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[Latitude] Trilogy fairway advice


* Ace Member *
Jan 3, 2020
So, I'm tinkering around with trying to find some trilogy discs to replace a few of my Discmania molds but not sure what my best options are.

I already tried a couple of Rivers to see if they could fill in for my FD's. I haven't thrown a River in years but they are quite a bit flippier than I remembered. They are definitely less stable than any of my FD's. Good news is they are beautiful for easy turnover shots. The bad thing is I was struggling to throw them straight without turning them. I have a couple of Escapes that might actually give me a better FD type of flight. Might have to dig them out.

Trying to decide what to use in place of my FD3's and PD's.

I have a Pioneer and a couple of Felons that I haven't thrown so hoping one of those might give me a similar flight to the FD3.

As for filling the PD slot, I am thinking of trying something like a Getaway or Culverin. The Fortress might be more similar but a hint of high speed turn might be a little more to my liking.

Any thoughts from you Trilogy aficionados?
Getaway replaces a beat in FD3 very nicely (I throw both), but I haven't tried a Felon. I also throw a Defender, which is a great disc- I haven't thrown a PD, but you'll like a Defender. An Explorer can replace an FD (I throw both), but the Explorer will keep more fade. I haven't thrown a River.
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I feel like you hit the nail on the head with the molds you listed.

I think the FD is pretty unique. The Escape is faster, but really has that great glide.

I bag the felon for the OS fairway. Fills the FD3/FB/etc slot just fine.

I have the VIP fortress in that PD slot, personally. Now they seem to only produce the special-X blends these days... Tourney plastic would probably fit the role.. alas, they are not around. But the Culverin could fit the role. I think the Getaway will be more glidey and less stable than the typical PD.
I can give you no advice and you'll have to pry my FDs and PDs out of my cold, dead fingers to get them out of my bag. Not a Discmaniac but I'm committed to those molds and have many of them.

Why the switch, lack of inventory?
Ahti and Longbowman should work very well in both of those slots.
Why the switch, lack of inventory?

Partly. And partly the general lack of consistency from run to run with everything Innova produces. I dabbled in the Trilogy stuff when I first started playing but my game and my form was garbage so I didn't really give them a fair chance. I always loved the feel of their plastics and it seems like there is decent consistency with their products. (No flat Escapes one run and pop top the next.)

This could just be a brief experiment before I put my usual stuff back in the bag.

After just one round with the River it is almost certain that the FD's will make it back in the bag but I'll squeeze a couple of rounds in this weekend and see if I can get used to the River. My FD's can go pretty much dead straight with almost no fade out to about 300' and if I find myself in a tricky spot and have to throw a long stand still they cover a lot of ground.
Partly. And partly the general lack of consistency from run to run with everything Innova produces. I dabbled in the Trilogy stuff when I first started playing but my game and my form was garbage so I didn't really give them a fair chance. I always loved the feel of their plastics and it seems like there is decent consistency with their products. (No flat Escapes one run and pop top the next.)

This could just be a brief experiment before I put my usual stuff back in the bag.

After just one round with the River it is almost certain that the FD's will make it back in the bag but I'll squeeze a couple of rounds in this weekend and see if I can get used to the River. My FD's can go pretty much dead straight with almost no fade out to about 300' and if I find myself in a tricky spot and have to throw a long stand still they cover a lot of ground.

Note that according to a DD store clerk, the Trilogy flight numbers are fresh out of the box. Some discs require beat-in to resemble flight numbers, but not Trilogy.
Explorer is not unsimilar to the FD. It will break in pretty quick to fly similar lines to the FD
Explorer is not unsimilar to the FD. It will break in pretty quick to fly similar lines to the FD

Good to know. Seems like it would be more similar to a Teebird but I do know most of the Trilogy flight ratings are way off.

Played another round with the River and all it did was remind me why I made the switch to the FD years ago. Think I'll drop the FD's back in the bag.

I did throw a Felon today for shots I would normally use an FD3 for and it filled that role nicely. I'll leave that one in the bag for a while longer and keep testing it out.

The Escape is giving me similar results to my FD's but seems to go longer and always has a little fade when it runs out of steam. It might just make the bag as it's a joy to throw.

Got a few throws in with a Getaway today as well. It definitely feels and flies like a more stable Escape. I can see where it could be like an Escape that will handle some headwind.

Between the Getaway and the Felon those two discs could cover a lot of my PD shots. We shall see.