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[Innova] Forehand Approach Putter

I'm not that great at forehands, but the Aviar3 is a good approach forehand putter from Innova (I'm assuming you were looking for Innova suggestions based on the category you put with the title). Not too OS, so it will fly straight, but then will reliably fade.
From Innova: Rhyno, Gator, or Mortar would be my choices.

Outside Innova I'd go Scale, Harp, or the classic Zone.

The real answer is whatever disc that gets you the flight you want. The disc doesn't know if it is being thrown FH or BH.
What is the profile of the Harp like compared to the Zone? I've always liked the Zone's low profile for forehand approaches.
What is the profile of the Harp like compared to the Zone? I've always liked the Zone's low profile for forehand approaches.

From the PDGA approval list, Harp has a rim depth of 1.4 centimeters, and Zone is 1.3 centimeters.

I find the Harp pretty easy to forehand cleanly.
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What is the profile of the Harp like compared to the Zone? I've always liked the Zone's low profile for forehand approaches.

Zone is shallower with no bead. Harp is slightly deeper (but not a deep disc) with a microbead.

Harp on left, Zone right


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Thanks for all the suggestions. I am thinking about a Zone but I'm not too familiar with Discraft plastics. With Innova my favorite plastic types are Star and XT. What are the comparable plastics from Discraft?
The Zone is one where Discraft has plenty of plastic choices. ESP is comparable to Star but isn't quite the same. You might want to give Z FLX or the new Jawbreaker a try.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I am thinking about a Zone but I'm not too familiar with Discraft plastics. With Innova my favorite plastic types are Star and XT. What are the comparable plastics from Discraft?

ESP or Titanium are closest to Star. For XT, the Jawbreaker plastic is *NOT* exact at all, but is as close as you're going to get to XT in a Discraft plastic.
Wouldn't X plastic be more like XT than Jawbreaker?

I would say no, but others might not agree. X plastic, which my Stratus is in, was not rubbery or pencil-eraser-ish, which I'd describe Jawbreaker and XT as, respectively.
What exactly does Jawbreaker plastic feel like?

My Jawbreaker Challenger is tacky, but still very firm. It's more firm than my CryZtal Challenger by a decent amount, and also more understable. Not sure if that's a universal trait of the plastic or just for the Challengers/my discs. Jawbreaker doesn't seem all that durable either. It basically just seems like a tackier Pro-D or DX to me.
Heh!? Thats a zone on the right? Why is your zone so domey? Zones are board flat tops. Am i missing something?

Not domey at all. Just bad photo. It is slightly puddle topped actually. I was answering a question about the profile, and took the picture from below a bit to try to show the wing of each disc the best. So it is really a perspective issue. The "domey" part is just the 6 o'clock part of the disc that is very close to the camera with the 9 o'clock part where the two discs meet being further away.
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Its already said, but a champ rhyno is the best bet for versatile FH approach from innova (or any company).
I love the berg personally, its the most reliable FH approach disc I have thrown. I throw 80% of my shots inside 200' FH.

Berg has very high turn resistance so its very predictable without being Zone or Harp OS. Low glide and slow speed means pinpoint landings.