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2015 United States Disc Golf Championship

Good point.

I mentioned this before and I think McBeth did indeed take a hazard stroke on a roller here one round.

Sorry if this has been covered already but I just noticed the hazard on #2. This seems almost specifically designed to punish a bad roller, which IIRC is a common shot on this hole. I like it.
If it is so much easier to spike hyzer it why don't more of the top pros just toss out like Doss did and then spike hyzer it for the safe 3?

I actually did an analysis of this option. The throw, plus the chance of going OB on the lay up, offsets any advantage of possibly getting closer to the target. It's not a tempting lay up for 1000 and up rated players.

The real risk/reward choice is how close to the basket you want to try to land on the island vs. aiming for a wider part.
I laid up all 4 rounds. Judge then Zone. Never more than 20 ft from basket. All 3s. If I can do it, any 1000 rated pro can.
I laid up all 4 rounds. Judge then Zone. Never more than 20 ft from basket. All 3s. If I can do it, any 1000 rated pro can.

Wow, a sample of 4. Guess that proves me wrong. Assuming everyone who went OB laying up is just as eager to come on here and brag about it. ;)

Ok, seriously, of course any player can do it. But not 100% of the time, or Nate wouldn't have gone out. It's just that the combination of the chance of going OB (which adds 2 to your score) plus giving up the chance at a birdie adds up to just as much bad as the good you get from laying up.
yeah never understood the layup on that hole and I can throw a solid FH or BH at that distance yet still far from a mcbeth level player. Id really love to play it as-is to see how it could be attacked. Wind would be the biggest variable seems like.
17 is a quirky hole. In my short sample size of playing it (non-competition obviously) I've had good luck with backhanding a mid or putter and staying in bounds and I'm not a terribly good player. But it strikes me as a hole that can get you if you underthink it and definitely one if you overthink it. I dunno, I just try not to get wet and hope the wind doesn't change direction suddenly.
it is polecatable? seems like a solid choice given low-ish wind.

Ehhh, it'd be dicey especially if the wind kicks up. The wind kind of lightly gusts around there. Actually a Champ Polecat might work really well there but the standard PC you'd have to hyzer flip into a bit of turnover and hope it doesn't go awry. A lot simpler to throw a more conventional disc on a baby flex and let it fade back into the meat of the fairway. The ground kind of slopes a bit R>L so RHFH is attractive too to ward off skips into the drink.
yeah makes sense from what ive seen. Probably play the wide FH spike and hope to come up short for a easy putt or go long/wide and throw a slide up tapper. probably would try to range a FH with a faster OS disc so the wind wouldn't really be a factor just need to hit he line and let it **** on the basket.
If anyone is counting, count me against any kind of mandated S&D.
it is polecatable? seems like a solid choice given low-ish wind.

hmm its possible but i would think it would come up a bit short.. plus there always seems to be a steady wind off the shore.. i played it : clozer lay up putt off tee.. clozer at the basket.. clozer putt .. :D

yeah makes sense from what ive seen. Probably play the wide FH spike and hope to come up short for a easy putt or go long/wide and throw a slide up tapper. probably would try to range a FH with a faster OS disc so the wind wouldn't really be a factor just need to hit he line and let it **** on the basket.

yeah this is by far the safe shot.. if i had a lil more distance and confidence in my firebird forehand it would be my line.. but in our group the scores were all very tight and i knew the others would try and run it so i just played it safe and played the putt off the tee and watched everyone else get big numbers :)
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Wow, a sample of 4. Guess that proves me wrong. Assuming everyone who went OB laying up is just as eager to come on here and brag about it. ;)

Ok, seriously, of course any player can do it. But not 100% of the time, or Nate wouldn't have gone out. It's just that the combination of the chance of going OB (which adds 2 to your score) plus giving up the chance at a birdie adds up to just as much bad as the good you get from laying up.
I did it in Monday qualifying with howling winds and in 4 practice rounds. So 9/9.

Did you watch Nate? I was 15 feet from him when he threw. Total brain fart. He had zero focus. Walked up and threw an awful shot. Then missed a 20 ft putt.

The guys I watched lay up and then threw ob didn't have a good game plan. Laying up then throwing right at the basket without a high hyzer.
yeah makes sense from what ive seen. Probably play the wide FH spike and hope to come up short for a easy putt or go long/wide and throw a slide up tapper. probably would try to range a FH with a faster OS disc so the wind wouldn't really be a factor just need to hit he line and let it **** on the basket.

That seems like the shot, but the spotter insists that forehand is the shot that produces the biggest numbers. I'm inclined to believe him.

With no pressure I thought it was an easy shot. I went out the first time because I was trying to throw an ace run for kicks and gigs. I was 10 feet out on a "real" shot.
That seems like the shot, but the spotter insists that forehand is the shot that produces the biggest numbers. I'm inclined to believe him.

With no pressure I thought it was an easy shot. I went out the first time because I was trying to throw an ace run for kicks and gigs. I was 10 feet out on a "real" shot.

Skips are the biggest issue with the overstable forehand for righties as you need to get over the haybales which pushes a forehand to come in hot. A stable to slightly overstable putter that turns over a bit from the headwind and then finishes softly is ideal.

I'm a lefty and I still find it tricky. The distance and downhill nature of the hole indicate putter but the headwind makes powered down midrange more practical for me. Judging how much a headwind is the trick (and I normally grab the wrong Buzzz on my first throw).