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[Discraft] Comet love?

Which one did you order?
Short story long: my oldest daughter sadly inherited my body type which is short stumpy arms and legs, and since she's shorter than I am there are various things that are out of her reach. Since we are a loving, caring and supportive family, we have reacted to this by mocking her unmercifully for years with T-Rex items to commemorate her short arms. After the Icon Comets last year we declared ourselves out of the boutique Comet game and decided no more, and then what do they do? The put a T-Rex on the darned Comet stamp. :\ I had to get her one. Since I was getting her one I got one because I'm weak when presented with boutique Comets. :(

There are absolutely, positively the last ones, though. I mean, unless the next boutique run of Comets is really cool. :|
Welp, we got them. We threw them. Of the entire round, my daughter had one good drive with a Jade. The rest of the round could have been improved on if we were n00bs with no previous disc golf experience, because then we would have had an excuse for how short and bad all of our shots were. :\

Results: Inconclusive.
So I picked up an Orange 177+ Z Comet that is flat on top (my preferred Comet, don't @me...) and it's the Comet that I feel like I've been missing recently. It also helps that I found a really nice FH Comet since I threw it ~260' with some uphill towards the later end of the flight. It might be an OSish Comet, but it still has great glide, almost like a Buzzz that is masquerading as a Comet...
So I picked up an Orange 177+ Z Comet that is flat on top (my preferred Comet, don't @me...) and it's the Comet that I feel like I've been missing recently. It also helps that I found a really nice FH Comet since I threw it ~260' with some uphill towards the later end of the flight. It might be an OSish Comet, but it still has great glide, almost like a Buzzz that is masquerading as a Comet...

Interesting, typically flatter comets are flippier. There definitely have been some interesting comets lately.
I've got two pink, semi-domey, current production Z Comets that are practically Buzzz stable. It's a bit odd...
Welp, we got them. We threw them. Of the entire round, my daughter had one good drive with a Jade. The rest of the round could have been improved on if we were n00bs with no previous disc golf experience, because then we would have had an excuse for how short and bad all of our shots were. :\

Results: Inconclusive.

If you two don't like them, I'd be more than happy to take them off your hands :D

I've been rocking the heck out of my dino-Comet (a name it has lovingly been given). Between it, and the pretty butterfly sparkle one I've got, they've basically taken over every Comet throw other than the hard turnovers I use my last LE ESP one for.

The dino-Comet has SO much glide, it's great!
Managed to snag a light weight Z Comet from Discraft's website, and it arrived today. Flies like a Meteor or a Sol. Flat top, so it just turns, and keeps turning, when thrown flat.

Not 100% sure I like it, especially since it's GRASS green, but I suppose it means I have something similar to my LE ESP, in case I ever lose it...
If you two don't like them, I'd be more than happy to take them off your hands :D

I've been rocking the heck out of my dino-Comet (a name it has lovingly been given). Between it, and the pretty butterfly sparkle one I've got, they've basically taken over every Comet throw other than the hard turnovers I use my last LE ESP one for.

The dino-Comet has SO much glide, it's great!
She was sitting at work yesterday looking at her leave program and realized she could go "**** it" and take the afternoon off. I was lying around with vertigo so I didn't go. She went and threw +4, which for us anymore is a really good round. Her go-to Comet just kinda always goes straight; she said the Dino-Comet was more workable and she could throw different lines with it, plus it has good glide. She seemed to really like it when she was actually executing some throws (as opposed to whatever that was we were doing on Sunday. :sick: )

Her problem now is that she has a swirl ESP Comet in that workable slot already, so she gets to play "which really good Comet am I leaving out of the bag." We seem to do that a lot. :\ It's either that or play "do I have room for any drivers in the bag after I filled it with Comets?"
She was sitting at work yesterday looking at her leave program and realized she could go "**** it" and take the afternoon off. I was lying around with vertigo so I didn't go. She went and threw +4, which for us anymore is a really good round. Her go-to Comet just kinda always goes straight; she said the Dino-Comet was more workable and she could throw different lines with it, plus it has good glide. She seemed to really like it when she was actually executing some throws (as opposed to whatever that was we were doing on Sunday. :sick: )

Her problem now is that she has a swirl ESP Comet in that workable slot already, so she gets to play "which really good Comet am I leaving out of the bag." We seem to do that a lot. :\ It's either that or play "do I have room for any drivers in the bag after I filled it with Comets?"

I bag 6 Comets, before today's arrival. I'm probably more the devil's advocate, than the voice of reason when it comes to that :D
Her problem now is that she has a swirl ESP Comet in that workable slot already, so she gets to play "which really good Comet am I leaving out of the bag."

This is my constant struggle. I have about ten that are all serviceable, but not quite distinct from one another. That is a lot of competition for one or two slots in the bag. Not the worst problem to have!
So I think I've gathered - the dino Ledgestone comet is more understable and has a bit more glide vs a stock Z? I'm working on beating up a max weight Z but they take their sweet time, if I had one that started out a bit less stable I would be all over it.
So I think I've gathered - the dino Ledgestone comet is more understable and has a bit more glide vs a stock Z? I'm working on beating up a max weight Z but they take their sweet time, if I had one that started out a bit less stable I would be all over it.

Compared to the current generation production Z ones I've got in the same weight, I'd say that's a pretty good description. My dino-Comet is basically between my Icon ESP and my production Z, in terms of stability. Workable on tons of lines, but doesn't really turn much on its own, out of the box, with smooth form.
I bag 6 Comets, before today's arrival. I'm probably more the devil's advocate, than the voice of reason when it comes to that :D
I think she bags four. It's hard to tell because she carries a chaos bag; she has putters and non-putters in her putter pocket, she has putters in her regular compartment, and the putters, mids and drivers in the regular compartment are all willy-nilly just in there. I have no idea how she knows what she has at any given time.

She also carries five putters, all are different molds and she just kinda putts with whatever, approaches with whatever...she will putt with an Alpaca on one hole and putt with a Wizard on the next. I've given up and just sort of ignore what she does.
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I think she bags four. It's hard to tell because she carries a chaos bag; she has putters and non-putters in her putter pocket, she has putters in her regular compartment, and the putters, mids and drivers in the regular compartment are all willy-nilly just in there. I have no idea how she knows what she has at any given time.

She also carries five putters, all are different molds and she just kinda putts with whatever, approaches with whatever...she will putt with an Alpaca on one hole and putt with a Wizard on the next. I've given up and just sort of ignore what she does.

Please do us a favor and continue keeping an eye on her, that may be red flag serial killer behaviors.
Decided to throw off the dust from my Icon Comet, because it's been lonely since I got the Dino-Comet.


It didn't disappoint. :D
Pretty similar swirl to my icon. Nice ace!

Been bagging comets for most of 18 years and have yet to see a comet ace for my self…
This was by no means my first Comet ace - my first ace was with a really pretty magenta early run production Z Comet. I wish I knew where it went. I miss that one...

Actually, 3 of my 4 aces are with Comets. One with that Z, one with an LE ESP, and this one. The 4th was with an APX, so a putter Comet :D
Pretty similar swirl to my icon. Nice ace!

Been bagging comets for most of 18 years and have yet to see a comet ace for my self…

I am a friggin idiot. I forgot my most recent ace. I have been on a few decently long dry spells recently and kinda forgot I hit one earlier this year. Probably even posted pictures in this thread a few months ago...

So it was 18 years before I got my first comet ace :D
I am a friggin idiot. I forgot my most recent ace. I have been on a few decently long dry spells recently and kinda forgot I hit one earlier this year. Probably even posted pictures in this thread a few months ago...

So it was 18 years before I got my first comet ace :D
I've simplified remembering Aces by never hitting one. :|

Tangent: I ricocheted a First Run Stratus off a tree on a horrible shot that randomly shot left back across the fairway into the basket on a Sunday morning when I was the only person in the park. This was when the Stratus was just out and I didn't know how it was supposed to fly; back then we would get new discs with no info, so you just threw it for a while and figured it out. So I flipped a Stratus on a hyzer shot (duh) and it ricocheted off a tree into the basket. The hard and fast Ace rules were no witness, no Ace. So I've never counted it. Which is no biggie because if I was counting it, it would still be the lamest Ace ever.