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Is this undignified disc golf behavior?

I've heard that for a long time, ESPN refused to air disc golf on their network because of players smoking weed.

I think disc golfers smoking weed is a common perception pretty much everywhere. However, today it doesn't seem to be frowned upon as much as it was 20 years ago.
I have never heard anyone call disc golf anything related to pot in the 40 years I've played, except for other disc golfers. So no it is not everywhere.

And I don't believe that about ESPN.
Add a Seagull Merlin in with those ukes and it will be extremely dignified behavior indeed.
ESPN and all other major sports networks have glorified alcohol for decades, a far worse substance for the human body and society, while the risks of using cannabis were falsely and greatly exaggerated via fascist propaganda in order to further marginalize people of color. Look up Nixon's aide named Erlichman to learn more. Quick and dirty: he admitted Nixon started the war on drugs to punish political adversaries (POC and college educated).
I have never heard anyone call disc golf anything related to pot in the 40 years I've played, except for other disc golfers. So no it is not everywhere.

And I don't believe that about ESPN.

I find it unbelievable that in 40 years of you telling people about disc golf, not one person made a weed association.

Heh. Was on our pitch n putt and I got a call from an old work associate. Came out in the conversation that I was out playing disc golf. First thing he said was "are you drinking beer and smoking weed?". Soooo the stereotype is definitely out there.
ESPN and all other major sports networks have glorified alcohol for decades, a far worse substance for the human body and society, while the risks of using cannabis were falsely and greatly exaggerated via fascist propaganda in order to further marginalize people of color. Look up Nixon's aide named Erlichman to learn more. Quick and dirty: he admitted Nixon started the war on drugs to punish political adversaries (POC and college educated).

Add to that d!<&hole publishers who demonized it to stop hemp from being used as a paper fiber source.
Heh. Was on our pitch n putt and I got a call from an old work associate. Came out in the conversation that I was out playing disc golf. First thing he said was "are you drinking beer and smoking weed?". Soooo the stereotype is definitely out there.

"Nah, man. I never do both at the same time."

Back to the OP question, not undignified at all, since he stopped at the white shirt!!

Great Celly!!! :clap::clap::hfive::hfive: