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Back on the Road Again - Tour Stop #5 (Monterey, CA)

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* Ace Member *
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
May 23, 2007
Haverhill, MA

Tour Stop #5

Monterey, CA
St.Jude Invitational Charity Open (A-Tier)
"A stepping stone"

After the Cruz we headed to rest for a few days, catch up on laundry, etc. I have decided to start answering some of your questions so here goes.

I'd like more info about his 2 and 3 angles video. Where he's flipping firebirds into rollers. Also I thought he was semi retiring. Maybe a post of whether he's still doing that or if it was a whim an he's just to much love for the game to retire right now.

It is easy to understand it as one or two angles. A one angle throw is a shot thrown on the angle you intend it to fly on. A two angle throw is a throw where the player changes the angle of the throw in the contact zone. This causes shots where a disc leaves the hand with one angle and changes to a different flight angle then the disc was released on during its flight.

As for the retirement, I was able to find a better foot doctor and he has helped me be able to continue to play with custom molded orthotics for my shoes. I also still have the itch to keep competing while I still can as I love to play.

What does he putt with when there isn't a breeze? Daggers?
Yes daggers are still my money in regular conditions.

BT Bard US release?
The BT Bard was made for the retail markets in Europe. As retail chains prefer a less expensive plastic. Westside has informed me that they will be making them again as they have noticed that there is a demand in the U.S. I will post when there is an exact date. But if you want them they exist at sporting good stores in Europe.
After catching up we decided to head to Great America Theme Park to ride roller coasters. They had about 8 coasters but one was off the charts. The Gold Stryker, the fastest and tallest roller coaster in Northern California. I have been to many amusement parks and this coaster was exhilarating.


On Thursday we stopped for a round with Burbee and Thad Roa who graciously let us park and shower the night before.

Rest of the family:
I wanted to introduce the other two members of our tour, Kulo and Little Man. Both are Synthya's well behaved dogs that I have fell in love with. They are thirteen years old and I thought what a great way for them to spend there elder years seeing and smelling the USA. Kulo is a Dachshund and little man is a Pekinese.


We didn't arrive until late Thursday night and headed straight to the course Friday morning for the scheduled practice round. Monterey is a small town on the coast that is known as a military town. It has many bases and schools. The other few things are seafood, views, and amazing ball golf courses. One of the special parts of playing in this St. Jude event is that we are playing on Black Horse, at Bayonet. A premier golf course with green fees starting at $160. I understand why, as the place is beautiful. I would say one of the best pieces of land disc golf has ever been played on. As for the area, we didn't get much time for sightseeing, but the guy that hosted us, Josh Jones, did have a great view of the bay from his deck, thanks Josh! Also thanks to my caddy Jimbo!

The competition was far from the focus as we were all there to raise money for St. Jude charities. It would only be a two round tournament. One round each day. I was in the featured group to start with McBeth, Barsby, and Rico. We all played very tight in a very tough course. On the last hole Barsby and Rico took a four, McBeth a five, and myself a 6. That was the difference -2 for Barsby and Rico, -1 for McBeth and even for myself. The course had some weird re-tee rules that kinda could ruin peoples rounds. Many people struggled. It was also cold, windy, and misty during the entire event. The second round I started off in 11th place and played pretty much the same but carded a 4 on the last hole and shot-2. Only nine people were under par for the event. I finished tied for 7th with Bobby Musick who had the best final round of -6. Schusterick won by two over Rico and McBeth.

Being that it was a ball golf course I used less discs than usual. I drove mainly with white Giants and Worlds. I occasionally threw my Spark, Stryker, and a Havoc roller. I stuck with my Bard and Sinuses for approaches. Also, as it was super windy I putted Judges and even sometimes a Sinus. Sea wind is thicker and affects your disc more than most places, even Oklahoma!

The event was a huge success for disc golf. Our community raised over $214,000 dollars for St.Jude charities. We at Latitude 64 donated over $8,000 and I also donated $2,000 dollars in the name of Keen Disc Golf. This is just a start and could be a stepping stone towards mainstreaming our sport.


Next Stop
Sunrise Showdown (Unsanctioned)
Sacramento, CA
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