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Star vs. Echo Star


Apr 24, 2011
To those who have thrown both and/or have compared echo star to star, how would an echo Star Wraith compare in stability to its star counterpart?
I see more variance from run to run than between Star and E*. The last Star Wraith I bought was flat and all beef.
Mixed Bag Madness said:
iowapat said:
e* teebirds are tits...now, where are the e* eagles?
This is true. I had a green E* Wraith recently that was so overstable no one even believed it was a Wraith when they saw it fly. It was unnaturally domey though.

My Wraith was the exact same way, I bought mine in REI...had the silhouette of Kenny on it.
Does anyone throw E* Valkyries? I've been interested in one for a while but I haven't made the purchase. I'm also considering one of the champ glows...
Much like every other Innova disc, there is minimal consistancy between discs (and I'm an Innova guy...). I've had flippy E* Wraiths and crazy beefy E* Wraiths. The only E* Leopard I've thrown was way flippier than my other Leopards.

FWIW the E* Teebirds I've thrown have all been similar to production Star Teebirds
I've seen exceptions to the rule, but I buy Echo* Wraiths because they tend to be less stable than regulars.
fanter said:
Does anyone throw E* Valkyries? I've been interested in one for a while but I haven't made the purchase. I'm also considering one of the champ glows...

When I used to throw Valks I had an E* one along with pretty much every other plastic. It was my go-to driver for quite some time. It was hi-lighter yellow pretty decent dome and I found it to fly like a perfectly broken in Star, Nice tight S-Curves when thrown flat. Popped up flat from a slight hyzer, but was still stable enough that it would usually always come back on an Anny. Without breaking away from the topic at hand for too long I'd rate Valks in terms of stability like this Champ > Star > Echo Star > JK Pro > DX.
there is no more consistency among echo star than there is among regular star. there is a lot of variance from run to run. the only real consistency i have seen is in the feel of the plastic, echo star tends to be on the stiffer side and usually comes with a high pop top dome. I have never seen that gummy type of echo star that you sometimes see in the regular star, although it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were some gummy E* discs. as it has been said, I think the best way to keep your discs consistent is to get your hands on them if you have the opportunity and look for similar characteristics (dome & parting line height).
Of the 6 or so various echo star discs I have, the newest destroyer is far and away the gummiest of the bunch. It is one of those new, "accidental" vulcan topped destroyers. The gumminess gives it the best grip of any of the destroyers I have. I just wish I could find discs with that level of grip, yet still relatively stiff.
pg043 said:
the only real consistency i have seen is in the feel of the plastic, echo star tends to be on the stiffer side and usually comes with a high pop top dome. I have never seen that gummy type of echo star that you sometimes see in the regular star, although it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were some gummy E* discs. as it has been said, I think the best way to keep your discs consistent is to get your hands on them if you have the opportunity and look for similar characteristics (dome & parting line height).
Funny, most of my E*s are gummier than my regular Stars, way gummier. I'd normally agree with you on the dome part, but then I got my green DD2s and they're all dead flat. And even the orange ones just have a normal dome. Both colors are very consistent in that run though, every example I have or have seen of each color has been identical.