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Ongoing In The Bag


* Ace Member *
Mar 10, 2013
Purpose of this thread is for me to have a place to track the changes in my bag, and give feedback for anyone who cares, etc...

I use an original, well used A Series Grip bag.

Max control distance currently about 400'. All disc max weight unless otherwise noted. 60/40 BH/FH player.

Prime Warden x2. Putting Putters
Prime Warden: Straight/ Neutral
Hard Hard: beat, Straight with a little fade
Origio Hard: Fresh, OS

11x Roc: Thrashed
11x Roc: Straight
12x Roc: Straight with a little fade
12x Roc: Fresh, but not new

167g Star Leo3: Seasoned. Hyzer-flip to turn. Rollers.
170g S-T: Straight. Beater Teebird
12x Teebird: Well seasoned. Do anything disc.
3rd run Brinster TB: OS Teebird.

Sometimes I bag Firebirds, esp if is a course I have never played. Right now I don't feel I really need them.

Pro Destroyer: Seasoned. Max D.
*-DS: Seasoned. Control D
S/DS: Seasoned: OS control
S/DS: Fresh. Max OS

If I'm playing a bomber course I will throw in a Sheriff or 2.

I try to keep it simple. There are tons of other molds I like and they will come and go as the year goes by, but this is what my bag generally is about.
Nice setup. Very simple and it seems like you have all your bases covered.
It looks like my autocorrect changed Harp to hard.

I throw Harps and Wardens for my putters.
Enjoyed a couple of rounds of rare snow golf here in the 757 over the last week. Made a couple of swaps in the bag to deal with the cold/ wet and the increased chance of losing go to discs or breaking base plastic. Also swapped the Grip for a Fade Crunch.

JK Aviar
Beat up Yeti Aviar
RFF Scale
2x 173g Z Comets: 1 seasoned, 1 fresh
GStar Leopard
GLine PD
Champ Firebird
Snow golf v2. Expecting a couple inches tomorrow. Should be able to get in a round while it is actively snowing tomorrow.

Soft Judge
RFF Scale
2 Z Comets. One beat up, one fresh
GStar Leo3
GStar TB
Champ Firebird

Comets have been working great as always. Between Harps for OS short range and Teebirds, not sure I need more then Comets in the full bag. To be determined...

I need to get a few soft Harps for snow golf.
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Weather is going to be nice this weekend. Heading to a longer course vs my home course. Ahoskie Creek with a couple buddies tomorrow.

2nd run FD
2 SOFs. One beat up, one freshish
1 1.4 QOLF
Trying a 167g Star Roadrunner a buddy bought and didn't like to and try to learn a roller
*DS, seasoned
S/DS, seasoned but still beefy
173g Fusion Sheriff. control max D.
167g Bio Sheriff. Big hyzer-flip max D.

The longer holes make something like a PD, OLF, Thunderbird needed for me. I could do a TB, but there would be holes where the faster driver makes for an easier/ more reliable shot, esp if there is wind. I've got some good FDs and they really work for this course with the faster slightly OS speed 9 driver. The Sheriffs may, but probably not, make the difference between a short approach or a jump putt in a couple spots.
Have not done a good job of keeping this up to date...

Some changes have happened. Mostly going back to molds I have thrown before.

3x DX Aviar P&As: 2x for putting, 1 for throwing
Beat Star Aviar P&A: one of the 1st disc I ever bought. Hyzer-flip to turn
PP2: drives/ approach

1.4 Recon Mortar
1.4 Frontline-X Mortar
Flippy 11x Roc
Straight 11x Roc
Seasoned 12x Roc
Fresh 12x Roc

5th? run CFD
2nd run CFD
Seasoned 1.1 S-OF
Fresh 1.1 S-OF
Fresh 1.2 SOF
1.4 QOLF

Beat up PDS
Fresh PDS
Seasoned one AJ *DS
Seasoned S/DS
Necro bump...

I stopped playing DG for a while because life. Back in full force.

2x 12x KC Avairs

Beat up 12x Aviar
Thrashed Fossil Scale
Fresh Fossil Scale
Glow Champ Gator

Beat DX Roc
Beat 12x KC Roc
Seasoned 12x Roc
Fresh Embossed 12x Roc

Beat up Pro Leopard
Beat up 1.1 SOLF
Fresh 1.1 SOLF
Beat up Sexton Firebird
FAF Champ Firebird

Beat up Pro Destroyer
Fresh Ricky Star Destroyer
Seasoned *DS Destroyer
Seasoned S/DS Destroyer
Fresh SLine PD2

Not a ton of molds, but that covers most shots I need...
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One of the things that has kept me interested in DG is trying new molds and manufacturers. I am by no means a tournament player.

Over the last little while I have been trying out Mint Discs and going back to some of my old MVP/ Axiom stuff. With that being said current bag is...

2x Royal Bullets: putting
Fresh Royal Bullet
Beat up Royal Bullet
Fresh Royal Profit
Seasoned Proton Envy. My Premium Plastic Bullet.
Fossil Scale

Fresh Eternal Bobcat
168g Seasoned Eternal Mustang
Fresh Eternal Mustang
Fresh Sublime Mustang

Proton Drift
Proton Crave
Beat up Eternal Alpha
Fresh Eternal Alpha

3 Star Destroyers
SLine PD2
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End of the year bag update...

Stock run Luna: Black; Putting putter
2 Stock Lunas:Twins; Throwers
1st run Luna: Outside the circle putts and flippy drives
5x Crystal Luna: Premium plastic driving putter
Fossil Scale
LE Glo Z Zone: Puddletop; OS Approach disc

Fresh Z Comet
Seasoned Z Comet
Seasoned Z Buzzz
Fresh Paul McB ESP Buzzz

Seasoned CFD
2nd run CFD

Flippy SPD
Seasoned SPD
10yr CPD
3rd run CPD
Beat up 1st run Sexton Firebird
FAF Champ Firebird

Seasoned 164g Ricky Destroyer
Beat up *DS AJ Destroyer
Fresh Ricky Destroyer
Seasoned S/DS AJ Destroyer
Fresh S PD2
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Stopped playing for a while because, life, and got back into the game last fall after being pushed by the wife. She has pushed me to play more and get better and try my hand with tournaments. Crazy how many more people have gotten into the game and how busy the courses are now.

Have a B tier in a month and I'm stoked. Haven't updated in quite a while.

Glow P P2: Putting

D P2(Innova) beat
Flex 2 DP2 Fresh
K1 Berg
Beat Soft Tactic
Seasoned Soft Tactic
Razor Claw 2

Fresh Iron Samurai I MD3
Seasoned Iron Samurai 3
Fresh Iron Samurai 3

Halo Hawkeye
New C FD
Beat SOLF 1.1
Seasoned SOLF 1.1
Seasoned SOLF 1.2
Seasoned QOLF 1.4
Sexton Firebird

Beat Neo Enigma
Seasoned Cloudbreaker 3
CDD3 x3

Welcome any feedback/ suggestions/ questions.
Switched up the putters. I love the feel of the P2, but I can get the yips when putting with them. Probably just in my head. Spent some time at the practice basket and was putting much better with the Rainmakers I have. I was going to try and not get too into them because they are a little hard to get, but the "stock" release is next week so I'm hoping to be able to snag some. Snagged a couple of the Sky God 4s last week and they are really good throwers. Really good glide for the stability but with a dependable fade. Probably try and get another one or two if I can find them for stock prices or if there is a second run this year.

Putters (currently)
2x Flex2 Proto Rainmaker

ESP Tour Series Luna
Z Tour Series Luna
Sky God 4 P2
Beat Soft Tactic
Seasoned Soft Tactic
Razor Claw 2

Rest of the bag is the same. Considering dropping a SOLF and the Q and going with a SPD or two. Had some shots that I wanted to have more finish on the end. I only have the one QOLF left and I have a nice stack of patent number SPDs just sitting in my stash. The beat up straighter OLFs are money in the woods and not going anywhere.

Everything else is the same. Played my first round in 3 weeks after jacking up my left ankle pretty good. It's probably 65% but was able to play without it effecting me with the help of a brace. Not throwing to my max distance, but it was nice to know I can throw again.

Trying to get some field work in this week and maybe a leagues round. Trilogy Challenge this coming weekend, 7/9, so that should be fun. Never played in a Trilogy Challenge. 2 day B tier tourney the weekend of 7/30 right around the corner.
Trilogy Challenge was a good time. Finished 2nd in Am. Left some strokes on the course, esp circle 2 putts. Happy with the result for my first organized play and in a layout I have not played.

The discs:
Classic Burst Agent: Good throwing putter. Very similar to a P2 maybe a little more LSS vs a P2. Not making the bag.
Ice VIP Tursus: standout of the day. Hit metal on the 5th hole. Surprisingly not super flippy. Flies just like my beat MD3, so easy transition. Will be sticking around in the car bag.
Gold Line Burst Saint: straight and glidey. Had a couple shots I needed it to fade on and it just didn't. Might keep it around for a water disc.

Fun day. Feeling optimistic about my tourney end of the month. Need to practice putting a lot more for the next couple weeks.
Played an after work round yesterday at Poplar Hall. Short 10 hole course with 2 tees per basket making a 20 hole loop. Purpose of round was to get in putting reps and work on hitting lines.

2x Flex 2 Proto Rainmaker
2x Glow Flex 3 Rainmaker

Metallic Z Luna
ESP Luna
Sky God 4 C Line P2
Beat Soft Tactic
Razor Claw 2

Seasoned Iron Samurai 3
Fresh Iron Samurai 3

Meta Zen Essence
Halo Hawkeye
Seasoned SOLF
Seasoned SPD
Fresh SPD
Neo Splice

Cloudbreaker 3
C Line DD3

Got a pair of glow Rainmakers to try out. My protos have seen a good bit of use and have a little more float. The glow D Line plastic feels really nice. Firm with good grip. I can see myself going Glow when its warm and Flex 2 when its colder. Still more of an archer vs the arrow issue with my putting, but the Rainmaker is a dang fine arrow and fits with my putting style well.

Snagged a Meta Essence, IS3, and Splice out of the used bin for half price. All are in very good condition. They also pulled out a mini stack of Sky God 4s, and had to get another.

The glide on the Essence is unreal. I have a couple Lux Essences and I might drop one in the bag to mess around with. FDs are just so good I don't want the overlap.

The Splice is probably more OS than I need, but going to work with it a little more to see if it can fit. Don't see it kicking out the Sexton Firebird that has been in my bag since 2015. Splice is fun to throw.
There is something different about the glow Rainmakers vs the protos. Can't put my finger on exactly what it is. Not sure if the glows are deeper or if it just the plastic blend. Got a good chance to knock the new off of they and I do really like the plastic blend.

Played a couple of meh rounds over the weekend.

2x Glow Rainmakers

2x Proto Flex 3 Rainmaker
C Line P2
Beat Soft Tactic
Razor Claw 2

2x IS3

Meta Essence
2x SPD
Metal Flake FD3

2x S Line DD3
C Line DD3

Traded for a couple Innova ran DD3. 2 heavy and 1 lighter S Line, a Echo Star, and another CB3. Condition is not exactly what I was hoping for, but they are throwers. The lighter S line goes far. Not sure how they would do in some wind, but I have PD2 for that.
B tier this weekend. Long, open course with last couple of finishing holes in the woods. Looks like rain in the forecast as well.

2x Glow Rainmakers(may switch to flex2 if raining)

Proto Flex3 Rainmaker
CLine P2
Beat Soft Tactic
Razor Claw 2

2x Color Glow MD3 IS3

Halo Hawkeye
C Line FD
2x SPD
Metal Flake FD3

2x SLine DD3
Echo Sline DD3
2x CloudBreaker 3

Gonna throw a couple of PD2 in the car, just in case it is windy. And towels, lots of towels.
Played what felt like a meh first round. 2 off the lead after the first round. Was playing really well the second round and had the lead. Threw a couple tee shots OB, had one really bad hole, and dinked a put. Left a lot of strokes on the course my second round and my bad holes took out the ones I really played well on. Was very happy with my putting for the round.

Lessons learned:
Stay with the game plan.
Keep a better handle on where the card/ division is scoring.
Don't take short putts for granted
Keep it in bounds and live to fight another day. Take your chances where it fits your game, not the score card.

Obiviously these are simple things and knew them going in.

Winner disc from the rounds:
Glow Rainmakers: Did work. Putting was much stronger part of my game than I expected.
K1 Berg: Straight approach was on point, FH and BH
Iron Samurai 3s: Didn't throw them much, but when I did they flat worked. Still don't trust them enough to rip on a FH, but really good BH.
PDs: Threw them very well and should have relied on them more.
DD3: Threw some of my longest shots to date, in tournament. The echo star was shaping great lines. C Line went long on a hole I have never seem to get right.

Losers from the rounds:
Tactics: I have worked with these most of the year and I just don't trust them, esp the razor claws. They either end up straight and glidey or they dump early. Dropping in an old faithful Glow Gator, but I am strongly considering auditioning the Toro.

Some minor bag changes:

3x Glow Rainmakers: Extra putting practice during rounds

Metallic Z Luna
ESP Luna
Glow Gator

2x IS3 Glow MD3

2x Lux Essence
2x Meta Essence
Lux Instinct
Vapor Lux Instinct
2x SPD
MF C Line FD3

Echo S Line DD3
2x Cloudbreaker 3
C Line DD3
S Line PD2
Feel like I'm starting to make strides with my putting, finally. Beginning of the year it was questionable from outside about 15'. Now I feel very confident that it is going in up to 25' and longer puts are dropping with regularity. Dropped 2/3 from close to 80' over the weekend and it felt effortless. Big confidence boost.

The old Glow Gators are just money. I havn't thrown it much since putting it back in the bag, but every time it has been right where I want it to be. Glad I grabbed a few when the first dropped and feels good to have it back in the bag.

No real changes to the bag. Did drop CP2s in for stable drives with more glide vs a Berg.

3x Rainmakers

ESP Luna
2x CP2
Glow Gator

Beat IS3
Seasoned CMD3(Innova)
Seasoned CMD3

2x Lux Essence
Meta Essence
Lux Instinct
Vapor Lux Instinct
MF C Line FD3

Echo S Line DD3
S Line DD3
2x Cloudbreaker 3
C Line DD3

Playing leagues and getting in practice rounds at a course that requires more mid shots. Tourney first of next month with a much larger field vs my first one. Trying to play rated rounds and get my first rating post.
The Essence is such a useful mold for me. It just goes and the glide is unreal. Threw some great shots with it at leagues in the woods last night. It has become my go to when I need a straight shot or something to go long without the distance driver skip at the end. Had looks on 3 holes that I have not had a putt on until last night.

Still have the same thought space issues with it in the bag. FDs are one of my favorite all time molds and I have aced with them, so I'm confident in throwing them everywhere on the course. I feel the Essence has a ton of overlap and don't want to overthink it when I have to make a choice on what to throw. I do feel the Essence is longer vs a FD, so maybe that is how I justify both, but they are both glidey, neutral fairways.

Thinking about getting one of the Evolution packs to get a Geo Essence and Origin to get some more flippy stuff in the bag.