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[MVP] MVP Disc Sports (Official Thread) (Part IV)

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There is some variation to the mold. My newest Volt is almost as OS as my Shock. So OS, I rarely have a chance to throw it.
I dont find the Volt to be OS personally, or at least not majorly so. Max weight Neutron's are slightly OS and Fissions are basically stable. I can't help but think the Shock is what you are looking for.

* the N I threw was a year or two old so stability may have changed as Pmantle said.
I believe this has been posted elsewhere, but check out what Wade has over at Discgolfcenter.
That's some sweet looking plastic. :thmbup:

White Plasma. Drooool.


Good lookin out. I was hoping these would pop up and I'd have time to snag one. Just did.
Depending on how far you throw they could be straight-stable, slightly OS or even fairly OS. As a 400 foot thrower I found a max weight neutron to have a solid fade at the end until it got the crap beaten out of it.
Depending on how far you throw they could be straight-stable, slightly OS or even fairly OS. As a 400 foot thrower I found a max weight neutron to have a solid fade at the end until it got the crap beaten out of it.

Thats about my take on it as well at 300' straight for 85% then a good fade. Having thrown some meathooks I personally consider that flight slightly OS. I personally will be adding a shock soon for wind duties.
There is some variation to the mold. My newest Volt is almost as OS as my Shock. So OS, I rarely have a chance to throw it.

Depending on how far you throw they could be straight-stable, slightly OS or even fairly OS. As a 400 foot thrower I found a max weight neutron to have a solid fade at the end until it got the crap beaten out of it.

Thats about my take on it as well at 300' straight for 85% then a good fade. Having thrown some meathooks I personally consider that flight slightly OS. I personally will be adding a shock soon for wind duties.

Yeah, I think like Pmantle said there's some variation. My avg BH with fairway driver is also about the same as JOwens and I was really surprised how overstable my Volt is ... It's flat for what it's worth. It was a little too beefy for me and probably still is for my BH, but as I get better I'm liking it and using it more and more. It's becoming my go to FH driver in the wind or straight to fade shots. I just feel like it locks in on a line extremely well and is easy to place.
Agreed with the above as well. Variations abound across all molds.

My tabletop flat volt is decently overstable. I purposefully picked another one that isn't. Very good 1-2 punch.
Here's an old Volt comparison video I made. Suppose I should do another with plasmas and fissions next time I'm at this hole:

For me the Proton, Neutron and Eclipse fly the same. Straight to fade, great combo of glide and reliability, not a beefcake but holds up fine in some moderate wind. Longer teebird, something like 0/2.5 for turn and fade.

The first runs and plasmas are very similar. They show a bit of high speed turn and more glide than the N's and P's. I'd rate them more like -1 turn and 2 for fade. I think all other things being equal first runs have a bit more glide and a longer high speed turn phase, while the Plasmas want to come back a bit sooner. These are great general purpose line shapers while the other Volts I use primarily for straight to fade lines and sweeping hyzers.

Fission Volts will vary based on weight obviously, but I find they fly like the Neutrons and Protons taking into account the flight differences you'd expect from dropping 10-30 grams. They seem to show the same straight to fade behavior, with added glide due to the lighter weight and rougher plastic (more air friction).

This is based on using them mostly for 320-450' shots on the course, fh / bh.
^I would agree with Mike's Volt breakdown exactly. Right down to the similarity yet difference between the early lower PLH runs and Plasmas.

(Errr, except I can't quite clear 400' with one.)
Paging Aim. Hey Aim my man. Guess who has absolutely fallen in complete love with the electron volt? This guy right here. So much so that after buying one at 170 to try I bought three more at the same weight. I for one am completely stoked for this as a stock release. I can guarantee that every other speed 9 driver will leave my bag once I have a complete cycle of these worked in. They remind me so much of the first run volt it's not even funny. I'm so damn happy. Not to mention these are the winter circuit stamped ones. We named our son Winter Phoenix. A friend on the interwebs does amazing sharpie art on discs. I'm having him wipe all but the word winter from one of these and then drawing a Phoenix on it.
Don't listen to Aim and his Electron hate. I'm gonna buy a stack of Electron Volts when they're released.
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