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Innova Tern

Not sure. I just know my Scorpius is fine for me as my overstable but not super overstable driver. And although I said I was going to wait, there was a tournament at our course this weekend. I could not go because of Easter obligations. A friend texted me saying someone was selling discs and had "Everything". I went ahead and got him to buy me a 168. I'll get to throw it this week. Oh, and a Cryztal Zone. Yay.
Just got my 165 Tern. First thing I noticed was, the rim feels like it's not as deep. Almost as if there wasn't enough of a ledge for my fingers.

Threw it four times with a Pro Destroyer and an Astra for comparison. It's definitely more overstable than this pro Destroyer. With no stamp, I would have thought it was a Scorpius. I should have thrown it against that. I will this afternoon if I get to go to the course.

My longest throws with it were flexes with wind from L to R. Used a lot of real estate to do it though. When I tried to flip it, best I got was flat then finished well left of the other two discs.

It's new, and I generally hate new Ch. discs. I do not hate this one. I'll give it more throws than usual for a while to see how it seasons. This new plastic is way better for me with drivers than older Ch.
Just used it out on the course. It goes directly in the bag. Not sure what's coming out. Probably my Scorpius for now. The Tern is longer and at least as stable(over). Had gentle winds though. Will be interesting when we get a bit more wind.
Stringbean said:
Yes, the Boss is 13, 5, 0, 3 in Champ and 13, 5, -1, 3 in Star.
Which is funny because I've never thrown a Champ Boss that was anywhere near as overstable as the Star Bosses I've thrown...
I picked up a 175 gram Tern at PIAS. It isn't overstable like Pmantle's version. It is neutral, and flies as rated by Innova. Very similar to my SOLS except longer/faster. Felt heavy, wouldn't be surprised to see 176+ on a scale. Anyone seeing bubbles in the rim? There were a couple in mine.
There are now 3 in our group. We all love them. None of them turn over yet. Mine has hit a road hard twice now. Maybe my Tern's turn is coming.
jubuttib said:
Stringbean said:
Yes, the Boss is 13, 5, 0, 3 in Champ and 13, 5, -1, 3 in Star.
Which is funny because I've never thrown a Champ Boss that was anywhere near as overstable as the Star Bosses I've thrown...

Bwhahaha. I was just going to post the same thing. I picked up a 172 Champ Boss recently, and that fucker is just as understable as a Dominator. Not happy.
logjammin said:
Even if I get the nose up, the low-speed fade is not excessive.
For some reason, the Tern seems to take an upward trajectory. More so than other discs. I don't know if I'm releasing it nose-up or not, but it sails upward, and slows down. It takes a long time before it goes into the fade, but it's going very slow by that time, so the distance is not as good as I had hoped.
logjammin said:
logjammin said:
Even if I get the nose up, the low-speed fade is not excessive.
For some reason, the Tern seems to take an upward trajectory. More so than other discs. I don't know if I'm releasing it nose-up or not, but it sails upward, and slows down. It takes a long time before it goes into the fade, but it's going very slow by that time, so the distance is not as good as I had hoped.
I've had this issue more with the Tern than with Destroyers and my Scorpius. Must fit in the hand slightly differently.
High glide and light discs tend to lift a lot early in the flight even with a nose and rear equally high. Light plus high glide=easier throwing over the trees. Another thing is gaining power. At some point in the career of a thrower the power reaches a point where high glide discs fly enough above the cruising speed to lift high. Everyone has their first disc that starts to do that. I would not wonder if other high glide and/or low weight discs would do the same for you.
I finally got a chance to try the Tern. A bit mixed feelings about the disc. Every time I was able to rip it right, it flew really nice, giving easy distance. The Innova flight stats seem to be correct. However, the rim is (for me) very hard to grip, so I had lots of early/bad releases and then of course the disc acts like it was a true overstable high speed driver.

Not going to buy one. Fun disc to toss on a field, wouldn't bag it because of the rim.
slowarm said:
I finally got a chance to try the Tern. A bit mixed feelings about the disc. Every time I was able to rip it right, it flew really nice, giving easy distance. The Innova flight stats seem to be correct. However, the rim is (for me) very hard to grip, so I had lots of early/bad releases and then of course the disc acts like it was a true overstable high speed driver.

Not going to buy one. Fun disc to toss on a field, wouldn't bag it because of the rim.
this was my first take on the disc as well the low profile is hard to get used to. I have gotten used to it and now don't get more bad shots with it then i do with any other disc. This disc has a big up side for player with slower arm speed like my self.
money 21 said:
slowarm said:
I finally got a chance to try the Tern. A bit mixed feelings about the disc. Every time I was able to rip it right, it flew really nice, giving easy distance. The Innova flight stats seem to be correct. However, the rim is (for me) very hard to grip, so I had lots of early/bad releases and then of course the disc acts like it was a true overstable high speed driver.

Not going to buy one. Fun disc to toss on a field, wouldn't bag it because of the rim.
this was my first take on the disc as well the low profile is hard to get used to. I have gotten used to it and now don't get more bad shots with it then i do with any other disc. This disc has a big up side for player with slower arm speed like my self.
Yup. Took me a few rounds. One of my buddies as well. Like the disc so much I am thinking of getting the Star that disc values has, but really hate speacial stamps. Probably should just wait for thr regular one. Having one in -4 2 would be awesome.
The gummy champion stuff out there has been pretty sweet. Also interested in the Blizzard version.
OK, so the first Innova pro to be out there giving this disc big props? Ken Climo. He loves it, says it gives him easy controlled distance. I saw him working it out to at about 400', seems to do what he wills it to do.
OK, who is selling these?
