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HOD 1/11/2024: Walrond Park Hole #1 Hollins (Roanoke), VA


* Ace Member *
Premium Member
Jul 23, 2011
Walrond Park in Hollins (Roanoke), VA

224 ft.


Basket to Tee
looks like there might be enough room between the trees for a rhbh z buzzz os
That additional pic looks longer than 224'

Down hill and 224' I am going FH scale, it it feels like it plays longer probably FH Gila.
after dissecting discgolfcraig's additional picture, I've decided to eschew the forehand and go bh zone.
I'd like to see if I could get there with a RHBH Wiz. Looks downhill, but I haven't tried throwing putters for distance in a while and don't know my range.

In reality, I'd probably chicken out and go Stingray.