amazing. I haven't had the chance to play Flip City, Idlewild, or other courses of the same magnitude, but I have played many courses across the US. In my 2.5 years of playing disc golf, this is the best course I have played. I'm a real fan of the rubber mats that Kelly utilizes as tees throughout the course. Also, the fairways are immaculate. I've played ball golf since I was 15, and these fairways, whether it was the clear definition of a lane, or the quality of grass of a landing area, reminded me very much of a ball golf course. There is a great mix of long, technical, righty, lefty, and straight shots, and this course really tests every facet of one's game. However, despite the length of the course, it plays very fair, and good shots will be rewarded. If one takes a big score on a hole, it's simply due to poor shots. Not once did I feel I put a good move on a throw, only to have it end up in poor position. If you're looking for a course with a few great holes and many easy, "take a break" holes, this isn't it. Every hole here is great. I truly mean that, and I can't think back and label any hole a "filler." Each hole presented a unique challenge and added character to the course. The course also has a few "unique" features that I will not spoil for those of you whom have not played Flyboy yet, but will advise you to keep a keen eye of your surroundings when playing ;).

Now, on to my particular experience. Realizing I had one more week in Atlanta (for work), and finding out I had the afternoon off, I called Kelly around noon to see if I could get in a round. I wasn't fully expecting for it to work, considering it was very last minute. However, Kelly made himself available for the afternoon so I could get in a much desired round at this phenomenal course. Upon arriving I was greeted by Kelly, his parents Wayne and Lillian, and their two pups, Max and Morgan (she's a real peach, that Morgan!). Kelly gave me a tour of the hangar, which was absolutely fantastic. From the awesome tables crafted by Kelly, to the unique use of old airline seating, the place felt unique and genuine. I didn't stay in the B&B in the hangar, but after seeing it, I would certainly recommend a stay for those traveling from out of town. I plan to bring my wife back for a stay in the hangar and day of disc golf fun.

After the tour Kelly and I set out upon a great round of frolfing. Kelly took the time to thoroughly explain every nuance on every hole, to ensure I got the most out of my round. As we played, Kelly also picked up sticks, rocks, and other debris (required maintenance, this place is massive) that could take away from the course. I didn't mind at all, and actually enjoyed seeing Kelly's love for the property through his actions. Even though I had never met Kelly, it almost felt like I was somehow part of this course and its history while playing and watching him do little things here and there to keep the course top quality.

Before I knew it, we were finishing the first 21, and decided to take a break at the hangar before finishing the round. I didn't plan on being served since my arrival was so spontaneous, but the ever gracious Lillian had some fresh cut watermelon and a soda waiting for us at the table. What a treat! Perhaps my favorite part of the round was this moment; just sitting in the hangar, having some watermelon fresh out of the garden, and chatting with Kelly as if we were old friends. This was another great chance to show some love to Morgan, as she has quite the nose for a good snack!

After a great snack and much needed break, we headed back out of finish the round. All I can say is hole 22 is quite a gem! We finished the round fairly quickly from that point, and I can honestly say I was a bit sad to see the last basket. I thought I would be tired or ready for the round to end, but when seeing the final basket, I immediately felt a yearning for the next tee pad. This course will do that to you.

We finished the day with another quick chat over a soda and Kelly showed me some things he has in mind for the future, while I browsed through his disc collection in the pro shop. I donated some money, and looking back, I wish I would have donated more. After arriving home and thinking about the experience, I felt as if all I did was take from Kelly and his parents. They are truly special people who made me feel welcome from the moment I arrived. This is a course and experience that breeds a desire to help in any way possible to keep this going. And if you decide to make the trip, please keep that in mind. I would have easily paid $20 or $30 for this experience had Kelly demanded such, but he didn't, and only hoped for my enjoyment.

Thanks Kelly for a great day of disc golf. I can't wait to get back and do this again!

Favorite Holes: 2, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, and the CTP dock shot
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12 5
atl scott
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.4 years 215 played 20 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Disc Golf Heaven 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Hospitality - I have always been treated like royalty!
Design - This course challenges every part of your game!
Fun - The whole experience is a dream come true!
Maddie - She swam out and retrieved my disc for me!!!
video here: http://www.facebook.com/video...&comments


It's too far away now that I'm living in Charlotte!

Other Thoughts:

Flyboy is truly a destination for disc golfers. Kelly and family have gone to extreme lengths to welcome all comers to their little (private) piece of awesomeness. I'm glad they are so willing to share!

My last experience there was by far the best. I had a rushed morning and was late for my tee time (of course Kelly never brought this to my attention even though there was a group waiting to tee off after us) and I had managed to only bring one sock. I want to mention that I would have braved it and played with only one sock, but of course Kelly was so kind as to complete the pair for me!

One of the most fantastic feelings in disc golf is when you find yourself totally relaxed as if you were a thousand miles away from any stress. It only took me until my tee shot on hole 2 to find that feeling! That's hard to come by and I had a smile on my face for the rest of the round! It's a good thing because you need to be in a good place before you tee off for hole 3.

Which brings me to my next point. Several of my favorite holes in disc golf are on one course. Hole 3 is always a highlight, and most often I wish I could play it again right after I putt out. It is a great combination of a tee shot to a landing zone followed by a long approach over water with a putt on a windy peninsula.

Hole 13 is a bomb downhill that with a little control you can leave yourself a birdie putt. It's difficult to take a 2 and easy to take a 4 here. Great hole.

I think hole 15 is the toughest hole on the course and it was a pleasure to get Kelly's take on it as we played. 2 long drives in a row that need to fly primarily over water make for a true challenge. Walking away with a par 5 feels good on this hole!

Maddie the golden retriever is an awesome dog and she was always on the hunt for a disc to retrieve. She seemed to know when you were looking for a disc in the woods and would help out, and she watched each shot over water earnestly, hoping she would have the opportunity to rescue one (which she did on hole 15 for me and hole 25 for Kelly!) I will have to bring her a little something next time I am able to visit.

Holes 9, 20, 21, 23, 24, and 25 all also come to mind as incredible holes!

If you play here you would be remiss to not take up the offer for lunch. After eating lunch I felt that my $10 donation (for play and food) was not nearly enough! A perfectly made sandwich, choice of drinks, chips, and dessert, and several cold slices of watermelon were just what I needed before finishing the last 8 holes. (We came back to finish the watermelon off after the round was over.) Kelly also had cold waters stashed in coolers at strategic points along the course which was like a breath of fresh air out there.

Kelly also went out of his way to offer me a gift for my birthday (as I had gone out of my way to make the trip to play it). It was a generous surprise and I just didn't know what to say. I felt like he had already given so much and all I did was take while I was there, but he always smiled and genuinely seemed to enjoy the fact that I was enjoying it so much!

So much love and hard work has gone into making this place special and you can tell it every step of the way. I have never heard a bad word about the course or hospitality and I would listen in disbelief if someone was ever negative.

Thank you Kelly. If I had to only play 1 disc golf course the rest of my life, this would be it. Remember when you play here to respect the property, neighborhood, and course and with a little luck we will enjoy it for many years to come.
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3 4
Spc. Dennis
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Greatest Course Ever!!!!!!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Great use of the Land in the Community
Unique Community and Surroundings
Test Every Skill Shot you Have in Your Bag
Friendly Hosts and Neighbors
Great Change From Your Everyday Course's
Lunch, Disc, Drinks, Shirts, Hats, and Towels all for Sale on Site


I Can't Play EveryDay!!!!!!!!!!!
I Always Lose Atleast One Disc (maybe I should get better)

Other Thoughts:

Wish it Wasn't Private, Maybe Could Charge 5 Dollars a Player and Let as Many in as Wanted to Play. Thanks for all the Hard Work Kelly!!!!!!
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7 4
Experience: 46 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

This is the Best of the Best 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2011 Played the course:once


-Every shot is put into play here. Sidearms, backhand, turnovers, rollers, anhyzer, and hyzer. Everyone of these are needed.
-Holes like 3,15, and 27 and others are some of the most memorable holes in disc golf.
-The hospitality here is simply amazing! Kelly's parents are some of the nicest people i have ever met. The food was great, and the B&B is super amazing! STAY THERE!!


That every course isnt like this! There arent really any cons to this course.

Other Thoughts:

If you love disc golf, then this is the ultimate disc golf mecca. This is the future of disc golf right here.
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8 3
Experience: 15.6 years 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

THE Country Club 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 22, 2011 Played the course:once


Flyboy Aviation is "THE Country Club" of disc golf - not in a snobby or pretentious manner, but in a first-class, it just doesn't get any better than this kinda way.
My two teen-aged sons and I traveled from East Tennessee to Atlanta to catch a couple of concerts and hit all the coasters at Six Flags. A couple of days before leaving I found "Flyboy" on this website. I sent Kelly an email asking permission to play and we were lucky enough to catch him in town, yes, he's a pilot. Like any good country club, you need advance permission to play the course and a club member to play along with. Fellow pilot, Brad got us started on the course while Kelly was "out on the tractor" helping out one of his neighbors. Kelly met us on the third tee - the signature hole on his signature course.
The best courses employ caddies - Flyboy is caddied by Mattie, the "retriever," and a couple of other friendly pooches. I threw one into the lake on hole 15, it stayed up on the lily pads, but far enough out that I wasn't too keen on going in after it. When we got to my disc, Kelly told Mattie to "go get the disc," whereupon the caddie swam out and gently brought the disc back to shore - totally cool. I think Brad videoed the retrieval and I hope he can post it.
The best country clubs are well manicured gems situated on beautiful real estate. Flyboy is all that - and a bag of chips - a bag of chips and a fresh sandwich and homemade brownies and an ice-cold drink served by Lillian, Kelly's mom, while we cooled off in the hangar before playing the last six holes. While some of those snobby country clubs will have a higher priced menu, none of them serve better food in a nicer setting than Flyboy. Order the lunch!
Country club golf is not for the fellers that wanna hightail an ungoverned, gas powered golf car, loaded with cigarettes and beer, taking turns swearing on their cell phones and cursing golf balls. If you have the chance to play Flyboy take the day off, leave your phone in the car and ENJOY a round of golf with friends, friends that you bring, and friends like Kelly and Brad. Thanks guys,


We live five hours away. It does take a long time to play all 27 holes.
If Kelly had a little more stuff with the Flyboy logo we would have spent more on "mementos."

Other Thoughts:

Next time that we plan to be in the area, we will ask about staying at the parents' B-n-B...they are really great folks!
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16 4
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 50 played 50 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 25, 2011 Played the course:once


Nestled into the small community of Whitesburg, GA, Flyboy Aviation offers a pro level disc golf course with great aesthetics and challenging layout, but the concept behind Flyboy Aviation is much greater than this. Designed and created by Kelly Leggette, Flyboy Aviation is a very unique and complete disc golf experience that clearly portrays what the sport of disc golf is all about. From the moment you pull into the driveway, it is very evident that everything at Flyboy Aviation is done with excellence. Initial impressions of the course and its facilities were astonishing to say the least. Most all of the reviewers talk about their "experience" at Flyboy, that is exactly what Kelly was aiming for and that is exactly what he has successfully created and has so graciously shared with the disc golf community.

Course Design & Layout:
-Holes: 27
-Length: 13,000ft. (Avg: 481ft/Hole)
-Par: 95
-Fairway Variety: Left (8), Right (3), Left then Right (1), Right then Left (2), Straight (13)
-Elevation Variety: Up (5), Dn (7), Valley (2), Flat (13)
-Holes With Water Hazards: 11

Course Essentials:
-Baskets: Mix of modified DB-5s and Innova DISCatchers
-Tee Pads: Rubber (Except #5, Tee From Paved Road)
-Signs: Laminated signs located on all 27 holes that display the hole layout, distance and par.

Course Description:
The setting for this world-class, professional caliber course could not be any more perfect. The course is creatively designed throughout a community airpark with a vast amount of land and resources. Kelly has worked with the developer of this community, and its neighbors, to utilize this amazing property and transform it into what is simply the most splendid and picturesque disc golf course that I have ever seen. There are many trees/tree-lines that are used to shape the fairways, and a total of 3 ponds and couple of small creeks that come into play on 11 of the 27 holes. The current course configuration is 27 holes with access back to the hangar/parking area after holes 19, 21, 22, and 23. The rubber tee pads are mostly flush with the ground and provide a nice "grippy" surface from which to throw. Brooms have been placed near all of the tee pads to brush away debris which can affect the grip of the pad. The baskets are a mixed variety (DB-5s and DISCatchers), and laminated signs are located on every hole that clearly defines the hole layout, length and par.

Flyboy Aviation contains some of the most scenic and brilliantly designed holes in all of disc golf. Each hole at Flyboy Aviation has its own unique personality and the holes are even named based on these features and characteristics (see photo descriptions). There is nothing about the layout that seems repetitive or "filler". The course design was thouroughly planned and well executed; the layout takes full advantage of the available elevations and resources that are offered throughout the property. Overall, Flyboy is a very long and challenging course, but the fairways were designed so that the technical aspect of each hole will match the length of the hole, which makes the course fair. If you plan and execute a great throw, you will get great results. There are no "pin-ball" type fairways that require luck over skill to navigate, or random trees in the middle of the line to knock down what was otherwise a well-placed drive. The course has great variety in all aspects of design including fairway shapes, shot selection, elevations, length, layout, and pin placements ( i.e. flat, up/down, and sidehill putts).

Flyboy offers several true par 4 (6total) and par 5 (4total) holes that are evenly distributed throughout the layout. There are no wide open holes on the course; all fairways are defined by trees and/or water hazards, so consistent play and shot execution is critical to scoring well on this course. Flyboy Aviation also includes a few course design features that create some interesting aesthetic qualities such as the elevated basket installed on a downed tree on hole 13, the buried basket on 22, the deep grass bunkers that have been added to the fairway for hole 7, and the optional "dock" shot (CTP) between holes 9 &10 where you walk out onto a small boating dock and throw a 195ft shot across the pond to the basket on 14. (You will pick the disc up when you get to hole14.)

-The course flows well given the size/length of the design, and navigational aids are in place where needed. With that being said, this course can only be played with a designated course guide, so navigation is a non-issue.
-The course is lengthy and has many elevation changes, it will take 4-5hrs to complete your round including a 30min lunch break after 19holes. Between the length and elevations, the course is pretty physically demanding. Benches and water casks are available throughout the course.
-Flyboy Aviation and all of its facilities are super clean, it is evident from the moment you pull into the driveway that Kelly and his family are very proud of Flyboy Aviation and work very hard to make sure that it is very well maintained. The course itself was pristine and well manicured.

-Pro Shop that is stocked with lots of new and used discs
-Snacks and water available at the Pro Shop
-Restrooms at the hangar and also on course near hole 7/8
-Practice Basket
-Water casks w/fresh, iced-down water throughout the course
-Brooms on ALL holes to clean debris from the tee pads
-Benches on various holes throughout the course
-Camping on-site
-Very nice Bed & Breakfast facilities
-Lunch provided for a small fee

A few notes:
-Most people, myself included, would typically list "mixed baskets" and "rubber tee pads" as a con, but I think that Flyboy is an exception. A large majority of the course is installed on land that is owned by the property developer and/or it's neighbors, who have all generously allowed Kelly to build the course on and through their property. With that being said, it only makes sense to use the temp baskets and rubber tees, so I believe that this is valid justification for the design.

-It is highly likely that you will lose a couple of discs, bring some old discs that you don't mind giving up to the water hazards. Drop zones are available, but if you are any where close to being able to pull off the shots across the pond, it is worth trying to make it and losing a disc to experience the full scope of the course design. (I lost 1 disc on 3, and 1 disc on 6)

-Flyboy Aviation is not beginner friendly, it is a professional level course that is long and challenging and can by physically demanding with the length and elevations. I recommend anyone to play here, but having a little experience under your belt before making a trip to play at Flyboy will make your day here that much better. New players may find the course to be extremely difficult and frustrating.

Other Thoughts:

The inception of Flyboy disc golf is best explained by Kelly himself in a short word document that he sent me prior to my visit to Whitesburg. Please take time to read this short article "Flyboy Field of Dreams" (located in the Links/Files tab of the DGCR homepage) to understand what Flyboy Aviation is all about from the designers perspective. Kelly graciously invited us into the shop and gave us a tour of the hangar and bed & breakfast facilities prior to our round of golf. He made sure that we had snacks/water before heading out to the course, and brought along some extras for us too! We got to play the course with Kelly, PDGA Pro Phil Arthur, and Phil's daughter, Faith. My experience at Flyboy was just as other reviewers have described, despite being the lowest ranked player in the group by far, I was treated as an honored guest and never felt rushed or hurried during any point of the 4.5hrs we were on the course.

Everything about our experience of Flyboy Aviation was fantastic, from the initial contact with Kelly via email through the end of our day at Flyboy Aviation. My girlfriend planned this trip for me for my Father's Day gift. She has just started playing a little disc golf this year, but she doesn't throw very far yet, so we typically play alternate shot so that we can enjoy the sport together. She walked the course with us, but was so inspired by the experience that she had (even though she didn't play) that she has started playing her own disc and is wanting to play more and learn more about disc golf.

Kelly and his family are all remarkable people who have worked hard to create an unforgettable experience for everyone who visits Flyboy Aviation. Kelly's mother, Lillian, had prepared a great lunch that was ready for us after hole 19 (fresh sandwich w/chips, drink and a brownie). We drove 6hrs from central Ky to play this course, and it was well worth the trip!!! Even with all that Flyboy has to offer, Kelly is continuously working to improve the course and make it even better, I'm excited to see how this course will evolve over the next few years. I highly recommend anyone who is serious about disc golf to add this course to their wish list and schedule a time to come and enjoy the experience that awaits at Flyboy Aviation!

A special thanks to Kelly and his family, Brad Orman (the course pro), Phil Arthur, and Faith Arthur for making this the absolute most enjoyable disc golf experience of our lives, and for the hospitality and kindness that was shown to us during our visit!
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5 3
Bub Hill
Experience: 28.4 years 2 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

THE FUTURE IS HERE! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2011 Played the course:once


Simply the most enjoyable round of disc golf I've experienced in my 15-plus years in the sport. This is the future of our great sport. It has it all. Long, open holes, short, tactical holes and a combination of both. And what scenic beauty surrounds this paradise. This 27 hole tract has at least 10 or more holes that would be signature holes on most any other course. And don't get me started on the hospitality! What great people Kelly and his parents are. I almost felt embarrassed to be doted over so much, ALMOST!. You really need to stay at the Flyboy if you come, you do not want to miss out on this experience. You'll find nothing like it anywhere else.


The only con I had was that after playing here on Thursday it made the last three days of our disc golf trip almost anticlimactic.

Other Thoughts:

I can not wait to get some of my other disc golf buddies and get back to this incredible place. If you haven't given the Flyboy a test flight, you're really missing out!
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