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Things noobs say...


* Ace Member *
Oct 19, 2016
Okay, let me preface by saying i am myself a noob. I dont know every thing, far from it. However, as a fan of the a sport im always trying to learn and grow.

That being said, i want to share with you a discussion i had with a guy on the course this morning, cliff notes edition..

He had just missed a 10 foot putt, tried again with another putter and missed again. He then says im pissed innova stopped making discs in kansas city. These new california aviars suck.

I told him i didn't think innova ever made discs in kansas. He says bulls***and pulls out a KC pro aviar. Says look.

I didnt know what to say.....
Okay, let me preface by saying i am myself a noob. I dont know every thing, far from it. However, as a fan of the a sport im always trying to learn and grow.

That being said, i want to share with you a discussion i had with a guy on the course this morning, cliff notes edition..

He had just missed a 10 foot putt, tried again with another putter and missed again. He then says im pissed innova stopped making discs in kansas city. These new california aviars suck.

I told him i didn't think innova ever made discs in kansas. He says bulls***and pulls out a KC pro aviar. Says look.

I didnt know what to say.....
Oh wow. Did you try explaining that Innova is from....

Oh, never mind. *sigh*
Most discs aren't stable enough for me... I have too much snap. Even my champion Ape is turning over and won't come back.


"I can't drive with putters. They all turn over on me."

Hands guy Zone and watches as he turns it over...

Hands guy Stego and die laughing as it goes maybe 100ft forward and 100ft to the left...
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"I throw forehands really far. But I hate mids I can't forehand those, they're all too slow for me."

Throws McBeth Destroyer/Champ XCal/whatever crazy OS on wobbly anhyzer, to flex back and save the day for a 300' shot. The best is when it's windy and these shots just get absolutely punished into oblivion.
Okay, let me preface by saying i am myself a noob. I dont know every thing, far from it. However, as a fan of the a sport im always trying to learn and grow.

That being said, i want to share with you a discussion i had with a guy on the course this morning, cliff notes edition..

He had just missed a 10 foot putt, tried again with another putter and missed again. He then says im pissed innova stopped making discs in kansas city. These new california aviars suck.

I told him i didn't think innova ever made discs in kansas. He says bulls***and pulls out a KC pro aviar. Says look.

I didnt know what to say.....

That's spit-out-your-food hilarious! :thmbup:
Okay, let me preface by saying i am myself a noob. I dont know every thing, far from it. However, as a fan of the a sport im always trying to learn and grow.

That being said, i want to share with you a discussion i had with a guy on the course this morning, cliff notes edition..

He had just missed a 10 foot putt, tried again with another putter and missed again. He then says im pissed innova stopped making discs in kansas city. These new california aviars suck.

I told him i didn't think innova ever made discs in kansas. He says bulls***and pulls out a KC pro aviar. Says look.

I didnt know what to say.....
None of this happened.
I find it interesting that of the two most notable KC's, The Champ has more World Championships than the Royals and Chiefs combined... and not by a little bit.