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2024 ITB for Mostly Norwegian


Tosser with plastic
May 25, 2017
I haven't done one of these in a couple years. A lot has happened to my body since the last one I did one. I'm a right hand dominant player. I can poke a disc out about 350' using a good slow x step.
My injuries are the usual learning wrong, and also I broke my clavicle, and now abide by, and accommodate with the continual lingering pain, and nerve related issues I set into motion by breaking it with an impact fall / slam on a bicycle.

This is what's in there at the moment.
Putter's / Approach
Soft Pro Aviar 165 die on contact, and new in the bag.
168 Glow Yeti, 172 Reg Yeti, Interchangeable main putter
175 Glow JK Aviar, windy hyzer putter
173 K1 Berg, My usable brick
Approach / Mid
(173 soft exo Tactic) Overstable approach disc with a great puddle top
171 Star Alien, Under 250'? I love this thing. The basket has a gravitational pull it as a CONTROL disc. Great ground action disc.
168 Star Spider, New to the bag. It's really accurate to where I release it towards is my initial impression.
172 Star Glow Cro, the new star glow plastic is colorful now, and it feels GREAT. Compared to the PFN star, and the Caiman. It's grippy, and flexible In between what the r-pro, and first edition is. The Cro is my main get the job done mid-range.
172 Star Caiman Overstable, and long straight with hard finish.
Mid / Approach
169 Holly Finley Glow Mako3
168 Star Rollo, As my confidence with using this disc grows. It does crazier things. PHENOMENAL woods disc.
172 Star Stingray Straight, with late finish, long Stingray things.
165 g/star IT, Swiss army knife edition. It's becoming my roller disc, As a thrower. It's Incredibly touchy and understable compared to the Star and Champion one's I also use in the straight slow
163 pro Gazelle,
163 g/star leopard, straight and gap to hit disc I can also use my Glow Star Holly Finley It in this slot.
(171 g/star teebird) main fairway driver
(162 g/star Roadrunner Straight, and or long turn
157 g/star Beast) My all purpose goes pretty far, and gets the job done disc.
150 star orc, this is new to the bag, I got it, because I've wanted an Orc in non Champion plastic for a while now. I like the mold, and want to get into this, and PD's and Firebird's in the lighter range of plastics to start figuring out.
152 g/star Mamba, Mostly standstill,
164 star Mamba, my main distance driver
150 g/star Tern, new to the bag, Following the suggestions of a few fellow olds that noticed I am proficient with my Mamba's I got a two pack of Tern's to put into that airspace Mamba's can't use.
150 star Tern, new to the bag, At the 260' range I was testing it in. It's about 10 feet more stable than the g/star.
155 g/star Wraith, the more straight wraith,
163 star Wraith, the more stable wraith. Forehand approach disc supreme.
150 star Shryke, figuring this one out. I know it has a place in my getting older disc tote.
Mid season 2024 check in. Updated 8/22
Putts / Approach
172 gram, pro Yeti. Feeling putter, as in. If I feel like using it.
169 gram, Star Colt. Kind of getting a main putter, approach, and sub 250' gentle anhyzer par 3 disc treatment. It had magnets in it for the basket for me this past weekend. 90' throw in that really shows off that 1 fade? Sure, gotcha.
175 gram of Star Aviar3 Approach, and one of probably five other discs that will be the aim a slight hyzer at a tree but miss sub 250', and forehand approach
172 grams of Soft Pro Rhyno, wind putter, fh / bh 200' approach that dumps.
175 grams of Soft Pro Polecat, sub 250' Polecat things.
173 grams of K1 Berg, Functional brick
175 gram Soft Pro Toro, Forehand, and backhand utility disc. I prefer the Soft Pro over the star, and it feels better than the Rat for the reliably overstable approach, and scramble pants disc. best of all. if it hits something, it will die on contact.
171 grams of Star Alien, Approach needing a skipping ground action, and the goes where it gets thrown with a slight finish disc. Downhill, and also big putt putter.
168 grams of Star Kite, Holds a line and goes right, and straight with a finish. A shorter Roadrunner.
172 gram proto star Glo Cro. Primarily backhand disc.
172 gram star Caiman. FH / BH one angle let the disc do the work disc.
174 gram star Mako3, s shape flight, and holds a line flight for under 280'
169 grams of star Rollo, For scramble pants time when I leave my bag in the fairway, I typically try to carry the Toro, the ALien, and the Rollo with me. For its size, The rollo is an effective turn fast to hit a small gap disc, and it just goes right, and can be such a useful touch range disc.
168 gram star Jay, Reliable midrange with slight fade. It's accurate to how I release it. Just not always in the right direction.
163 gram Star Leopard, the leopard keeps reminding me to keep throwing it.
168 gram g-star it, straight to very understable with (hopefully) a slight fade magician looking kind of stuff. This disc continues to surprise me with what it can do.
171 grams of Halo It, Straight and holding those lines fairway
166 grams of g-star Eagle x, I like this as a main fairway off the tee sort of disc.
Distance Drivers,
166 Gram Star Gorgon, my new main goes far and pretty much where I throw it disc.
167 gram g-star Gorgon, the understable companion that also goes far
168 gram Halo Beast, the current beefcake I use.
164 gram star Mamba, distance needed? Distance given.
163 gram star Wraith, overstable get out that aggression out level of distance, and forehand approach.
166 gram Star Shryke, So far, I think this is primarily going to be a forehand disc.
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