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[Discraft] Avenger, Surge, or Tracker??


Eagle Member
Gold level trusted reviewer
May 16, 2011
Twin Cities, MN
I'm looking for my first overstable disc to throw backhand shots with, my backhand is underdeveloped and i've been working on it ALOT lately. I already have a Star Boss but i cannot for the life of me get enough power behind that disc unless im throwing forehand. So if you could help me on my decision here, or point me in a new direction if neither of these three discs would be good to start with, id apreciate it :)
Like mentioned above, let us know how far you are throwing and that would help a ton

my personal favorites are champ teebirds, Gold line Strikers, heavier stalkers (depending on how far you throw), or if you have a bigger arm maybe a Starfire.

out of the ones you listed the tracker is an awesome disc. I used it for both overstable RHBH and for dead straight FH shots. i was really sad when it went in the river
im throwing my 168g z stalker about 200-250 on average..but ive only had it for one day, and its windy as hell so idk how far i could really throw it w/out the wind. and like i said im not throwing my boss for backhand throws, its only for sidearm shots and what im looking for is a slightly overstable backhand driver
If you want a meathook that you can actually do something with, I'd suggest a Banshee. If you want a straight then fade type standard stable driver than yeah, Teebird or Eagle-X is a good choice.

B/w those three, the Surge is basically like a Wraith, more speed stable than actually overstable, so maybe too fast for your arm, I don't know. The Avenger is slower but has a good bit of overstability, might be a good choice. Trackers are a mixed bag of stability as far as I know, but the slower speed is best for novice backhands b/w the three.

Edit: saw the Stalker post.

This could be as simple as getting a heavier Stalker with a high PLH.
The Avenger & Surge are both good disc's & come in the FLX plastic which i personally like for grip. However i think you might want to try an Avenger SS or Surge SS. They will both be easier to throw! I have no experience with the Tracker, but people seem to like it.
The Avenger & Surge are both good disc's & come in the FLX plastic which i personally like for grip. However i think you might want to try an Avenger SS or Surge SS. They will both be easier to throw! I have no experience with the Tracker, but people seem to like it.

I have the Avenger and Surge both in SS. The Avenger works great on my distance in a 168 weight. I use the Surge SS as a LHFH driver when I have to go sharp dogleg left since I am left handed and everything I do is opposite from the standard RHBH/FH. Avenger SS and Surge SS are worth it, but I prefer and Avenger SS and in Z Plastic for my benefits.

I also praise the Eagle as a solid fairway driver. I primarly throw understable discs, and I am just starting to dabble in Overstable with a Destroyer, but its a work in process.
The Avenger is great. Especially the old stamped Elite Z (AvengeR stamp) in the bright orange.

It is deceptively long (I get about Wraith length) even though it isn't super wide rimmed. It is one of the few discs I carry a backup of in my bag.
I had a similar sitch...
Try a Northman VIP,
For me (I throw a teebird about 320), it takes a good flat rip to get it to go straight and not hook, but it's got a ton of glide and has a reliable comeback (for me at least).
And is pretty good for a hyzer flip into the wind, I don't think I've ever turned it over.

I'd classify it as a faster champ T-bird. tho technically the northman is "understable"
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If you can't get these up to a decent speed, they will all basicly fly the same.
The tracker willhave the least turn- the surge the most.
The tracker will have the smallest/slowest rim- the surge the fastest/widest.
The tracker is less nose angle sensitive then the others.

I honestly think there's better discs though to learn bh with.
How's the stalker flying? What do you like and dislike about it?
True....its just that I have only thrown other's "flippy" trackers seeing that I wouldn't pick those myself.
That really depends on what kind of Tracker you get. I've had a couple with some considerable turn out of the box. Trackers are a bit inconsistent.

This point understates an important point...Don't buy a Tracker. Seriously. It's one of Discraft's biggest follies and I'd bet money they are either done running them or they will go OOP in the near future. It was always supposed to fly like the original X Trackers flew, but they've never been near that mark since. Most the newer ones are like mini Predators.
Yep, I have an ESP that is all beef and a Z that has just a bit of turn and is nicely workable. I actually liked the Z but I didn't want to commit to chasing an inconsistent mold.
im going to agree with the avenger SS in Z plastic. like 168g. once you dial that in on BH throws move up to the regular avenger. you should still be able to find a spot in your bag for the SS by that time.
Out of these options, I would go with the avenger for backhanding in z plastic. Easily one of the straightest flying discs I've ever thrown, once beat in that is. But it honestly couldn't hurt to go with something a little slower like a reliable fairway driver (TeeBird, River, etc.). But if you're really only looking to get one of these three discs I would go with a regular z avenger.
If your going only slightly more stable than your stalker, then consider an XS. I've only thrown a hand full of them but they sure do fly nicely. And since you seem partial to discraft, it would be a great choice for developing your backhand.
The tracker is like an Eagle-X, which would be an easier disc to use as an overstable bh. The Avenger IMO is closer to a PD which is good, but get it in X not Z if your wanting to really work on creating a quality backhand. The Surge is too fast to learn with, but great once you have kinks worked out.
I definitely support the notion of an x avenger over z for an easier leaning and added versitility.
Ill add that the pro d is actually more overstable then the x...now if I can stop losing em over water then maybe I can tell you how they break in;)
i agree about the trackers.

i had an X tracker a couple years ago (just lost it earlier this year) and it was super straight with dependable fade. then it got beat in an i got an ESP tracker, and to be honest it was pretty overstable for me.

my x tracker, even when new, was money for flex shots and hyzer flips. i used to throw it forehand flat and it would turn a bit and always fade back. forehand hyzer flips it was money, super straight. the esp wouldnt turn for me unless i released it anhyzer, and it promptly came back and faded hard. was pretty disappointed with it.

now my avenger that i used to have. that disc was money in the z plastic. i only threw it back when i only threw forehand, but that thing was fantastic for max distance shots. it would turn late in its flight for me, flex and then come back nicely. great disc, though a bit overstable when new.

i even got an ace with it the very first time i threw it! in leagues no less haha. i highly recommend it.