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New to the forums and moving to NC


Apr 24, 2018
Hello all, just wanted to introduce myself. I've played disc golf on-and-off for the last few years, but never really looked into trying to learn anything about proper form or really getting into the game until now.

I am moving to North Carolina in a few months and I've heard they have a lot of nice courses, so I am excited to check them out! I am also hoping to get involved in a league of some kind if my work schedule permits.
Welcome and good luck. I wish I could spend at least a few weeks in NC.
Welcome! NC is pretty great for disc golf. I live in the Triad area, so alot of great courses are within a few minutes to an hour away. Also, a pretty great state for outdoor stuff, beautiful beaches, etc. Let me know if you have any questions; I am a huge homer for my state so always ready to talk about it.
Go home, yankee. NC is awful, if the humidity doesn't kill you the pollen will. :|

(welcome to NC DG, you'll like it here)
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!

Asromatifoso, I'll be farther south near Raleigh, but I'll try to make it up that way! Any NC info you could pass my way would be greatly appreciated, I enjoy all kinds of outdoor adventures.

BrotherDave, I actually went to college in South Carolina so the climate won't be anything new, just have to get re-acclimated from where I was living before.
Asromatifoso, I'll be farther south near Raleigh, but I'll try to make it up that way! Any NC info you could pass my way would be greatly appreciated, I enjoy all kinds of outdoor adventures.

PM-ed you.
I'm in Charlotte, my daughter goes to college in Raleigh, so I play there from time to time. I play in the mountains every couple months, as well. Hit me up if you are over this way!
I will be moving to the Fayetteville area a few weeks from now.

Markmanchette, I will definitely let you know when I visit Charlotte! It looks like there are plenty of great courses out that way.
Fayette-nam isn't too bad. I like Mazarick and Arnett but I don't think I ever got a round to playing the other one. You'll have to make the trek down to Castle Hayne for the best course nearest you.
another charlotte native here, welcome to the NC. there are loads of great courses around to build your game on, as well as a world class level course or two (winthrop for example) if you're willing to make it a day trip.
FYI NC has some great mountain biking, as well! There is a mountain range in Albemarle, for example. Charlotte has at least 100 miles of single track. Western NC Has world class MTB. AND waterfalls for Kayaking! Snow sports in the winter. NC IS the best state to live in!