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Switching to FH


Thanks, Dad
Gold level trusted reviewer
May 27, 2008
So, I have been playing horrible lately and have decided to switch back to forehand. The question I have is would switching forehand for driving but still throwing mid back hand seem like a bad idea?

The reason I ask is I normally throw Rocs for Mids, and they aren't the best for forehand because of the bead, I was thinking about putting a Buzzz in the bad for when I need something to go shorter.

Any ideas, or thoughts to help me move forward?
Why not do both? Some of each style, depending on what the shot calls for?
right, but I didn't know what other people do, because my bread and butter mid shots are turn over shots, so it seems like FH sometimes makes it kind of not worth having i guess.
A serviceable FH is ALWAYS worth keeping in your arsenal.
I don't see how you can get away with not using both. I use FH to drive low straight fairways that need a break to the opposite of my BH. And BH turnovers/annys are for long, flying-free-in-the-open shots.
For a long time I could not FH mids at all. It just felt wrong. I would often drive FH and everything else was a BH. Now I have developed my BH and my FH needs work but I am able to FH mids now, FWIW.

In short, I don't think it is a bad idea but like others have said it is good to have a serviceable FH. FH and BH anny shots are different lines, not too different but different enough for me to want to have both shots in my arsenal.
I love throwing beaded mids FH. With something as sensitive as Rocs, I would work on just wrist snap before trying to incorporate your arm.
I'm a FHer that is developing a BH at present so I would suggest doing what I'm doing. Learn to throw every disc that you have, both FH and BH, in any situation. The Buzzz is what really taught me how to throw mids and slower discs but your Rocs will do the same thing. Since learning how to throw lower speed discs, I've found that I can adjust to any disc whether it be beaded or not. All it takes is slight adjustments in your grip. By developing both FH and BH, it's really nice to have all lines available to you. Sometimes, either a BH or FH hyzer is a better line than an anny or turnover whether it be off the tee or an approach shot and vice versa.
I love throwing beaded mids FH. With something as sensitive as Rocs, I would work on just wrist snap before trying to incorporate your arm.

it has been 3 years so possibly I could try and go back.
It's really frustrating to have to "start over", but it will make a big difference. Best piece of advice I got (from BroD).
It's really frustrating to have to "start over", but it will make a big difference. Best piece of advice I got (from BroD).

but thats the thing, i threw farther on my 3rd shot then I have been all year back hand :\
I would still throw backhand and forehand for upshots. It's nice to be able to fade it both directions when needed.

This exactly.

The hyzer is always the easiest throw, that's why you want FH and BH to have a hyzer in both directions. Just keep on working on both, with all your discs, till you master it :)
Yeah. First round I had a small set back. I went to do ny first throw and cut right on my knuckle with yarn. Wtf? Had to use a band aid and by hole 7 I had to tape it. I kind if tried again with the tape buy wasn't the best results as it made it kind of slippery
It's really frustrating to have to "start over", but it will make a big difference. Best piece of advice I got (from BroD).

I went through the same thing this spring. Lost all confidence in my BH and was forcing FH's all over the place.

Why not just get out in the field and get that BH form back to where you need it? It took me about a month of serious form tweaking, but now my BH is better than it's ever been. I guess I'm just saying, don't give up so quick on BH.
I went through the same thing this spring. Lost all confidence in my BH and was forcing FH's all over the place.

Why not just get out in the field and get that BH form back to where you need it? It took me about a month of serious form tweaking, but now my BH is better than it's ever been. I guess I'm just saying, don't give up so quick on BH.

Thats the thing, in the two years I have not been able to really beak 275 besides on hills and crazy wind. I have done field work, and practice and nothing seems to push it out.