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do you play for money?

I used to almost exclusively play for money. Pin money, 51, $1/$1/$1, leagues, tournaments, etc - basically every non-practice round.

In the last few years I've completely flipped to the opposite. I never play for money, at all. I find that I'm enjoying my time more that way, and when there is actual competition I want to participate in, I'm much more focused for it.
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I'm always tempted to ask people when I run into someone at the course, I never get asked so I never ask, what are your experiences with playing for cash?
You're talking about random cash rounds, I presume. I used to compete but the game is much more enjoyable to me when I just go throw. Drama is the enemy in a sense, and competition feeds drama. There were definitely many highs but the lows were so low in contrast that I eventually said enough is enough, and I am glad I don't get that serious anymore. Rain? No problem. Tired? No biggie. Practice? We talkin' bout practice? Windy? I have other things to worry about. So much less stress now than worrying about serious practice, mending injuries, registrations, weather concerns, etc, etc. Sorry that was a little long winded, but I enjoy being able to do as I please instead of pleasing the players and myself. Hope that makes sense. P.S. putting even 5 bucks down on a round with a group changes a lot, it an definitely provide the added pressure and maybe even some adrenaline!