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2013 DGCR Flyboy Aviation Meetup

maybe we can convince the Sauls' to let us deadbeats kick it around there for a day.
Glad you guys enjoyed your visit, just wish I could've been there to share the experience. Thanks to Connor for being the adult supervision for the weekend. I will personally thank Wingers for taking care of y'all on the chow front. Hopefully next time, Lillian will be full-up again with breakfast and lunch at the ready for you guys.

I am truly sorry about all your lost discs, sacrificed on the field of battle. By design, the course will teach you the hard lessons you need to learn in order to be victorious next time. The greatest compliment I receive from golfers is that the Flyboy experience improved their game in some way. I will make a concerted effort to return your lost troopers to you (probably via Connor) as they are recovered in our ceaseless SAR efforts (the fighter pilot in me still comes out after all these years).

As always, any input from you guys on how to improve the FB "experience" is greatly appreciated.


Thank you SO MUCH for having us Kelly!!! I know I speak for us all when I say we had a phenomenal time! Due to there being fewer people there, I'm sure it was much less stressful for you and Connor (Connor was not nearly as cranky as he was last year ;)) and it felt much more tight-knit/bonding than last.

Unfortunately I was quite short on cash last weekend, but I'll have a paypal donation for the course coming your way in the next couple days :thmbup:
maybe we can convince the Sauls' to let us deadbeats kick it around there for a day.

That should be pretty easy, just gotta pick a day. We could also add in Charlotte stuff too if the GA people come up for Stoney Hill.

There's enough places in driving distance for GA/SC/NC worthy of a quick trip, maybe we should just coordinate a monthly. :hfive:
That should be pretty easy, just gotta pick a day. We could also add in Charlotte stuff too if the GA people come up for Stoney Hill.

There's enough places in driving distance for GA/SC/NC worthy of a quick trip, maybe we should just coordinate a monthly. :hfive:

I'm in!
I have to assume the video is pretty close :popcorn:

Just got back into town, we had our wedding shower in SC yesterday. Will get back to work on it tonight, almost finished though, just needs some finishing touches. :popcorn:
Just got back into town, we had our wedding shower in SC yesterday. Will get back to work on it tonight, almost finished though, just needs some finishing touches. :popcorn:

Speaking of Chatooga Belle Farm ... KatanaFrenzy and I are gonna take a day trip up to there and Grand Central some time in the next month, preferably on a drier weekend than the last two :\
Speaking of Chatooga Belle Farm ... KatanaFrenzy and I are gonna take a day trip up to there and Grand Central some time in the next month, preferably on a drier weekend than the last two :\

Let me know when, and I'll get with bergdawg since he's perma'd. :eek:
Man, I am so f'ing jealous of all you guys. I tried to get down there two winters ago but a giant ice storm re-routed me to Houston. :( I called you up and everything, Kelly, all for naught.

Don't fret it Alan, if I buy the house that is currently for sale on windsock way you will have plenty off opportunity
Let me know when, and I'll get with bergdawg since he's perma'd. :eek:

Bergdawg is perm banned? For what???? I guess he comes off as a bit of a dbag on the boards but permanent is a long time. Like many folks he is a good dude in the for realz world...
Let me know when, and I'll get with bergdawg since he's perma'd. :eek:

He's even been rather tame lately. That's a damn shame.

I was supposed to meet up with him in a couple weeks on my trip. Guess I'll move the correspondence to DGR.
Glad you guys enjoyed your visit, just wish I could've been there to share the experience. Thanks to Connor for being the adult supervision for the weekend. I will personally thank Wingers for taking care of y'all on the chow front. Hopefully next time, Lillian will be full-up again with breakfast and lunch at the ready for you guys.

I am truly sorry about all your lost discs, sacrificed on the field of battle. By design, the course will teach you the hard lessons you need to learn in order to be victorious next time. The greatest compliment I receive from golfers is that the Flyboy experience improved their game in some way. I will make a concerted effort to return your lost troopers to you (probably via Connor) as they are recovered in our ceaseless SAR efforts (the fighter pilot in me still comes out after all these years).

As always, any input from you guys on how to improve the FB "experience" is greatly appreciated.


Thanks so much for acting as guide on Friday, and allowing us use of the property for the weekend. I can easily say that it was worth the cross-county trip. Your course is absolutely breathtaking!