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2010 Tourneys (How'd You Do?) Goals for 2011


Birdie Member
May 28, 2009
As a first year PDGA member I made it a goal for 2010 to try to get to at least 5 tournaments. I sucessfully did that and more. For my 2011 goal I am going for a PDGA rating > 850 and move up to Am3.

Over all I thought 2010 was a fun year to get started in the tournament scene and actually try to be competitive rather than just playing for fun.
My tournament goal for 2010 was to play in 5 events and get my rating over 900. I played in 6 sanctioned and 1 unsanctioned event with one more unsanctioned event coming up this weekend, and my current rating is 903. I'd like to play in at least another 5 sanctioned events in 2011 and get my rating over 915.
I netted 1 rating point gain. 3 total events.
9th, a 13th when I realized I was hurt in March and my comeback 6th in November.

11 sanctioned events:

4 1sts in REC women including a Major at USWDGC
3 3rds and a 1st in INT womens including 1 b-tier
1 2nd in Adv women at a b-tier
1 5th and 1 15th in REC men

Net gain of 111 ratings points from Dec09 to Dec10
The view from the Other Side of the Hill:

Goal: Try to hold onto as many ratings points as I can.
joined the PDGA this fall, had myself pegged as a good MA2 player. Played two tourneys, shot rounds of 931 905 930 and 941. Just need to keep up on the practice, stop giving away strokes with the putter, and I can finally realize my goal of being a mediocre MA1 guy!

I'm going to keep playing MA2 till I get bumped up, which will probably happen next summer. I want a little more experience being one of the better players in my division, and keeping a better focus in the 2nd round. I had leads in both tourneys and ended up losing both by a single stroke!
I played in 29 PDGA events and had 5 wins in the MPM division. I'm on the comeback trail after years of lackluster play. I didn't win anything big this year and I didn't finish high up in any big events but hopefully 2011 will be even better. I'm a little disappointed in the events that I was leading in and did not win. I've always handled pressure well but I let 4 tournaments slip away this year. I also was able to get my name on the ODDS trophy again as a divisional winner. I think I had a 3 year drought.
The view from the Other Side of the Hill:

Goal: Try to hold onto as many ratings points as I can.

I can identify with the above.

My goal for 2010, a 900-rated round. Check.
Unfortunately, the morning that i had the 940-rated round, I followed it up by throwing an 832-rated round in the afternoon.
My other 900-rated round (912) was followed by an 854-rated round in the afternoon. That wasn't so bad, considering the weather.

My goal for 2011, consistency.
Specifically, no round lower than 860. That should go a long way to improving my Player Rating.
I'm a little disappointed in the events that I was leading in and did not win.

yea that sure is a crappy feeling. I don't mind losing, but having a lead and then giving it up through poor play really sucks. I wouldn't mind losing if my competition got on fire and outperformed me. I just hate beating myself.
I got only 2 sanctioned events in 2010, second in a big a tier in intermediate, and 5th or 6th of 8 or 9 in my first advanced.
I also won 2 of 3 unsanctioned in small fields, and won am1 in a sanctioned doubles tourney with a decently big field.
I raised my rating from 900 to 937.

My goal next year is 3 sanctioned tourneys and a rating of 950 or better with making he cash in each tourney. I'd love to finish top 3 in Vegas this year at the GCC
I got only 2 sanctioned events in 2010, second in a big a tier in intermediate, and 5th or 6th of 8 or 9 in my first advanced.
I also won 2 of 3 unsanctioned in small fields, and won am1 in a sanctioned doubles tourney with a decently big field.
I raised my rating from 900 to 937.

My goal next year is 3 sanctioned tourneys and a rating of 950 or better with making he cash in each tourney. I'd love to finish top 3 in Vegas this year at the GCC

Can I get your discs again?
Considering I had hardly started playing at the beginning of the year, I had no goals coming into 2010, tournaments weren't even a consideration. Come July I tried my first tourney and won intermediate, then played an A-tier, took 4th, played one more intermediate tourney and took first. Since then I've played 2 advanced C-tier tourneys, got my ass handed to me in both. At one point I had my rating up to 920, but now it has dropped to 909.

2011 Goals:

Play 10 Tourneys
Rating of 935+
Play a 1000 rated round
Win an Advanced Tourney (at least be competitive)
I went into 2010 with only 5 months of disc golf experience. I figured I would play in the tournaments at my local courses but ended up playing 16 PDGA events. I won my second tourney in Novice then moved up to Rec for the rest. Won an A-Tier in Rec but my rating is square in the middle of the division. Meet a lot of cool people and made some good friends at my local course.

2011 Goals
-Play more consistent (my last tourney I went 0, +12, +2 and missed first place by one stroke!)
-All rounds above my rating (till it gets over 900)
-Be playing competitively by MA2 by years end
Joined PDGA this year, Played in my first tourney,(non sanctioned) in Dec. Placed 11th, One out of the money.
Will definitely play all tourneys in my area, Alot of fun.
I had pretty high goals for my self last year and managed to achieve them all except one . . .
1)Keep player rating over 1010 (Done)
2) Win a C Tier (Done)
3) Win a B Tier (Done)
4) Win an A Tier (Done)
5) Win the WI Tour Series (Done)
6) Take Top 25 at Worlds (Done)
7) Take Top 25 at USDGC (Not so Much)
8) Cash $10,000+ in PDGA Winnings (Done)
9) Win 10+ open tournaments (Done)
10) Play 35+ PDGA tournaments (Done)

2011 I'm setting less goals but will be even more focused to achieve them!
1) Win 15+ PDGA Open Tournaments (Any Tier level)
2) Win the WI Tour Series 4 years in a row
3) Play 36+ PDGA touranments
4) Get player rating over 1015

First step to improve on last year is to practice through winter!