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Old man question: exercise vs rest


Eagle Member
May 6, 2012
How can you know the difference between exercising in effort to improve your condition, versus resting to let your body naturally recover?

I'm trying to get my game back from what I'm guessing is a bout of tennis elbow. At one point, about half a year ago, a feather's weight would keep me from being able to open my wrist upwards against gravity (the backhand motion upwards). It was really strange because I wasn't aware of getting injured, just a couple hard days at work twisting 12g wires together and shoveling dirt. Needless to say, for a backhand player, this was a problem.

Now, I want to go and throw a ton of shots and try to get some pop back in my wrist, but it's hard to know when I'm in the realm of "exercising" vs simply "grinding down whatever's left of my joints". How do you know?

44 years old
Year over year, I'm getting better mobility from repetition. If I play too many days in a row I lose power. Odd thing is, there are almost too many variables. If I'm really bad off with allergies from tree pollen or whatever, I get a bit more stiffness.

I'd try to counter the specific issues you have by finding some PT exercises to do during off hours.

I have a variety of issues and often find that a round is just what I need to offset sleeping too long in one position at night.
I had tennis elbow last fall/winter. Whenever I played disc golf it would hurt a bit while throwing but always woke up with noticeable improvement the next day. I am guessing the throwing motion helped loosen up the scar tissue and helped force blood in and out of the joints.

My pain was most noticeable when shaking someone's hand or lifting heavy objects. When throwing, fan grips on upshot's and putts hurt more than power grips on full drives.
When throwing, fan grips on upshot's and putts hurt more than power grips on full drives.
This is true. Funny enough, I've also caught myself having to use a 2nd hand for extra strength to hold a cup when twisting the bottom upwards to take a drink, similar to a famous orange person a couple years back.
I try to gradually build back up through repetition. start with fewer reps, but gradually you can usually build yourself back up. don't be afraid of PT or ART therapy. I'm a tightwad, but I've learned through my hockey player wife (57) that sometimes an expert manipulating you a little is the ticket too....
sorry. Active Release Therapy. it sounds gimmicky and is often tied in with chiropractic stuff, but it involves manipulation of your muscle tissue. I've only done it a couple times but it was short term and REALLY worked for me. tons of college athletes go to the place I go.
How can you know the difference between exercising in effort to improve your condition, versus resting to let your body naturally recover?

I'm trying to get my game back from what I'm guessing is a bout of tennis elbow. At one point, about half a year ago, a feather's weight would keep me from being able to open my wrist upwards against gravity (the backhand motion upwards). It was really strange because I wasn't aware of getting injured, just a couple hard days at work twisting 12g wires together and shoveling dirt. Needless to say, for a backhand player, this was a problem.

Now, I want to go and throw a ton of shots and try to get some pop back in my wrist, but it's hard to know when I'm in the realm of "exercising" vs simply "grinding down whatever's left of my joints". How do you know?

44 years old
Do you take anything for your joints? I am 55 years old, but I have dealt with weak joints, easily injured, most of my life. Many years ago I got on a good multivitamin (also needed because I hate vegetables) with joint support (glucosamine chondroitin, MSM, and more), and what a difference it made. It takes it some time, maybe 2-4 weeks, to get going for me, or to stop, but I quit a couple of times, and I notice a huge difference - night and day. You would think over many years benefits might be reduced, but that has not happened for me. With supplements, I have little to no joint pain. Off them, and I have constant joint pain - elbows, wrists, ankles, shoulders, fingers. It still amazes me that one multivitamin with joint support supplement could make such a big difference.
How can you know the difference between exercising in effort to improve your condition, versus resting to let your body naturally recover?

I'm trying to get my game back from what I'm guessing is a bout of tennis elbow. At one point, about half a year ago, a feather's weight would keep me from being able to open my wrist upwards against gravity (the backhand motion upwards). It was really strange because I wasn't aware of getting injured, just a couple hard days at work twisting 12g wires together and shoveling dirt. Needless to say, for a backhand player, this was a problem.

Now, I want to go and throw a ton of shots and try to get some pop back in my wrist, but it's hard to know when I'm in the realm of "exercising" vs simply "grinding down whatever's left of my joints". How do you know?

44 years old
Probably worth checking with a therapist. Or even maybe "Exercises for Tennis Elbow" on YouTube...
Year over year, I'm getting better mobility from repetition. If I play too many days in a row I lose power. Odd thing is, there are almost too many variables. If I'm really bad off with allergies from tree pollen or whatever, I get a bit more stiffness.

I'd try to counter the specific issues you have by finding some PT exercises to do during off hours.

I have a variety of issues and often find that a round is just what I need to offset sleeping too long in one position at night.
Sleeping too long in one position…. Ugh. Got to be one of the worst parts of aging - just wake up - something hurts. I am a back sleeper for that one reason - if I fall asleep on my stomach or side, my back and/or neck got aches and pains coming.
How can you know the difference between exercising in effort to improve your condition, versus resting to let your body naturally recover?

I'm trying to get my game back from what I'm guessing is a bout of tennis elbow. At one point, about half a year ago, a feather's weight would keep me from being able to open my wrist upwards against gravity (the backhand motion upwards). It was really strange because I wasn't aware of getting injured, just a couple hard days at work twisting 12g wires together and shoveling dirt. Needless to say, for a backhand player, this was a problem.

Now, I want to go and throw a ton of shots and try to get some pop back in my wrist, but it's hard to know when I'm in the realm of "exercising" vs simply "grinding down whatever's left of my joints". How do you know?

44 years old
For me, telling what I need, rest or exercise, is a combination of paying attention to what I have been doing, plus reading my body. You mentioned a couple days twisting wires and shoveling - that would definitely put my 55 year old body in need of rest. Doesn't mean no DG, but means I would need to lean more towards rest and being careful not to overdo it. Normally, I can play almost daily, but if it is every day, I will burn out. 3-5 days a week, I am okay. Also, if I go to a practice field and throw a lot of drives, I just listen to my body. When anything, usually my shoulder first, starts to get sore, quitting sooner rather than later is best. If anything gets injured, best for me to take time off to recover rather than try to power through it and risk a more severe injury. Good luck!
How can you know the difference between exercising in effort to improve your condition, versus resting to let your body naturally recover?

I'm trying to get my game back from what I'm guessing is a bout of tennis elbow. At one point, about half a year ago, a feather's weight would keep me from being able to open my wrist upwards against gravity (the backhand motion upwards). It was really strange because I wasn't aware of getting injured, just a couple hard days at work twisting 12g wires together and shoveling dirt. Needless to say, for a backhand player, this was a problem.

Now, I want to go and throw a ton of shots and try to get some pop back in my wrist, but it's hard to know when I'm in the realm of "exercising" vs simply "grinding down whatever's left of my joints". How do you know?

44 years old

How can you know the difference between exercising in effort to improve your condition, versus resting to let your body naturally recover?

I'm trying to get my game back from what I'm guessing is a bout of tennis elbow. At one point, about half a year ago, a feather's weight would keep me from being able to open my wrist upwards against gravity (the backhand motion upwards). It was really strange because I wasn't aware of getting injured, just a couple hard days at work twisting 12g wires together and shoveling dirt. Needless to say, for a backhand player, this was a problem.

Now, I want to go and throw a ton of shots and try to get some pop back in my wrist, but it's hard to know when I'm in the realm of "exercising" vs simply "grinding down whatever's left of my joints". How do you know?

44 years old
Get an arm sleeve. I'm 56 and have a distal short head bicep rupture , impingement on my rotator cuff as well and a sleeve, core body strength exercises and tension band work has me back to 250 to 300 ft drives both forehand and backhand. I have a extremely physical job as well but damn if I'll give up disc golf.
Supplements nutrition is also key. Your 44 and a young buck.
When I was 44 I could throw a football 60 yards with ease. I also stretch like crazy and have improved my range of motion 20 % .

How can you know the difference between exercising in effort to improve your condition, versus resting to let your body naturally recover?

I'm trying to get my game back from what I'm guessing is a bout of tennis elbow. At one point, about half a year ago, a feather's weight would keep me from being able to open my wrist upwards against gravity (the backhand motion upwards). It was really strange because I wasn't aware of getting injured, just a couple hard days at work twisting 12g wires together and shoveling dirt. Needless to say, for a backhand player, this was a problem.

Now, I want to go and throw a ton of shots and try to get some pop back in my wrist, but it's hard to know when I'm in the realm of "exercising" vs simply "grinding down whatever's left of my joints". How do you know?

44 years old
It's a conundrum for which I do not have an answer. I've been playing this game with my right knee for two years now. Thankfully, I'm now very close to being pain free. You can't know what your limitations are without testing them.
Get an arm sleeve. I'm 56 and have a distal short head bicep rupture , impingement on my rotator cuff as well and a sleeve, core body strength exercises and tension band work has me back to 250 to 300 ft drives both forehand and backhand. I have a extremely physical job as well but damn if I'll give up disc golf.
Supplements nutrition is also key. Your 44 and a young buck.
When I was 44 I could throw a football 60 yards with ease. I also stretch like crazy and have improved my range of motion 20 % .
Yes, stretching before playing very important for me. I stretch and warm up before any sports.
How can you know the difference between exercising in effort to improve your condition, versus resting to let your body naturally recover?

I'm trying to get my game back from what I'm guessing is a bout of tennis elbow. At one point, about half a year ago, a feather's weight would keep me from being able to open my wrist upwards against gravity (the backhand motion upwards). It was really strange because I wasn't aware of getting injured, just a couple hard days at work twisting 12g wires together and shoveling dirt. Needless to say, for a backhand player, this was a problem.

Now, I want to go and throw a ton of shots and try to get some pop back in my wrist, but it's hard to know when I'm in the realm of "exercising" vs simply "grinding down whatever's left of my joints". How do you know?

44 years old
Hey another sparky! :D

I have a continual tennis elbow issue, too much time last year with the weedeater and a blade.... whatever causes it though you should notice when you are pushing it too hard. The thing I notice the most is how arm dependant my throw is even though I thought it wasn't. The tennis elbow doesn't lie haha.

Personally I've been working on a smoother hyzer pendulum rotation and then a turn the key motion. I known have it "right" when it doesn't hurt. The trick for me is a smooth full movement without trying to add that extra bit of pop at the end. That bonus pop is what hurts my elbow.
I started out this season strong (for me), but quickly fell off. I can add that I'm learning to feel it in my grip. If the grip feels weak, I know I'm going to have to approach the round a bit differently and also get some time off.
I'm 72. Been playing for 2 1/2 years. I have worked through much pain. Tennis Elbow was the worst. I've discovered that I simply can't play/practice every day. I usually have to rest a day between sessions. I can putt during my off days. That is before this summer. This heat has pretty much shut me down completely.
46 and I'm honestly in terrible shape, it turns out. Had to dnf yesterday because I felt I might not make it around a brutal course in the heat a second time. The heat's not helping for practice rounds after work, by the way, and too lazy to get out of bed at sunrise. That has to change.

Nevertheless when I was younger and running (not fast, but managed one marathon) the rest days were just as important as the "easy", tempo, or long runs.

Then I don't really take my own advice anyway: if I somehow hurt an ankle or knee during the round and don't feel it until the next few days I'll still hobble around an easy 9 holer to try to loosen it up a bit, but I don't know if that's smart.

But bottom line: Rest days are important.
Hmmm.....getting old is a daily challenge. You should find out what is wrong. See your primary care physician, to refer you to an orthopedic guy or a sports medicine type therapist. Get a treatment plan and work on getting yourself safely back to game shape.
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