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Eric's 2016 ITB


* Ace Member *
Sep 7, 2012
I just picked up a new Ranger bag. My first backpack bag, coming from a full Fade Gear bag. I had about 23-24 discs in the Fade at most. The Ranger will not be holding that much so I'm looking to slim down my drivers. My putters/mids are pretty much set, minus a couple loose ends where Im trying new discs in the field.

Fairway drivers Im just going to list what I have in my pile of discs. I'll be slimming the pile down over some field work until I've settled on what will be bagged.

Questions, comments, suggestions are all welcome and encouraged.

max D: 340' on flat ground, calm conditions with the Hatchet and Pro Valk. I got the Mamba and Seer out to 355' on a slight tailwind, on different lines.
DD Ranger Bag:

McPro Aviar (2) - main putters
VIP Shield - driving putter and approach
ESP Zone - typical Zone things

TP Tursas - pretty beat in, powered down hyzer flips. turnover shots. experimenting with rollers
McPro Roc3 - straight shots, gradual forward left fade. great for tunnel shots.
-McPro could easily be swapped for my Claymore. As this beats in it will be.
Champ Roc3 - OS shots, fights a fair amount of wind, more right to left fade than the McPro
BT Hard Harp - More OS shots
Opto Trident - more OS shots, FH shots, thumbers and tomahawks. Not sure this should be in the mid category but I use it for the shorter mid range shots.
-as I see more DX Roc3 feedback I may begin a cycle of these, kicking out all mids except a champion Roc3.

lost my perfectly seasoned Underworld - trying to fill those shoes with another Underworld.
GL River, 161g - being used to fill the Underworld role. May just keep this going for now.
TP Seer - straight flight, little fade. This is up against a Leopard3.
Fission Volt - straight to fade. A slightly more stable TL with a healthier fade.
Opto XXX - utility shots
these on standby - being worked with. Will be added as seen fit to fill any gaps
-Frost River, 167g GL River, (2) Champ Proto L3s, Star Eagle, fresh TP Underworld
-Fairway shots will ideally all be covered by two to three molds. As discs season and become more tested, I'll have a better idea of what that setup may look like.

Control/Distance Drivers:
Pro Valkyrie - beat, turnovers, hyzerflips
TP Hatchet - straight shots, hyzer flips, S lines
Sandstrom Valkyrie - still fairly stable, straight to fade
GL Saint Pro - stable enough to handle some wind, decent fade
-I have three other Saint Pros I would like to start working in to a rotation.
Champ Thunderbird - OS drives, hyzers, windy drives that make the SP a bit squirrely.
Star Mamba - max distance, tailwind
-also have a couple heavier VIP Hatchets to try out as well as a Northman. Also have a glow champ Valkyrie that I have very limited experience throwing.

Things I know: I have a lot of molds, and probably a few too many discs in general. Im ok with having various molds. If I know what the disc does and trusts its flight, to me that matters more than having less molds. I am open to changing that though, however I feel that would be a long term goal.

Ive eliminated the high speed stuff (Orcs, PDs, Wraith). I wasnt getting any added benefits from them so they got benched while I improve my form and power. This is with the exception of the Mamba as it really is a disc that even someone at my power level can benefit from. I throw it about 15-20 feet farther than the Valkyries or Hatchet. I throw this when accuracy isnt the prime concern.

Goals for 2016: lock in a solid bag setup. reduce clutter and come to realize discs unneeded. Stop buying discs I dont need just to try, as this causes more indecisiveness and confusion.

My next post, my goal is to have narrowed down selection in the fairway category and simplify the DD slots.
You have a good base to work off of for sure.

Slimming down will be a personal preference. I like to leave certain molds out for a few rounds and see if I find that i miss throwing it or wish it had it etc. Also sometimes helps show you what other molds you bag can do on lines you were throwing xyz disc. Id say put together a few unique bag setups with what you already have listed and see where any holes could be filled/changed.
Questions, comments, suggestions are all welcome and encouraged.

McPro Aviar (2) - main putters

McPro Roc3 - straight shots, gradual forward left fade. great for tunnel shots.
-McPro could easily be swapped for my Claymore. As this beats in it will be.
Champ Roc3 - OS shots, fights a fair amount of wind, more right to left fade than the McPro

Things I know: I have a lot of molds, and probably a few too many discs in general. Im ok with having various molds. If I know what the disc does and trusts its flight, to me that matters more than having less molds. I am open to changing that though, however I feel that would be a long term goal.

Goals for 2016: lock in a solid bag setup. reduce clutter and come to realize discs unneeded. Stop buying discs I dont need just to try, as this causes more indecisiveness and confusion.

Good luck with not buying more discs. :D (just kidding)

IMHO you have a decent bag set-up. Some people believe in mold minimization, I am not one of those (my "Usual Suspects" in my sig should be testimony to that). So I'm good with your various molds.

IMHO the one area of concern is the McPro discs... they're not production models, they're expensive, and often are out of stock. The Roc3 situation is not too bad as you have other Roc3s and you said you can go to the Claymore.

With the putters, you should stock up on McPro Aviars when you can, or else start glancing at other discs to substitute when you have to. I like McPro Aviars especially for their stiffness. Maybe a KC Pro Aviar will be firm enough as a substitute for you.

My own solution was Classic (hard) Wardens. Not as deep as the McPro Aviars, but good putters for me.
You have a good base to work off of for sure.

Slimming down will be a personal preference. I like to leave certain molds out for a few rounds and see if I find that i miss throwing it or wish it had it etc. Also sometimes helps show you what other molds you bag can do on lines you were throwing xyz disc. Id say put together a few unique bag setups with what you already have listed and see where any holes could be filled/changed.

solid advice man, thanks. I'll try leaving some questionable ones in my Jeep during rounds and see if they're missed at all.
Good luck with not buying more discs. :D (just kidding)

IMHO you have a decent bag set-up. Some people believe in mold minimization, I am not one of those (my "Usual Suspects" in my sig should be testimony to that). So I'm good with your various molds.

IMHO the one area of concern is the McPro discs... they're not production models, they're expensive, and often are out of stock. The Roc3 situation is not too bad as you have other Roc3s and you said you can go to the Claymore.

With the putters, you should stock up on McPro Aviars when you can, or else start glancing at other discs to substitute when you have to. I like McPro Aviars especially for their stiffness. Maybe a KC Pro Aviar will be firm enough as a substitute for you.

My own solution was Classic (hard) Wardens. Not as deep as the McPro Aviars, but good putters for me.

that is definitely a concern for me. For the price alone, I know I wont be putting with McAviards for ever. I have a Prime Warden that I like, but I havent tried the Classic Hards yet. I used to putt with KCs, and while I like the plastic, they're not as comfortable. I may try out the Classic Aviars at some point. For now I have three McAviars to work with
You should try Dx Classic Aviars. They are made in a harder Dx than the P/A's.
It looks like you definitely have a good pile of plastic to work with, and you already seem to have most of your shots covered. I wouldn't stress too much about cutting down the number of molds that you carry, unless it is just bugging you for some reason.

One thing I noticed is you bag a Zone, Harp, and a Trident. Is there a lot of overlap there for you - specifically between the Zone and the Harp? If so, that might be one place where you could easily eliminate one or two molds if that is what you are trying to do.
It looks like you definitely have a good pile of plastic to work with, and you already seem to have most of your shots covered. I wouldn't stress too much about cutting down the number of molds that you carry, unless it is just bugging you for some reason.

One thing I noticed is you bag a Zone, Harp, and a Trident. Is there a lot of overlap there for you - specifically between the Zone and the Harp? If so, that might be one place where you could easily eliminate one or two molds if that is what you are trying to do.

In the past Ive had drilled in to my mind that I have too many molds. In the past I did, for sure. I had a one disc for one shot mindset for a while. Ive gotten to a place where I know these discs and Im fairly comfortable, but still have just a little adding or subtracting to do. I am not bothered by molds at all. Id rather have 4 molds and if I lose one, I dont have to put something else in place while I season a new mold of what I lost, just to put that back in. If I lose a River, I walk in my shed and grab another River. If I lose a Thunderbird, I'll go to Marshall St and buy another Thunderbird. Its more so the quantity of discs that Im trying to get under control. Those "just in case" discs, or discs that both do the same thing but I use this one on this hole, that one on that hole because I havent tried to play without of them. Petty things like that.

Good point on the Zone/Harp. I just got the Harp, right now I use it as FH approach, BH OS mid shots. The Zone is FH approach (shorter approach). I dont remember the last time I threw it BH to be honest. As I get to know the Harp more I may have no need for the Zone. The only reason I can see myself keeping the Zone despite if I find overlap, is for get out of trouble, approach rollers. Ive used it for this with much success. The Trident though, is its own animal. For me anyway. Its a bit more than a mid, but a bit less than a fairway. Very straight before dumping off. Its the most comfortable and easiest disc for me to FH with my very poor FH.
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Rim on the trident is flat enough for solid approach rollers. If you do want to eliminate the Zone, next time you roll the Zone, roll the Trident too. Put it out a little further and roller it a little softer, but it should achieve the same shot.
This Saturday is the first tournament of the year for me. After a few more practice rounds and some field work, here's what I'll be rolling with. This isnt a set in stone bag, but geared for Saturday's course.

McPro Aviar (2) - main putters
VIP Shield - driving putter and approach
ESP Zone - FH approach shots. FH flex shot on hole 3 off the tee.

McPro Roc3 - straight shots, gradual forward left fade (if any). great for tunnel shots.
Champ Roc3
BT Hard Harp - dont plan on using it, but if I pull it out I'll end up needing it.
Opto Trident

GL River, 161g - being used to fill the Underworld role (not as much turn).
GL River, 167g, domey - straight flight, little fade.
Fission Volt - straight to fade. A slightly more stable TL with a healthier fade.
Opto XXX - utility shots
The Seer has been flipping on me. Not sure if its me or the disc, but I dont trust it enough in a tourney yet so it'll stay home.

Pro Valkyrie - beat, turnovers, hyzerflips
Sandstrom Valkyrie - still fairly stable, straight to fade, tight S lines when I rip it
GL Saint Pro - stable enough to handle some wind, decent fade
-I have three other Saint Pros I would like to start working in to a rotation.
Champ Thunderbird - OS drives, hyzers, windy drives that make the SP a bit squirrely.
pulled the Hatchet because Im just not clicking with it. Its glidey and give me great distance, but I feel more confident with the above. Mamba got pulled because I've wont need it this weekend.

Im not thrilled with my fairway set-up, but it works at this course.
That star eagle could be helpful in the fairway department. Once it beats in you can work a lot of lines with it but keep that dependable fade. It skips well and curves through the trees beautifully. It will be more stable than the rivers but probably more workable than the volt.
That star eagle could be helpful in the fairway department. Once it beats in you can work a lot of lines with it but keep that dependable fade. It skips well and curves through the trees beautifully. It will be more stable than the rivers but probably more workable than the volt.

I have star eagle and I just cant seem to get a good feel for this thing. It just doesnt feel good in the hand and i think its because its pretty domey. Its pretty OS compared to other eagles Ive thrown. I had a 12x grippy opaque champion eagle that I loved but traded it. I'll keep working with it in the field, maybe I'll figure it out. For right now though, I throw mostly unfavorable shots with it. I also just got a Rival that Ill be working with as well.
The tournament was fun, but I played horribly. I need to slow down when playing casually. Ive come to play best when playing quickly. The pace of play in tournaments is substantially slower and it greatly effected my mental game. Got into some trouble on a couple holes that I just couldnt get out of. That said, I was quite pleased with my bag. I found a use for just about all the discs over the course of the two rounds. I went back to my home course tonight for a change. I've played better, but I still played well. After tonights round Im still happy with my set up.

McPro Aviar (2) - main putters
VIP Shield - driving putter and approach
ESP Zone - FH approach shots. FH flex shot on hole 3 off the tee.

TP Tursas - beat for flip up turnovers. This went back in for the home course.
McPro Roc3 - straight shots, gradual forward left fade (if any). great for tunnel shots.
Champ Roc3
BT Hard Harp - I might take this out actually. I havent used it and Im not when I would.
Opto Trident - tweener disc for me. Was throwing great short FH fairway and midrange shots tonight. This disc I FH best of all my discs.

GL River, 161g - starting to turn more. starting to more closely fly like my underworld.
GL River, 167g, domey - straight flight, little fade. Great for sweeping annys
Fission Volt - straight to fade. A slightly more stable TL with a healthier fade.
Opto XXX - utility shots
The Seer is out. It flies the same as my light River most of the time. Other times it turns and burns or stays straight. I love it when its straight, but I dont trust it.
I also tried out a Patriot tonight. Absolutely loved it. Ill be working with the Patriot, Leopard3 and my new Underworld to see what I like best. The Rivers, all tho very similar, are much more glidey. The glide comes in handy for me, but Id like to have something with a similar flight and less fade for when the situation calls for it.

Pro Valkyrie - beat, turnovers, hyzerflips - started practicing rollers with this.
Sandstrom Valkyrie - still fairly stable, straight to fade, tight S lines when I rip it.
GL Saint Pro - stable enough to handle some wind, little fade when throw clean and hard.
-I have three other Saint Pros I would like to start working into a rotation.
Champ Thunderbird - OS drives, hyzers, windy drives that make the SP a bit squirrely.
Ive been getting good D with the Valkyries. I'll keep using the Mamba and Beasts in the field, as well as my new Northman. Im constantly working on form so itll be a good test to see if Im adding distance. When I do, Ill go from there. Also been fondling my Saints again... oh the struggle lol.
Like the bag. The double river is a nice setup. Always feels nice to grab a disc and the rim feels the same. I myself run 4-5 wraiths covering different stability's. keep it up the bag doesn't look too overlapping.
Like the bag. The double river is a nice setup. Always feels nice to grab a disc and the rim feels the same. I myself run 4-5 wraiths covering different stability's. keep it up the bag doesn't look too overlapping.

Thanks. For once, I dont have much overlap at all. That has always been an issue for me and Ive finally got it down to just determining what molds work for me, what doesnt, and where I can tweak things to fine tune my setup. My fairway setup works as best as I can make it right now, but I would like to get it down to two or three molds (not counting utility discs like the XXX). As always, finding what molds work tends to mean new molds being sprinkled in along the way.
Yeah I wouldn't count the xxx (firebird in my case) as a fairway. Its just such a unique disc. As for farways I don't think you have that bad of a setup. understable/neutral = river neutral with finish being the volt. Thunderbird will cover the stable slot in your farways.

Maybe try a glow river to beat out the volt. Then its just the same disc in a good easy cycle.

Don't think you have to worry too much
Yeah I wouldn't count the xxx (firebird in my case) as a fairway. Its just such a unique disc. As for farways I don't think you have that bad of a setup. understable/neutral = river neutral with finish being the volt. Thunderbird will cover the stable slot in your farways.

Maybe try a glow river to beat out the volt. Then its just the same disc in a good easy cycle.

Don't think you have to worry too much

Im not seeing this post until now! I never thought about grabbing a glow River, but I think I will and see how it flies. I've actually restructured my mids because I've been playing more at Flat Rock and didnt need the glide of the River. What I have now works at my home course pretty well, but I will not be ruling out the River set up at other courses where the neutral flight and glide will help. I can say that I've realized that the two GL Rivers are a bit redundant. Im going to try swapping the more neutral one for an Opto.

Current bag structure to follow...
McPro Aviar (2) - main putters
VIP Shield - lost! trying to stick with whats in my bins and not buy more, I might try my Ion in this slot or BT Hard Shield...Or KC Aviar
ESP Zone

TP Tursas
McPro Roc3
Champ Roc3
DX Roc3 (2) - One fresh, one a little used. Both a bit more OS than the McPro, less than the Champ. Workhorse mid.
Opto Trident

Icon Patriot
GL River, 167g, domey - straight flight, little fade. Great for sweeping annys and tunnel shots
Icon Rival I still dont want to accept this as true, but the Rival is what I want my Teebirds to be. Granted my Teebirds are JL so they're more OS that what Im used to or what I want in a TB. But the Icon plastic makes this Rival so sweet for me.
PFN Star Eagle more OS than the Rival. Starts its fade earlier and finishes more left.

Fission Volt is out - the Rival & Saint Pro covers the same shots more consistently.

Pro Valkyrie
Sandstrom Valkyrie
GL Saint Pro
-I have three other Saint Pros I would like to start working into a rotation.
Champ Thunderbird
I have put the Champ ThBd in on the bench while I have two DXs in the bag. I want to work those in for a bit before putting a champ back.

As my luck would have it, just as I start to really love the Patriot, I get a message saying that my Underworld was found and dropped in the L&F! Time to put this up against each other once and for all. I've got two of each, a field next door to throw in, and nothing but rain for next few days.
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Zero Pure (2) - putting - 1 medium, 1 hard
BT Hard Shield - drives and approach

TP Tursas
McPro Roc3
Champ Roc3
DX Roc3 (1) The McPro and the fresh DX were too redundant. Pulled one DX while this one beats in.
Opto Trident

Icon Patriot
GL River, 167g, domey - may ditch this for a while and just roll with the Patriot. See if it cant do the same things.
Icon Rival still absolute $$$
PFN Star Eagle more OS than the Rival. Starts its fade earlier and finishes more left.
Opto XXX THUMBERS, other specialty shots

Pro Valkyrie
Sandstrom Valkyrie
GL Saint Pro
DX Thunderbird
Star Tern - max D
G* Tern - surprisingly a less US than the star

Just dropped the Terns in the bag. I was playing around in the field and found the G* in the bin. Gave it a toss and set a new distance PR. Only about 350 or so but still, which doesnt seem like I should be using a speed 12 driver, but I throw it farther than the Valkyrie, and even farther than other speed 10-11 discs I've tried. Now that my form and power has improved though, im going to go back to the 10-11 speed discs and see what they do for me now. Ive seen other with not much D, mention the Tern is surprisingly useful for them though. I can say for a fact, I throw it farther than the Mamba. Partially because it feels better in my hand I think. Not a fan of the way a Mamba feels.
Other updates - sold the Zone. Love the Zone, but wanted to cut back a bit, and I've found that when I go with the Zone, theres usually another route I can take with another disc. Im still undecided whether or not I want to rock the Patriot or the Underworld though. Im going start carrying both I think, and throw both on the shots I would usually use the Patriot for.
Heck, I'll trade you for that dropped River :). Sorry I flaked on the Leo3 BTW, I was running a couple of other sales as well.