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[Legacy] The Prowler

just got some protege Prowlers Yesterday, they are like a wizard with better plastic and im absolutely loving it. Honestly i couldnt be happier with mine, if you get a chance try one don't think twice, the last time I liked a putter so much was with the Ion and finally i have soething very similar with the best plastic ever! :D If you like a big bead putter just get one

These are the new durable run of protege btw, its pretty nice stuff in a putter..

Are you using them primarily off the tee and for approaches, or inside the circle as well?
Are you using them primarily off the tee and for approaches, or inside the circle as well?

Right now just putting, but only because i switched to using them the day of a tournament after practice putting them and i dont know them well enough off the tee yet. I made some sick putts with them today, at least 2 putts well outside the circle in my round of 18 today.
What about Prowler vs Clutch? Looking at their actual physical stats (as opposed to flight numbers which I think we can agree can be anything from here to there and in between), Prowler is listed at 2mm taller/more height than the Clutch, otherwise they are identical. As to flight numbers, infinitediscs has them both at 2/3/0/1. So is the Prowler a beaded Clutch :\ ?
The prowler has a little more glide and fade than a clutch and big differences in the way it sits in the hand being taller and beaded, i prefer it.
How does it throw off the tee compared to the Judge or Wizard? I currently have been switching to Judges from Magnets...but i've been loving legacy plastic and from what I've been reading it's going to get a try at making my bag. Gonna have to see if the local retailer has any in yet so I can feel them up too.
cant wait till i have some funds to pick up a pair of these.. i LOVE my Clozers but very excited about these .. I was a KC Aviar guy for YEARS before i started using clozers almost 2 years ago.. and dont get me wrong i LOVE my clozers but looking forward to a beaded putter that has a more rounded feel .. i dig the feel of the clozer but its very unique
Felt a couple of these up in the shop today. The Gravity and Protege were nice, but the Icons felt a little cheaper than normal Icon, if that makes any sense. Not sure I am a huge fan of the profile - I'd like the bead to stick out a little more, like on a Judge - but it wasn't overly deep dish, which was nice. Still on the fence if I want to check it out, but the pro-end of the plastic scale was feeling tasty.
Couldn't find any protoge max weights anywhere but clearwater, but snagged two first run max weights there yesterday! Talked to them on the phone first to see what colors they had, but they mentioned the shipment is still in route to them and should be there today/tomorrow...then on their way to me!
I threw the Protege Prowlers yesterday and they are going in the bag with the Clutches. The Prowler has kicked my hunters out of the bag already. I definitely agree with everyone who says they are a mix between the Wizard and the Judge. I feel like the Judge is a little deeper in the hand maybe because of the size of the bead. I may be wrong but the top of the Prowler feels like a Wizard more so than a Judge but the bottom section feels more like a Judge than a Wizard. Either way, I threw them in a field for like 20 minutes and love them. I was getting a nice flight out of them with a slight right turn but then a healthy fade back to middle. Thrown with hyzer they have great glide and hold the hyzer all the way to the target without dumping off early.
^^^ awesome, glad to hear! if i can ever sell some plastic i plan on snagging at least two to play with lol .. did you putt with them at all or just throw? curious to hear how they fly close to the basket.. Im hoping i can get a similar stability to the clozer but with a better feel in the hand.. again not that i dont like the feel of the clozer.. i love putting with them .. but its a bit odd compared to all the molds i have used in the past
So would you guys say the disc is rated 2 3 0 1? or a touch more OS like the clozer?I love hunters but the bead could come in handy for windier days.
Marin disc sports has them, heritage discs has them, I think MST may have them already too. They are out there, and there's more places to find them if you're on Facebook also.

I believe the protege is the newer stuff, not like the hunters.
So would you guys say the disc is rated 2 3 0 1? or a touch more OS like the clozer?I love hunters but the bead could come in handy for windier days.

I would say it has more than 3 glide for sure, and off the tee RHBH it will drift a little to the right but always fades reliable (the gold sparkle icon i have is straight with a touch more fade than protege). Its a little more than 1 fade in my opinion.
Got one of these today in protege and it's a lot softer than my hunters...not sure how I feel about it. How soft are the gravity ones compared to protege?

I'll get it out tomorrow for some putting and see how it does.
Was out to throw and putt my two fresh from the mail protege prowlers, and I love them! Grip was fantastic, flight was what I wanted/expected, and was gaining my confidence immediately when putting. So far they are staying in the bag and more will be bought. Any news on how the pinnacle plastic molded up, or better put, is it more or less stable? Not sure I need one as i've never like having those type of plastics for putters...even throwers but it may be smart to start so I increase the longevity of the proteges
so stoked!! My set of pink protege are out for delivery.. thanks to my main man Moose! :thmbup: and also a big thanks to Rallyguy for buying my Patriot so i could snag em!