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USDGC News Release


* Ace Member *
Apr 3, 2007
Watertown, Wisconsin

This year marks the 12th anniversary of the United States Disc Golf Championship (USDGC). Since its inception in 1999, the USDGC has grown into one of disc golf's premier championship events. Innova Disc Golf, in association with the event's many volunteers, sponsors, USDGC Partners, Winthrop University, and the Professional Disc Golf Association, is extremely proud to have been such an integral part of our game's history.

Innova considers it a privilege to be in a leadership position. We have seen disc golf, and our business, grow and change tremendously over nearly three decades. The disc golf market is continually expanding and Innova is more committed than ever to improving our service to this incredibly diverse community of players.

In recognition of the growth of disc golf around the globe, we have decided to move the USDGC to a biennial schedule. Effective immediately, the USDGC will alternate years with Europe's major event – The European Open. The USDGC will be held in even numbered years and the European Open in odd numbered years. This will enable better global promotion of professional disc golf, as well as afford us an opportunity to serve another important segment of the disc golf population.
Amateur and recreational golfers represent the fastest growing portion of the disc golf community. With these players in mind, a new event will visit the famous grounds at Winthrop University in 2011. Details will be forthcoming, but two of the guiding principles will be: Amateurism and Fun Competition in a Professional Setting at Winthrop. Despite these changes our mission remains the same; to live disc golf and to enable others to discover such a wonderful lifetime sport.

We are excited about the future of disc golf, more so than ever before. Opportunity for the game's advancement abounds. We are confident that this new schedule will allow the USDGC to sustain its tradition of excellence, while building an even better fan base for the game's elite.

One thing you can count on this fall is that Innova and the USDGC family are steadily preparing for our greatest tournament experience to date. We look forward to October, and to seeing you here.

Warmest regards,
Innova Disc Golf
Pretty crazy stuff. If I were one of the top players in the world I would be pissed. Taking away the tournament with the best payouts from me every other year. I guess it will make it more prestigious or whatever, but it still seems kind of dumb to me.
One of the guys at our league on Tuesday said that this was going to happen but he wouldnt say who gave him info on the change. I didnt think much of it I just figured it was a rumor.
I thought that if any event would be changed to that type of schedule it would be worlds. It seems like having worlds on a biennial schedule would enable the event to draw a larger international group of players.
I wonder if it will be any tougher to qualify now that it is every other year. Will they add qualifiers or use the same amount and only have people qualify the year of the event? Do they think this will boost US attendance for the Euro Open? I think US players will still be weary of spending that kind of money on a disc golf event. Having to play 1040 golf just break even isn't very good incentive.
juju said:
I wonder if it will be any tougher to qualify now that it is every other year. Will they add qualifiers or use the same amount and only have people qualify the year of the event? Do they think this will boost US attendance for the Euro Open? I think US players will still be weary of spending that kind of money on a disc golf event. Having to play 1040 golf just break even isn't very good incentive.
If they go lower budget on the AM event, and then the EO and USDGC both have 24 months of fundraising for each tournament they can double the payout, or more. I think this is the idea, increase payouts to the point of making it more likely that more than 5-6 guys go over for the EO while drawing more from Europe to USDGC as well.

On top of that, I think a huge purse (relative to DG money) will be awesome, the USDGC already has big payouts at the top, I think it will be that much more exciting when they get doubled or tripled.
I'd be surprised if payouts will increase for USDGC. Pro Worlds payouts might increase in the years the USDGC isn't hosted since Innova has typically been a key sponsor for several years now with their CFR program. The EO payouts might increase with more US players going but it's already been on a 2-year hosting cycle.
Not dumb at all. It's great IMO. Now the Vibram is the best event in the US every other yr, and there will be another big am tourney as well.
Here's a rumor that I have heard on the coattails of the bi-annual announcement. They are toying with using a new rule for this year in that certain holes will have a "No Fairway Run up". If this holds true, then they are making a mockery or this tournament and of this sport. Why don't we just add in a windmill hole too. And let players use RIPT cards during play. The rope is gimmicky enough, let's add more gimmick to it?!
TeamTollandDG said:
Not dumb at all. It's great IMO. Now the Vibram is the best event in the US every other yr, and there will be another big am tourney as well.

Dude, if VO keeps improiving at the rate it has for the last couple of years, it'll be the best event in the USA (world?) every year by 2012, regardless of whether or not the USDGC is being played.
BLURR said:
Here's a rumor that I have heard on the coattails of the bi-annual announcement. They are toying with using a new rule for this year in that certain holes will have a "No Fairway Run up". If this holds true, then they are making a mockery or this tournament and of this sport. Why don't we just add in a windmill hole too. And let players use RIPT cards during play. The rope is gimmicky enough, let's add more gimmick to it?!

veganray said:
TeamTollandDG said:
Not dumb at all. It's great IMO. Now the Vibram is the best event in the US every other yr, and there will be another big am tourney as well.

Dude, if VO keeps improiving at the rate it has for the last couple of years, it'll be the best event in the USA (world?) every year by 2012, regardless of whether or not the USDGC is being played.

I don't have an issue with the biennial thing, but I agree with these posts.
Frank Delicious said:
Where'd you hear that rumor Blurr?

It's been talked about several times on the pDGA board.

edit: here's one for example http://www.pdga.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=28229