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Looking to try some Euro plastic, any suggestions?


Double Eagle Member
Mar 28, 2011
Asheville, NC
So I throw primarily RHFH, drives reach about 275-325. But I have been discing down a lot lately. Buzzz can get 225-250, consistently. Love my flat top firebirds too.

What are your suggestions? Thanks
I just picked up a GL Flow, and I highly suggest it. Fades pretty straight after a long glide. Throwing it at 80% power I was getting it to fly farther as my wraiths at 90%. I still have to get acquainted with it fully, but like I said, I highly suggest it.
Depends on what your looking for I guess. Lot of good plastic made by the Europeans, just need specifics to suggest something.
Don't do it! You'll spend way too much money buying the sweet Swedish plastic. They look and feel so good in your hand.
Don't do it! You'll spend way too much money buying the sweet Swedish plastic. They look and feel so good in your hand.

A kindred spirit.... I agree wholeheartedly with the above statement. There are a few that nothing will compare to. (river, flow, early strikers, pure, XXX, fuse/pain combo) Anything else, the state-side companies make equal or better discs for IMHO. Just not with the stunning aesthetics of European plastic.

If you got the cash to drop on a stack of plastic, then go for it. They are indeed fine choices. But take into consideration what your needs are so your not wasting money on plastic you'll never throw.
Depends on what your looking for I guess. Lot of good plastic made by the Europeans, just need specifics to suggest something.

Looking for low 170s longer range mids and an easy throw fairway driver. Love my Champ plastics or Z plastic.

Like to have mucho glide too.
I would reccomend a Fuse or a Core for midrange and definitely a River for a fairway.
Diamonds are actually a ton of fun, super easy to throw but surprisingly versatile. Somewhere between a Cheetah and a Leopard, and great if you want to work on your BH.
GL Fuse (heavy) is my favorite mid.
For FH, try out a Westside Sword - its basically a Destroyer, and is the same plastic as Lat64.
So looks like the fuse, core, river and xxx are on my potential list of discs.

Is GL or Opto most like champ or Z? (Sorry I might get perubed for this question, but. im on the cell)
MD2 has really good glide. I just picked one up and so far I'm liking it.
Any feed back on the GL Diamond? Ill use my GL Vision for long annys, but seems to fade just alittle early (Im sure its my form).
For your range (same as mine). You will dig the Westside King (Lat 64 plastic, but diff design). The New Bolt is pretty sweet too (Lat 64). Both of these discs are on the mild side of stable. Others are the Vision (Lat 64)...think Sidewinder, but longer. The River (Leopard like), Core (Buzzz/Roc hybrid).

I would say there is a disc out there for just about every style or throw. So for me, it comes down to the plastic and right now Lat 64 is making the best plastic out there today.