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Cool Dye Combinations2, the dyed discs

Yes I agree. It also looks really good if you do two layers, like a light brown saran marble on top of flat yellow.
catwoman on pink predator?

Boondocks Saints

Ordered this custom from MST. A Green Boondocks Saints dye on what else a GL Saint. A big thank you goes to Rayne for doing this. Probably will order another one when I decided to finally throw this.


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Gotta keep this thread alive. Here's an old Panther. Don't ask me why it's breathing fire. I just thought it looked cool.
weird, wanted to edit the pic on my post before this with a better one but couldn't. Anyway, here it is:
A different Eagle on an Eagle...

This is my first attempt at multiple shades using the "flip & dip" method on a Champion Eagle...


GL Master Chief Halo, Opto Poseidon Trident (previously posted in the dye a day thread), Opto Master Chief Halo with a failed tie dye


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Noticed alot of firebirds on firebirds. Here's mine free hand drawn just looking at a pic on phone not at much detail as pic I was looking at, and hand cut with razor blade(pain in @$$). But happy with it for my 3rd dye ever doing


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I never realized I could just check that box to allow me to post in a dead thread...so I am reviving this thread to talk about this disc:


The background was done like most of my nebula backgrounds - A bed of detergent in a circular pan, and a detergent/dye/fabric softener mix placed on top using eyedroppers and then swirled around with a toothpick. Softener is just added to lower the density of the dye a bit to prevent it from sinking into the bed.

The attached thumbnails show the bed and dye mixes (1), the bed prior to mixing (2), and the bed after mixing (3) that I used for this disc:

The background of the Floyd disc was essentially the same thing. But rather than completely random lines (pic 2), I made straight lines of alternating colors (gun metal, blue, aqua, turquoise). For the red tye dye above, I made circular swirls from the outside in, and then radial lines back and forth, like spokes. But the Floyd disc I just made a bunch of smaller circles.

I really think the key to these is the circular shaped/disc sized container that I generally use. This keeps everything looking pretty much exactly how it looks before you lay the disc down, rather than using a plate and letting everything spread much more.

The order of steps for the Floyd disc was:

1) dip dye the black of Pink Floyd, and the black on the face (but not the black of the shadow)
2) weed off the background and do the tye dye
3) weed the letters and paint those pink (pink, bright red, and fl yellow)
4) remask and uncover the face

Then all the colors on the face were simply painted on (just straight detergent/dye mix), trying to follow a negative color version of the face I found on google by searching "pink Floyd the wall face"

That was done in multiple steps (probably 5 or 6), since I tried to avoid doing any parts that were touching each other at the same time, and there are some areas that are layers of colors.


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That's what I'm talkin' about!:clap:

Thanks for the info! What brand(s) of detergent are you using? Is it that "tealish" color out of the bottle ('cause I don't see that color on the disc)?
