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Fundraiser Discs


Eagle Member
Jan 5, 2006
Troll Capital of the World
Our club decided to help promote the growth and development of disc golf in our area by developing a basket fund. The basket fund will allow us as a club to approach local parks departments with money to match or even fully fund the installation of a disc golf course in their parks.

Since developing this Basket fund in Oct of 2007 we have raised nearly $800, through club raffles and portions of club member fees. By the end of the summer we expect to have raised another $1000 - $1500 from two of our summer leagues.

Our ultimate goal is to have $5000 - $10,000 at any given time to help sway a parks department to give us some land to install another course.

My question is this: I have spoken with Barry Schultz and he is willing to sign some discs that we can then sell fundraiser discs. What kind of discs would people be willing to purchase? Custom stamped? Factory Stamped? Molds, Plastic type?

Would you be willing to pay $25 - $30 to help support the growth of the sport?

Thanks for your input. Hopefully we will be getting this all started very soon.

Actually I do have 12 custom stamped discs that Barry signed for the club yesterday, if anybody is interested.
Rocs, Beasts, and Valks always grab my attention. I like supporting groups, but $25 is a bit much, unless that includes shipping AND it looks darn good. I pretty much only throw star and champion plastic. I'd try some discraft stuff, kinda want a really flexy mid-range to use instead of a Roc on shots with a good chance of a bad roll. Like a soft Wasp or something...

I'll try to get a picture of my friend's Roc, it has just a small circular logo on the top right section, and some small text near the bottom center, lots of room left to design something cool and leave the stamp intact. Something like that would make me happy.
custom stamps only! never waste an opportunity to make a unique product. if there aren't talented artists in the club, post some fliers at the nearest college art department -- guaranteed there are some art students into DG and could do amazing work for a small fee of plastic.

$20 +sh is about the max that you could get for a premium custom-stamped disc. add autographing and they're more valuable.