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MVP Feedback Thread - We would love to hear from you.

Thank you Steve for extending this opportunity for all of us. First - Please sponsor me ;) I submitted an application and heard back asking for some more info - I sent more then never heard back again - and my response was some pretty good stuff so curious what happened ;)

Do you like the plastic? YES! But PLEASE, quite seriously, PLEASE make a Neutron Firm or Proton Firm: something that is a little more solid/durable/overstable. There are some discs I think would be even more awesome. Electron is cool with different firmess options, but medium gets clovered up and deformed a little easier than I'd like, but its a great plastic and I like it a lot.

How does the rim feel? It was different at first with drivers as it is much pointier than other discs - it took a tiny adjustment period and now its really no issue - so feel is good :)

Domey? Flat? Preference? I think most golfers prefer FLAT, but that does affect glide and other aspects of the disc. IE: I like my mids and putters FLAT, fairways it depends, and drivers also depends---Example, I LOVE the Wrath because its FLAT ---I love the MAYHEM because the slight dome allows for crazy distance with the glide. Overaall if you have a choice go FLAT but if the disc NEEDS to be given dome to fly correctly, go for it!

What would you like to see next? (Yes, we know about the OS Mid/Puttersoon™ ) The ATOM is one of the best discs I've ever used. I was excited to try the particle as it was to be an OS Atom....I didn't feel it was much more OS - in fact has some early turn then late fade...some discs in the description (Clash vs Crave) state that one disc is more OS than the other when really it has more turn at the beginning then more LATE FADE - I feel like this throws some people off - yes a disc that can turn and fade well is nice to have, I personally prefer something reliably High Speed Stable. I would like to see an ATOM-like disc that is a bit more HSS and a lil bit more LSS - I understand the Envy and Particle are basically this, but the Atom just clicks and those seem to be harder to find the spot where it will start the fade or if it will keep going straight. So far the max weight Proton is holding that spot and is great - so if a new plastic were to exist say, Proton Firm (or neutron) and it happens to be on the more OVERSTABLE side of things, that would make my approach disc dreams. Or an Eclipse Atom (atom in every plastic basically haha) But for reals on that firm proton /neutron ;)

Also - A very Straight from start to finish fairway driver - I know there are a bunch of fairways already in the line-up so maybe with streamline? Either way a fairway with #'s like 7/4/0/0.5 that may be crazy to make but a disc I can lace straight a long ways is nice - ie: the ALIAS is the straightest mid I've ever used and its awesome but it only goes SO far, it is harder to make a faster disc straight from start to finish because of the wider rim, more need for lateral movements so I understand this request may be unreasonable----but if anyone can do it you guys can! --PS: I have a million disc ideas I'd love to make a disc like this --- A very slow/short range/low glide disc. I love the Proxy, if it were possible to make a Proxy or Envy type disc that is slower and low glide, just a pick up disc that handles wind and just sits down, currently I use a Reptilian Disc Golf Serpent and Element discs Iridium (in which I have a youtube video review of) its a great use for approaches ---A Bulkier feeling Proxy that is like 1/2/0/0.5 - I'll stop here to save everyone their sanity - but I could go on. :|

I have never tried an MVP Bag but heard it hits you weird - I say take the Innova SuperHero and make better backing/padding and better straps and slap an MVP logo on it and I'm sold!!!! please ;)

Accessories - What do you like, or would want to see updated? MACRO basket? Is that a thing? Baskets made for the size of the Mini/Macro Tesla? -- Love the mini's Fun combos of that are good, a nice stool, towels, reusable scorecards. Hats, NICE POLOS, that kinda gear - I'm sure most of that exists already so nothing too new to add ---

If there was an accessory you could get, what would you want? Macro Midranges?

Anything Else? Atom in everything....Gold Plasma Atom with Black stamp....I mean, come on that would rule! ALIAS in everything, that disc rules so straight so awesome, Atom and Alias are my two favorites, obviously ;)

Seriously - What would you want more of? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE More Masculine (adult) color combos!! Whites, Grays, Blacks, Gold, Silver, White/Pearl, Blues --SWIRLS of all these (im bias because those are my colors of choice) Like seeing those colors but it seems when I try to look for a new Axiom disc its Always bright fruity color combos that clash and aren't appealing - I understand thinking that brighter discs attract new buyers to try your disc...but as a dude in my 30's I don't want a Lime green Hot pink anything. May be just me but I like discs that look more....'formal'? haha I love the variety but I feel the sought after colors like White on White or Black on Black or the Grays, etc etc are harder to find - please do more of those kinda colors and swirls are always cool ---ahem copy Trilogy Burst ;)

Streamline is cool, I like the Trace and the Pilot was a good go - would love to see a speed 10 disc that is very straight controllable - much like the Discmania CD or Innova Viking - I try to fill that spot but the inertia has too much turn/fade, the wrath is straight with power which I love but then has a late sharp fade because of the gyro pull - so a Speed 9/10 fairway in streamline that is HSS but very straight like an oldschool Millenium Orion LS

Less of? Non Overstable mids and putters....seriously need those OS discs guys, ;)
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Well there's always boiling water and old college text books ;)

SO FUNNY - just a couple days ago I put my warped Electron M Atom in hot water then put a couple of my old textbooks on top - I knew that 9 lb Pathophysiology book would come in handy SOMEDAY - haha, it mostly worked. :D
Plastics: I love my Fission Volt. More Fission, please. I like the look of Plasma but Fission feels better for me. Plus, I'm a fan of the lower weight. Pilot is the putter mold I was looking for.

The disc I'd most like to see is a slow, overstable mid like a Prodigy A2. Also, obviously, the straight fairway.

Colors: I always go pink or light blue. Easy to see trumps everything.
Wanted to add::: Don't listen to the haters, the TELEPORT and TANTRUM series discs are incredible. I too thought super high speed drivers were ridiculous....then I tried one....holy cow....I haven't touched an Octane or Mayhem in a while....and I love those discs! So Tantrum, Teleport and deliver the Delirium!? (or whatever is slightly more OS than the Teleport) - Also As I said before a slower approach disc - Ie: Like a Nova but gyro'd and a lil more stable - ie: a slower proxy (less glide too) easy placement - Discs that fit between inertia and wrath. Just do it.... :) thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uniform density overmolds... so that we can compare the flight to their gyro counterparts.

Cool idea!

Even if they didn't make them mass available, that would be a huge appeal to have at DGPT events and the like. For a couple of bucks, try your favorite disc non-gyroed and gyroed side by side. I'd pay for a couple of tries.
Seriously - What would you want more of? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE More Masculine (adult) color combos!! Whites, Grays, Blacks, Gold, Silver, White/Pearl, Blues --SWIRLS of all these (im bias because those are my colors of choice) Like seeing those colors but it seems when I try to look for a new Axiom disc its Always bright fruity color combos that clash and aren't appealing - I understand thinking that brighter discs attract new buyers to try your disc...but as a dude in my 30's I don't want a Lime green Hot pink anything. May be just me but I like discs that look more....'formal'? haha I love the variety but I feel the sought after colors like White on White or Black on Black or the Grays, etc etc are harder to find - please do more of those kinda colors and swirls are always cool ---ahem copy Trilogy Burst ;)

I completely agree with better color combos, but please, for the love of all that is holy and good Do Not copy Trilogy burst. Not only are they the most ugly plastic on the market, they are just asking to get lost in the woods with that pattern that looks suspiciously like maple leaves.
I completely agree with better color combos, but please, for the love of all that is holy and good Do Not copy Trilogy burst. Not only are they the most ugly plastic on the market, they are just asking to get lost in the woods with that pattern that looks suspiciously like maple leaves.

unless you get an orange red yellow burst I don't know what youre talking about - first my burst discs are my putters - that's it, and they will not get lost. and they look incredible, best feeling baseline for putters ive used (that don't clover like electron) - don't be a hater ;) but seriously tho if nothing else the burst makes it stand out easier when in the woods. so....I think youre crazy :gross:
^ I'm not arguing my sanity. But anything with a pattern all over it tends to get lost in the brush. And, I think burst looks hideous. Not trying to hate, just trying to plead with MVP to keep making discs I want to buy.
I agree, goofy patterns on discs make them harder to find in dense brush. Just like stripes on a tiger, it breaks up the outline. Some colors can stand out so much that this is less of a problem.
I'd like to throw in here, even if the thread has run it's course. Mostly because I used to bag an all MVP/Axiom lineup. I feel like i have thrown about everything you have to offer.

Pros -
- It feels like every time I get a disc, it flies the same as the disc I had before it. As in, every Envy I got flew the same way. Every Fireball I got flew the same way. I always took them out to the field to verify and what not, but there was never any deviation in flight characteristics. I love that.
- Truly speaking, I think that the Volt is one of the best discs ever made. Anyone can torque on a Proton Volt and make it do what you want. it is the straightest, truest disc I've ever thrown.
- The Envy is the best disc I've ever owned. Of all of the discs that I have cycled through my bag, the Envy has never moved. I am sure that some of it psychological, but when I switched to Envies, I started winning tournaments. I play in a lot of wind, most of the time, and an Envy doesn't care about that wind at all. I use a Soft as my approach disc, and a regular Neutron as my main putter. Literally perfect plastic.
- I love the color variations and mixes. Silly, but I dig it.
- I don't feel like most of the plastics are affected by the weather as much as other manufacturers stuff. A Volt is a Volt in the summer or the winter. Where as, an R-Pro whatever is silly putty in the summer, and tacky in the winter. Huge fan of that.
- The baskets are fantastic.
- The Axiom minis are my favorite in the business.

So why don't I bag all MVP/Axiom anymore -
- The number of times that I threw a disc, walked up to it and found that the rim had been cut, or sliced, or ruined by just the landing is uncountable. I find that the rims are very sensitive to anything but a gentle landing. A spike hyzer is SURE to result in a giant blemish, at best. Throwing the overmold discs in the woods always made me nervous. Hitting a tree was death for many a disc (yeah, yeah. don't hit a tree. I get it. But I'm only 930 rated. Soooo...). I know I went through 15-20 Volts in the span of a year. I play a lot. But still.
- NO ONE has MVP/Axiom stuff when I cash out most of the time at tournaments. So, instead of spending my own money on discs , I pick up stuff I can easily get. That sentence was hard for me to explain. Let me know if it makes sense.
- The discs are a little more expensive than other discs, even if it is only a dollar or two. I rarely just buy discs anymore, because I can snag stuff at cashout. Therefore, I save the money and get other stuff I know for "free".
- This is petty. I acknowledge that. So you've been warned - I hate the MVP/Axiom collector market. Half the time it felt like dudes/dudettes pick stuff up to sell it for later, at a MUCH higher rate than other manufacturers. I know. Dumb thing to put me off, but it did a little.

That's it. I would be open to throwing more MVP discs if something cool came about. I am ALWAYS looking for something in the fairway driver area. My Stalker is my go to, and I don't think anyone has a disc like that.
You'll never get my Envy out of my hands.
I like your marketing campaigns. I enjoy the vibe your company gives off.
I just wish more people carried the stuff so I could feel it in person. There was a time two years ago when I would order two of everything so I could try it out, and then sell what I didn't like. That got WAY too expensive. heh.

Thanks for asking, and I hope you keep growing!
Anyone else disappointed steve never responded to any posts? What is the point of making a thread like this on here and reddit if you aren't actually going to partake in a conversation?
Anyone else disappointed steve never responded to any posts? What is the point of making a thread like this on here and reddit if you aren't actually going to partake in a conversation?

Something similar to the ask Disc Golf Center thread would be great. Wade is da man.
Anyone else disappointed steve never responded to any posts? What is the point of making a thread like this on here and reddit if you aren't actually going to partake in a conversation?

No. hope he has better **** to do with the feedback besides talk about it. I dunno maybe use the info to help the brands.

Typical need of instant gratification on the internet.
So I was wondering if on colors if they could do some kind of color pallet. Something like 'Earth tones' and 'High Visibility' and 'Soft pastels' or something like that. Each grouping would have a bunch of colors that could come with it, but you won't get any color that isn't in the group. That way dealers could choose what would sell for them a little better.
No. hope he has better **** to do with the feedback besides talk about it. I dunno maybe use the info to help the brands.

Sure. Wouldn't have hurt to make one post thanking folks for their responses.

And if they do use the info to help the brands, it would be nice to hear about it.

To be fair, my experience is that MVP is more responsive to customer feedback than most disc companies.

But it would have been nice to acknowledge the fact that at least some of the responses took a fair amount of time and thought.
He was just on yesterday AM. Still plenty of time to respond formally to what basically is just a open ended survey.

I see no reason he has to clog up the thread with thank you stuff. He is not the one making the changes just relaying the info from the marketing standpoint.

He can still nice everyones posts will that suffice? Lol. It just isn't a big deal I guess. Brad and Chad stopped posting here years ago but still lurked. The posts are being seen i can guarantee that.
My expeience with MVP....
I am a fan. Bought an early ish run Ion, made for Cam Realty. Flesh/peach color. Loved it. Still use it. Became a fan.
Bought an ion after the overmold was fixed, was not the same. Still use for practice.
Got an Anode. Used it for a couple of years. Love it. Flys almost as well as my old Ion, but the dark color was an issue on long drives. Now i'm playing with Wizzards. No hate, just truth.
Got an Axis, love it. But the Buzz beat it out in my main bag.
Got a Vector. Flew ok, but not well enough for my noodle arm. Flippy with power, and no glide.
Got a servo. Looking for a fairway driver i could use.... It flys super overstable as a midrange. Yeah, i aint a pro. And there is a slot in the bag for the disc with hard fade at 200 feet. Gotta turn corners sometimes.
I have more stuff on order currently. Would love to find a fairway driver to rival my favorite teebird. Still looking.
Still a fan.
Also, i love the non stamped discs. Just cooler....
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