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I'm done returning discs


Birdie Member
Oct 16, 2014
Portland, OR
Just a heads up this will be a semi-rant-type-thing.

But uhggggg.. PEOPLE, man, PEOPLE. I am done returning discs. You know how it is, when you have been playing a local course a long time you kinda know where all errant shots end up. As a result I've found more discs than ever this year. I've been playing long enough to have a decent idea of which discs are valuable or what discs people might want returned. I made it a point to return the older more rare discs to their owners.... What a mistake.

Every single disc I have returned has been a huge ordeal in getting returned. I hardly received a thank you from these people let alone any type of rewards for my time, gas or effort getting it back to them. Now before you keyboard warriors jump to attack mode. I didn't return them for the reward or anything like that. I did it to be nice, but when you do something nice and feel like S.H.I.T, it just becomes not worth it.

I hope those people enjoy the CE and other rare/valuable discs I returned :(
Next time I'll leave them at the bottom of the pond or deep in the blackberries to rot away.
Let me clarify my definition of "return". I personally drove the disc to their house and hand delivered it. These people didn't have to do anything except be grateful. Sometimes more than an hour away each way.
I'm a newb, only found a couple of discs and no marking so no option to return.

I will say my expectation is that it is the owners responsibility to put forth the effort to get their disc back. If they don't want to do that it is their loss.

But—certainly not everyone has been a jerk?
Just do what I do. If the disc has a number. Hide the disc somewhere, I usually choose under a trash can on the course, and then text the number that you found the disc and then tell them where you left it. They can then choose to find it.
Just do what I do. If the disc has a number. Hide the disc somewhere, I usually choose under a trash can on the course, and then text the number that you found the disc and then tell them where you left it. They can then choose to find it.

I used to do this method, but then people never come to pick them up lol.
The discs I returned were in the $75-$150 range. Didn't really wanna leave those out on the course.
I would never drive an hour to return someone's disc. Cheaper to mail it.

I have a 3 contact rule. I'll reach out 3 times and try to setup a meet. I have one now where I've setup 3 meetings at the local course, each time he blew me off. I will not reach out again. If he calls me out of the blue ill be happy to return his disc.
I text then hide the discs, if they don't pick it up that's on them, no matter the value.
I have had problems getting discs back to their owners also, most don't seem to want to put the effort in to get them back.
People can think what they want but my efforts to return a disc is going to be less than the owners effort, I promise that.
People can think what they want but my efforts to return a disc is going to be less than the owners effort, I promise that.

This is pretty much my attitude now.

All I know is if somebody went out of their way to hand deliver my favorite lost disc, I'd pretty much have a new instant best friend. Guess the feelings are not reciprocal.
If a disc is unmarked...its mine.

If it has contact info i reach out several times...if no response...its mine.

If i get in contact with you, YOU have to come get your disc. If you fail to do so in a month...its mine
Exactly. No way I'm driving out of my way. I've met at courses over an hour away to return discs, but then I played a round there. Good excuse to play a course that's outside of my usual rotation.

I also don't offer any kind of reward or gas money for my lost discs, but I also don't make people drive far and I figure it's a social contract among players that we return discs without expecting anything in return.
As mentioned, I've refrained from actually bringing discs home. I just leave them somewhere noticeable on the course. If there's a number, I text it and say I left it there.

If there's no number, I don't usually go through too much effort to return it. If at leagues or something, I'll ask around.
You drive an hour away to give someone a disc they lost? Why you have no obligation to do all that. Remember they left the disc knowing that the chance of getting back is little. As others said before I text the number and hide it somewhere on the course. I'm lucky enough to also have a pias that our local club uses as a drop off and pick up location.
I text then hide the discs, if they don't pick it up that's on them, no matter the value.

I wish more people would do this. All of my discs are easily replaceable, but I have been trying to get one of my brother's discs back for probably a year. It would have been so much easier if they just let me know where they hid the disc.
Maybe I have some extra time on my hands. Maybe I'm tired of seeing people be horrible to eachother and burn down my city for the last 4 months. People need to do good things.

When's the last time you found a 20+ year old CE Valk or $60 huklab stamped CB2? It's not that hard to understand that sometimes certain discs stand out in importance amungst the hordes of lost DX Leopards and other starter pack trash discs.
Just do what I do. If the disc has a number. Hide the disc somewhere, I usually choose under a trash can on the course, and then text the number that you found the disc and then tell them where you left it. They can then choose to find it.
Pretty much this...
Just a heads up this will be a semi-rant-type-thing.

But uhggggg.. PEOPLE, man, PEOPLE. I am done returning discs. You know how it is, when you have been playing a local course a long time you kinda know where all errant shots end up. As a result I've found more discs than ever this year. I've been playing long enough to have a decent idea of which discs are valuable or what discs people might want returned. I made it a point to return the older more rare discs to their owners.... What a mistake.

Every single disc I have returned has been a huge ordeal in getting returned. I hardly received a thank you from these people let alone any type of rewards for my time, gas or effort getting it back to them. Now before you keyboard warriors jump to attack mode. I didn't return them for the reward or anything like that. I did it to be nice, but when you do something nice and feel like S.H.I.T, it just becomes not worth it.

I hope those people enjoy the CE and other rare/valuable discs I returned :(
Next time I'll leave them at the bottom of the pond or deep in the blackberries to rot away.
Understand the sentiment. Returning discs can be a hassle.

Had someone find a lost disc of mine this week. When he dropped it off at the local store there was a $20 gift certificate waiting for him. (Figured he could replace the disc he lost that he was looking for and didn't find.)
I would never, ever drive out of my way to return someone's disc that they wouldn't spend the time to look for. If it's your favorite disc and you looked for 20 minutes, you should've looked for 25.