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[MVP] MVP Disc Sports (Official Thread) (Part IV)

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Couple of Defy drives in this video. Nothing too great except the one on the 1042' hole, pretty windy out and still learning the mold.

Hahaha no I haven't, I like throwing my wave on massive C curve shots that are about 75 feet in the air and bend from a hyzer at about 11 o clock all the way over to about 1 o clock and not come back, it's my "open field with a tailwind and an (almost) unreachable basket and I want to throw the crap out of both my arm and a disc and hopefully send it into lunar orbit" disc

Hell, the Vanish is more controllable than the Catalyst, probably cuz it's no more understable and it's slower.

AIM hasn't video'd any throws with the Catalyst, have u noticed? Just this panoramic picture of a wide open hole and a little red arrow where his Catalyst supposedly landed.
Got myself a proton catalyst 175g with bigger dome than my N octanes. Its understable but everything happens alot slower than other understable drivers in this speed class.

I threw it with alot of flashing on the nose. How does that effect flight?
Small mail call. Got a great deal on these. Spin (never tried), ion (never used this mold in electron), and phot on (only ever had a fission).

I'm excited to try the photon, but trying to compare it to the fission I had (and much worse form) doesn't seem like it will.

Any word from mvp on any new models getting plasma plastic? I understand the catalyst has been selling well and I would love on in Plasma. Those things BOMB
Any word from mvp on any new models getting plasma plastic? I understand the catalyst has been selling well and I would love on in Plasma. Those things BOMB

Starting with the Circuit Challenge the following Limited Edition 2017 Circuit Stamps will be available:
Octane – Plasma Plastic
Catalyst – Plasma Plastic
Insanity – Proton Plastic with Limited Watermelon Stamp
Atom – Proton Plastic
Teleport – Neutron Plastic
Relativity – Neutron Plastic

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