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2014 Tourney Videos

its too bad thespintv cant release their video because j tacoma is too busy arguing with people on the internet.
Anybody know if there's any 2014 USDGC distance competition video?
After seeing the scores and video at the USDGC this year I dont feel as bad about my doubles round.. Alot harder than it looks on video.
Carolinas D/ST is really pissing me off. I start them they suck, I bench them they rock. I'm just going to go against my intuition from now on.
Carolinas D/ST is really pissing me off. I start them they suck, I bench them they rock. I'm just going to go against my intuition from now on.

What kind of accent does that woman have in the video above? It sounds kind of Yooper/Minnesota-ish.
I feel like someone that Nikko loves/respects aught to pull him aside and ask him if he really wants to be a boy or a man. At some point in life we all have to leave the BS behind, and do whatever it takes to get to who/where we want to be. In Nikko's case that would appear to be to unplug emotionally and just execute shots. The whole fiery temper part of who he is has motivated him in the past but recently it appears to be getting the better of him more times than not. Not everyone can be helped(pride), but if any of his friends truly love him, they need to get him to knock off the childish tantrums. It makes him look terrible, puts him on tilt, and now it is also costing him strokes.
Final Round Front 9 with BIG JERM!
Finally! Love y'all's coverage...I just hate I saw this right before I edit a report, I'll have to watch it after I edit it. Keep up the coverage on SpinTV, you guys do the best job out of all the videos I've seen
Finally! Love y'all's coverage...I just hate I saw this right before I edit a report, I'll have to watch it after I edit it. Keep up the coverage on SpinTV, you guys do the best job out of all the videos I've seen

We'll be here for your much deserved break from editing. Enjoy!